
. A general framework to obtain seamless seasonal–directional extreme individual wave heights—Showcase Ekofisk

Authors: Bohlinger, P., Economou, T., Ole Johan Aarnes, Malila, M. and Breivik, Ø
Published: Ocean Engineering

. A data integration framework for spatial interpolation of temperature observations using climate model data

Authors: Economou T, Lazoglou G, Tzyrkalli A, Constantinidou K, Lelieveld J.
Published: PeerJ

. Enhancing Small-Medium IsLands resilience by securing the sustainability of Ecosystem Services: the SMILES Cost Action

Authors: Vogiatzakis, I., Balzan, M., Drakou, E., Katsanevakis, S., Padoa-Schioppa, E., Tzirkalli, E., Zotos, S., Álvarez, X., Külvik, M., Fonseca, C., Moustakas, A., Martínez-López, J., Mackelworth, P., Mandzukovski, D., Ricci, L., Srdjevic, B., Tase, M., Terkenli, T., Zemah-Shamir, S., Zittis, G., & Manolaki, P.
Published: RIO

. Adsorption of air pollutants onto silver and gold atomic clusters: DFT and PNO-LCCSD-F12 calculations

Authors: Mohammadi, M. D., Patsalidis, N., Bhowmick, S., Harmandaris, V. A., & Biskos, G
Published: RSC Advances

. Iodine oxoacids enhance nucleation of sulfuric acid particles in the atmosphere

Authors: He, X., Simon, M., Iyer, S., Xie, H., Rörup, B., Shen, J., Finkenzeller, H., Stolzenburg, D., Zhang, R., Baccarini, A., Tham, Y. J., Wang, M., Amanatidis, S., Piedehierro, A. A., Amorim, A., Baalbaki, R., Brasseur, Z., Caudillo, L., Chu, B., Dada, L., Duplissy, J., El Haddad, M., Flagan, R.C., Granzin, M., Hansel, A., Heinritzi, M., Hofbauer, V., Jokinen, T,m Kemppainen, D., Kong, W., Krechmer, J., Kurten, A., Lamkaddam, H., Lopez, B., Ma, F., Mahfouz, N.G.A., Makhmutu, V., Manninen H.E., Marie, G., Marten, R., Massabo D., Mauldin R.L., Mentler, B,., Onnela., A., Petaja T., Pfeifer, J., Philippov, M., Ranjithkumar, A., Rissanen m.P., Schobesberger, s., Scholz, W., Schulze, B., Surdu M., Thakur, R.C., Tome, A., Wagner A.C., Wang, D., Wang, Y., Weber, S.K., Welti, A., Winkler P.M., Zauner-Wieczorek, M., Baltensperger, U., Curtius, J., Kurten, T., Worsnop, D.R., Volkamer, R., Lehtipalo, K., Kirkby, J., DOnahue, N.M., Sipila, M. & Kulmala, M
Published: Science

. Record-high CO2 emissions from boreal fires in 2021

Authors: Zheng, B., Ciais, P., Chevallier, F., Yang, H., Canadell, J. G., Chen, Y., Van Der Velde, I. R., Aben, I., Chuvieco, E., Davis, S. J., Deeter, M., Hong, C., Kong, Y., Li, H., Li, H., Lin, X., He, K., & Zhang, Q
Published: Science

. Emission of volatile organic compounds from residential biomass burning and their rapid chemical transformations

Authors: Desservettaz, M., Pikridas, M., Stavroulas, I., Bougiatioti, A., Liakakou, E., Hatzianastassiou, N., Sciare, J., Mihalopoulos, N., & Bourtsoukidis, E
Published: Science of The Total Environment

. Fine aerosol sources at an urban background site in the Eastern Mediterranean (Nicosia; Cyprus): Insights from offline versus online source apportionment comparison for carbonaceous aerosols

Authors: Bimenyimana, E., Pikridas, M., Oikonomou, K., Iakovides, M., Christodoulou, A., Sciare, J., & Mihalopoulos, N
Published: Science of The Total Environment

. Reconciling a national methane emission inventory with in-situ measurements

Authors: Liu, Y., Paris, J., Vrekoussis, M., Quéhé, P., Desservettaz, M., Kushta, J., Dubart, F., Demetriou, D., Bousquet, P., & Sciare, J
Published: Science of The Total Environment

. Satellites reveal Earth’s seasonally shifting dust emission sources

Authors: Chappell, A., Webb, N. P., Hennen, M., Schepanski, K., Ciais, P., Balkanski, Y., Zender, C. S., Tegen, I., Zeng, Z., Tong, D., Baker, B., Ekström, M., Baddock, M., Eckardt, F. D., Kandakji, T., Lee, J. A., Nobakht, M., Von Holdt, J., & Leys, J. F
Published: Science of The Total Environment

