The VEClim early warning support platform launch at the Ronald Ross Lecture series
The launch of the VECLIM early warning support platform, in the context of the VECLIM project, coordinated by Dr Kamil Erguler, Associate Research Scientist at CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute, is taking place at 6pm, on 15 February, 2024, at Fresnel auditorium, at the premises of the Cyprus Institute.
The VECLIM platform launch presentation, which will be delivered by Dr Kamil Erguler as well as Dr Ahmet Arca, Computational Support Specialist at CARE-C, is part of the 2024 Ronald Ross lecture series on Biological Invasions: Insights from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Assessment on Invasive Alien Species and Their Control, presented by Prof Helen Roy MBE Hon. FRES, Professor at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and the University of Exeter. The Ronald Ross Lecture Series is co-organised by the Cyprus Institute and the British High Commission.
VEClim is an early warning decision support system for climate-sensitive vector-borne diseases (VBDs) to improve the prediction and management of VBDs by employing data-driven, mechanistic, and climate-sensitive geographical modelling to represent vector populations and disease transmission. The platform (https://veclim.com) displays vector presence, seasonal activity profiles, and risk maps. It is planned to include an extensive database of meteorological variables, climate projections, and environmental covariates and an up-to-date longitudinal vector surveillance dataset. Customised simulations under different climate scenarios and vector control activities will also be possible.
The project is supported by the Wellcome Trust as part of Digital Technology Development Awards in Climate-Sensitive Infectious Disease Modelling. This is the foundation’s first direct award to a Cypriot institution.
You can find out more information about the 2024 Ronald Ross lecture series and the event here.