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The annual ENVRINNOV consortium meeting, coordinated by CARE-C, took place in Rome

The annual ENVRINNOV consortium meeting, coordinated by C…

The annual consortium meeting of the ENVironment Research infrastructures INNOVation Roadmap- ENVRINNOV project, whic…
Record-High Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Cyprus, research by CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute reveals

Record-High Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Cyprus, research …

As part of its commitment towards addressing the climate crisis, the Climate and Atmosphere Research Centre (CARE-C) …
Cyprus Institute’s CARE-C partner in EARTHONE project

Cyprus Institute’s CARE-C partner in EARTHONE project

The Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) of the Cyprus Institute is a partner of the newly awarded Horizon…
 CARE-C to lead development of first doctoral network dedicated to atmospheric mineral dust in Europe

 CARE-C to lead development of first doctoral network ded…

The Climate and Atmosphere Research Centre (CARE-C) of The Cyprus Institute is proud to announce its coordination of …
CARE C of the Cyprus Institute partner to new project MARKOPOLO

CARE C of the Cyprus Institute partner to new project MAR…

The Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) of the Cyprus Institute is a partner of the new Horizon Europe pr…
CARE-C partner of the ISMED-CLIM Horizon Project

CARE-C partner of the ISMED-CLIM Horizon Project

CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute is a partner of ‘Innovative Solutions across the MEDiterranean for mitigation of Clim…


10th International Society for Atmospheric Research using Remotely piloted Aircraft (ISARRA) Conference | Larnaca, Cyprus | 29 – 31  October, 2025

10th International Society for Atmospheric Research using…

ISARRA is a member-based, non-profit society for all scientist doing atmospheric and earth science research and the n…
Autumn School: Drones & sensors in Atmospheric sciences (11 November – 15 November 2024)

Autumn School: Drones & sensors in Atmospheric scienc…

The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus30 October – 3 November 2023
Innovation in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Workshop 2024

Innovation in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Workshop…

Workshop Information Call for Abstracts Abstract Submis…
The VEClim early warning support platform launch at the Ronald Ross Lecture series

The VEClim early warning support platform launch at the R…

The launch of the VECLIM early warning support platform, in the context of the VECLIM project, coordinated by Dr Kami…
CARE-C is organizing the 3rd Annual Scientific Workshop on Climate and Atmosphere Research & Innovation in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East

CARE-C is organizing the 3rd Annual Scientific Workshop o…

The Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) of the Cyprus Institute, and its Advanced Partners, are organizin…
Innovation in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Workshop 2023

Innovation in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Workshop…

Workshop Information Call for Abstracts Abstract Submis…

Research Highlight

AI-powered estimation of tree covered area and number of trees over the Mediterranean island of Cyprus

Trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change by absorbing CO2 and providing biophysical cooling. In Cyprus, an EU member state located in the Eastern Mediterranean, and a climate change hotspot, increasingly impacted by forest fires and more arid conditions, the absence of a comprehensive tree monitoring system hinders effective carbon stock assessment and land-based mitigation strategies for the achievement of the European Commission goal of substantial greenhouse gas reductions by 2030.

This study presents a deep learning neural network model applied to high resolution (10 cm) airborne images collected during the year 2019, to generate segmented tree crowns and the number of individual trees over selected areas of Cyprus, including a large national forest park, a forest park in the capital city, and a small urban area, encompassing a total studied area of 107 square kilometers.


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