. Carbon Monitor Europe near-real-time daily CO2 emissions for 27 EU countries and the United Kingdom

Authors: Ke, P., Deng, Z., Zhu, B., Zheng, B., Wang, Y., Boucher, O., Arous, S. B., Zhou, C., Andrew, R. M., Dou, X., Sun, T., Song, X., Li, Z., Yan, F., Cui, D., Hu, Y., Huo, D., Chang, J., Engelen, R., Davis, J.S., Ciais P. & Liu, Z.
Published: Scientific Data

. Measurements of aerosol microphysical and chemical properties in the central Arctic atmosphere during MOSAiC

Authors: Heutte, B., Bergner, N., Beck, I., Angot, H., Dada, L., Quéléver, L. L. J., Laurila, T., Boyer, M., Brasseur, Z., Daellenbach, K. R., Henning, S., Kuang, C., Kulmala, M., Lampilahti, J., Lampimäki, M., Petäjä, T., Shupe, M. D., Sipilä, M., Uin, J., Jokinen, T. &. Schmale, J.
Published: Scientific Data

. Applying an ecosystem services framework on nature and mental health to recreational blue space visits across 18 countries

Authors: Garrett, J. K., White, M. P., Elliott, L. R., Grellier, J., Bell, S., Bratman, G. N., Economou, T., Gascon, M., Lõhmus, M., Nieuwenhuijsen, M. J., Ojala, A., Roiko, A., Matilda, V. D. B., Catharine, W. T., & Fleming, L. E.
Published: Scientific Reports

. Infectivity of exhaled SARS-CoV-2 aerosols is sufficient to transmit covid-19 within minutes

Authors: Alsved, M., Nyström, K., Thuresson, S., Nygren, D., Patzi-Churqui, M., Hussein, T., Fraenkel, C.-J., Medstrand, P., and Löndahl, J.
Published: Scientific Reports

. Inferring the diurnal variability of OH radical concentrations over the Amazon from BVOC measurements

Authors: Ringsdorf, A., Edtbauer, A., De Arellano, J. V., Pfannerstill, E. Y., Gromov, S., Kumar, V., Pozzer, A., Wolff, S., Tsokankunku, A., Soergel, M., Sá, M. O., Araújo, A., Ditas, F., Poehlker, C., Lelieveld, J., & Williams, J.
Published: Scientific Reports

. Emerging extreme heat conditions as part of the new climate normal

Authors: Zittis, G., Lazoglou, G., Hadjinicolaou, P. & Lelieveld, J. 
Published: Theoretical and Applied Climatology

. High-resolution assessment of coal mining methane emissions by satellite in Shanxi, China

Authors: Peng, S., Giron, C., Liu, G., Alexandre d’Aspremont, Benoit, A., Lauvaux, T., Lin, X., Hugo, Saunois, M., & Philippe Ciais
Published: iScience

. Elucidating Hidden and Enduring Weaknesses in Dust Emission Modeling

Authors: Chappell, A., Webb, N. P., Hennen, M., Zender, C. S., Ciais, P., Schepanski, K., Edwards, B. L., Ziegler, N. P., Balkanski, Y., Tong, D., Leys, J. F., Heidenreich, S., Hynes, R., Fuchs, D., Zeng, Z., Baddock, M. C., Lee, J. A., & Kandakji, T. (2023).
Published: JGR Atmospheres

. Novel aerosol diluter – Size dependent characterization down to 1 nm particle size

Authors: Lampimäki, M., Baalbaki, R., Ahonen, L., Korhonen, F., Cai, R., Chan, T., Stolzenburg, D., Petäjä, T., Kangasluoma, J., Vanhanen, J., and Lehtipalo, K.
Published: Journal of Aerosol Science

. Evaluation of WRF Model Boundary Layer Schemes in Simulating Temperature and Heat Extremes over the Middle East–North Africa (MENA) Region

Authors: Ntoumos, A., P. Hadjinicolaou, G. Zittis, K. Constantinidou, A. Tzyrkalli, and J. Lelieveld, 2023
Published: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology

. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) trends from land surface changes and air pollution policies in China during 1980–2020

Authors: Yousefi, R., Shaheen, A., Wang, F., Ge, Q., Wu, R., Lelieveld, J., Wang, J., & Su, X
Published: Journal of Environmental Management

. Comprehensive chemical characterization of PM2.5 in the large East Mediterranean-Middle East city of Beirut, Lebanon

