AIR-COVID-NETWORK: Monitoring the presence of airborne SARS-CoV-2 within large indoor public areas Written on 2020-06-17. AIR-COVID-NETWORK aims to develop and evaluate the benefits of implementing an easy-to-operate Bioaerosol Network, aiming... Continue reading
In conversation with Maria Christou, Research Assistant at the Environmental Predictions Department of CARE-C Written on 2020-06-11. Hello Maria, to start us off can you tell us a bit about your role, and how long you have been at CARE-C? I am working... Continue reading
How coronavirus slashed traffic emissions in Nicosia Written on 2020-06-05. By M. Pikridas1, C. Savvides2, and J. Sciare1 Context and Objectives Traffic emissions have been identified as... Continue reading
New CARE-C project to develop a Bioaerosol Network aimed at detecting the presence of SARS-CoV-2 Written on 2020-06-03. Researchers of the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center of the Cyprus Institute and the Cyprus Institute of Neurology... Continue reading
CARE-C Director, Prof. Jean Sciare, delivers webinar on airborne transmission of novel coronavirus Written on 2020-06-01. Infected individuals coughing, sneezing, or exhaling (when speaking) produce a large quantity of virus-laden droplets... Continue reading
CARE-C presents at EGU General Assembly 2020 Written on 2020-05-12. Groups of researchers of the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) from both the Environmental Predictions... Continue reading
EMME-CARE develops innovative unmanned aerial system to map air pollution over Nicosia Written on 2020-05-02. By Dr. Christos Keleshis & Dr. Florin Unga Air Quality models can be used in forecasting mode to help us to better... Continue reading
Young Local Opinion Leaders: Antibodies to Digital MisInformation Written on 2020-05-01. In the “Antibodies to MisInformation” project we design, develop and apply to pilot schools a model experiential program... Continue reading
CyI joins fight against COVID-19 Written on 2020-04-12. As Cyprus and the world are confronted by the COVID-19 pandemic, The Cyprus Institute (CyI) joins international efforts... Continue reading
EMME-CARE CoE invites applications for MSCA Individual Fellowships Written on 2020-04-12. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA – IF) fund researchers looking to enhance their career by gaining... Continue reading