EMME-CARE Autumn School: Analysis of aerosols, air pollution and their sources in the Eastern Mediterranean (31 October – 11 November 2022)
Autumn School is organized by CARE-C and CyI Graduate School
The Cyprus Institute (CyI), Eastern Mediterranean Middle East – Climate & Atmosphere Research Centre (EMME-CARE) will organize the 1st Autumn School “Analysis of aerosols, air pollution and their sources in the Eastern Mediterranean” on 31 Oct–11 Nov, 2022. The course is organized in collaboration with the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research INAR, of the University of Helsinki, the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPIC) and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).
This 5 ECTS course is aimed at both M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in atmospheric and Earth system sciences. It will be held at Nicosia CyI campus in Cyprus.
The focus of the course is analysis of aerosol, greenhouse gas and air pollution data based on the long-term datasets gathered at the Cyprus Atmospheric Observatories (CAO) and other available data sets from the Eastern Mediterranean. The course is implemented by working in small groups using programming tools (e.g. Matlab) for statistical analyses and data visualization. As an introduction to the subject, the students are invited to join the annual Climate Change workshop in the EMME area on the first course day. Short lectures on relevant topics will be also given during the course.
The course is free of charge for the participants, but you will be organizing and covering your own travel and accommodation in Nicosia. EMME-CARE is happy to offer complimentary coffee, lunch and a course dinner.

For more information please contact: t.jokinen@cyi.ac.cy and rima.baalbaki@helsinki.fi