PM2.5 characterization of primary and secondary organic aerosols in two urban-industrial areas in the East Mediterranean Written on 2023-07-17. Authors:Fadel, M., Ledoux, F., Farhat, M., Kfoury, A., Courcot, D., Afif, C. Published:Journal of Environmental SciencesLink:... Continue reading
Autumn School: Atmospheric Measurements Using Miniaturised Sensors and Drones (30 October – 3 November 2023) Written on 2023-07-10. The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus30 October – 3 November 2023 Continue reading
Platform to map global greenhouse gases launched with contribution from CARE-C researchers! Written on 2023-07-05. In the context of the World Emission project, Capgemini and GMV, τwo of the most renowned multinational technology companies,... Continue reading
AVENGERS: ATTRIBUTING AND VERIFYING EUROPEAN AND NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS AND AEROSOL EMISSIONS AND RECONCILIATION WITH STATISTICAL BOTTOM UP ESTIMATES Written on 2023-07-01. It is well-established that the Mediterranean is a climate change hot spot that warms faster than other regions of the... Continue reading
Dust and volcanic ash meet over Cyprus Written on 2023-06-16. Dust over Cyprus is not a new thing. However, transported dust from nearby deserts, such as the Sahara and the Middle... Continue reading
Signal from Canadian Wildfires detected in Nicosia Written on 2023-06-16. On 06/06/2023, the Nicosia CE376 lidar, a remote sensing instrument operated by the Cyprus Atmospheric observatory, one... Continue reading
The first Innovation Workshop and Speed Networking event, organised by the Cyprus Institute, CARIE and CCI, with the support of EMME-CARE, EUROCC2 and DiGiNN projects, was a huge success! Written on 2023-06-16. On the 9th of June, 2023, the first “Innovation Workshop and Speed Networking event” was successfully organised by the... Continue reading
Colloquium: Links Between Different Ecosystems, Clouds, and Climate- 8th of June, 2023 by Prof. Tuija Jokinen Written on 2023-06-16. On Thursday, 8th of June, 2023, Assistant Professor Tuija Jokinen of CARE-C at the Cyprus Institute delivered a Colloquium... Continue reading
The highest dust levels of the last five years for the month of May were recorded in Cyprus Written on 2023-06-14. A negative record of dust levels in the atmosphere was recorded last May, compared to the same period in the last five... Continue reading
3rd Annual Workshop on Innovation in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques successfully completed Written on 2023-06-14. On Thursday, 8th of June, 2023, the 3rd Annual Online Workshop on Innovation in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques successfully... Continue reading