CARE-C a key partner in new project to tackle air pollution and its interactions with regional Climate Change in Cyprus Written on 2020-12-01. CARE-C is participating as a key project partner in the new project ACCEPT – standing for Assessment of Climate... Continue reading
1st Mediterranean Assessment Report published by the independent network of Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change (MedECC) with contribution from CARE-C scientists Written on 2020-11-18. The 1st Mediterranean Assessment Report entitled “Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Basin –... Continue reading
COVID-19: Calculating aerosol infection risk Written on 2020-11-12. Algorithm to estimate coronavirus infection risk from aerosol transmission in the indoor environment and under different... Continue reading
EMME-CARE successfully holds its 1st Annual Partner Meeting Written on 2020-11-06. On Friday the 6th of November, EMME-CARE Partners from the Cyprus Institute, the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry,... Continue reading
CARE-C presents at ACTRIS Week Written on 2020-11-01. Taking place over the 26th – 28th of October 2020, ACTRIS Week, held virtually this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic,... Continue reading
New research activities for detecting the presence of coronavirus in the air Written on 2020-10-30. Researchers of the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) of The Cyprus Institute are developing and testing... Continue reading
Air pollution a co-factor of COVID-19 mortality Written on 2020-10-29. Study co-authored by CARE-C’s Prof. Jos Lelieveld estimates 15% of COVID-19 deaths worldwide could be attributed to air... Continue reading
New study estimating sulfuric acid concentrations in contrasting environments Written on 2020-10-29. Article written by Rima Baalbaki1 and Lubna Dada1 How does sulfuric acid form in the atmosphere? What are its sinks?... Continue reading
In Conversation with George Georgiou, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Environmental Predictions Department (EPD) of CARE-C Written on 2020-10-29. Hello George, to start off our conversation can you tell us a bit about yourself and your background? I have a bachelor’s... Continue reading
In Conversation with Katiana Constantinidou, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Environmental Predictions Department (EPD) of CARE-C Written on 2020-10-29. Hello Katiana, to start off our conversation can you tell us a bit about yourself and your background? I have received... Continue reading