Authors: Fakhri, N., Fadel, M., Öztürk, F., Keleş, M., Iakovides, M., Pikridas, M., Abdallah, C., Karam, C., Sciare, J., Hayes, P. L., & Afif, C.
Published: Journal of Environmental Sciences

. Landform-driven human reliance on rivers in imperial China

Authors: Cao, W., Liu, J., Ceola, S., Mao, G., Macklin, M. G., Montanari, A., Ciais, P., Yao, Y., & Tarolli, P
Published: Journal of Hydrology

. Tuning atomic-scale mixing of nanoparticles produced by atmospheric-pressure spark ablation

Authors: Petallidou, K. C., Ternero, P., Messing, M. E., Schmidt-Ott, A., & Biskos, G.
Published: Nanoscale Adv.

. Accelerating the energy transition towards photovoltaic and wind in China

Authors: Wang, Y., Wang, R., Tanaka, K., Ciais, P., Penuelas, J., Balkanski, Y., Sardans, J., Hauglustaine, D., Liu, W., Xing, X., Li, J., Xu, S., Xiong, Y., Yang, R., Cao, J., Chen, J., Wang, L., Tang, X. and Zhang, R
Published: Nature

. Global organic and inorganic aerosol hygroscopicity and its effect on radiative forcing

Authors: Pöhlker, M. L., Pöhlker, C., Quaas, J., Mülmenstädt, J., Pozzer, A., Andreae, M. O., Artaxo, P., Block, K., Coe, H., Ervens, B., Gallimore, P., Gaston, C. J., Gunthe, S. S., Henning, S., Herrmann, H., Krüger, O. O., McFiggans, G., Poulain, L., Raj, S. S., Reyes-Villegas, E., Royer, H.M, Walter, D., Wange, Y. & Pöschl, U
Published: Nature Communications

. NO at low concentration can enhance the formation of highly oxygenated biogenic molecules in the atmosphere

Authors: Wei Nie, Chao Yan, Liwen Yang, Pontus Roldin, Yuliang Liu, Alexander L. Vogel, Ugo Molteni, Dominik Stolzenburg, Henning Finkenzeller, Antonio Amorim, Federico Bianchi, Joachim Curtius, Lubna Dada, Danielle C. Draper, Jonathan Duplissy, Armin Hansel, Xu-Cheng He, Victoria Hofbauer, Tuija Jokinen, Changhyuk Kim, Katrianne Lehtipalo, Leonid Nichman, Roy L. Mauldin, Vladimir Makhmutov, Bernhard Mentler, Andrea Mizelli-Ojdanic, Tuukka Petäjä, Lauriane L. J. Quéléver, Simon Schallhart, Mario Simon, Christian Tauber, António Tomé, Rainer Volkamer, Andrea C. Wagner, Robert Wagner, Mingyi Wang, Penglin Ye, Haiyan Li, Wei Huang, Ximeng Qi, Sijia Lou, Tengyu Liu, Xuguang Chi, Josef Dommen, Urs Baltensperger, Imad El Haddad, Jasper Kirkby, Douglas Worsnop, Markku Kulmala, Neil M. Donahue, Mikael Ehn & Aijun Din
Published: Nature Communications

. Overestimated nitrogen loss from denitrification for natural terrestrial ecosystems in CMIP6 Earth System Models

Authors: Feng, M., Peng, S., Wang, Y. Ciais, P., Goll D.S>, Chang, J., Fang, Y., Houlton, B.Z., Liu, G., Sun, Y. & Xi Y
Published: Nature Communications

. The Marginal Ice Zone as a dominant source region of atmospheric mercury during central Arctic summertime

Authors: Yue, F., Angot, H., Blomquist, B., Schmale, J., Hoppe, C. J. M., Lei, R., Shupe, M. D., Zhan, L., Ren, J., Liu, H., Beck, I., Howard, D., Jokinen, T., Laurila, T., Quéléver, L., Boyer, M., Petäjä, T., Archer, S., Bariteau, L., Helmig, D., Hueber, J., Jacobi, H-W., Posman, K. & Xie, Z.
Published: Nature Communications

. Widespread detection of chlorine oxyacids in the Arctic atmosphere

Authors: ham, Y. J., Sarnela, N., Iyer, S., Li, Q., Angot, H., Quéléver, L. L. J., Beck, I., Laurila, T., Beck, L. J., Boyer, M., Carmona-García, J., Borrego-Sánchez, A., Roca-Sanjuán, D., Peräkylä, O., Thakur, R. C., He, X., Zha, Q., Howard, D., Blomquist, B., Archer, S.D., Bariteay, L., Posman, K., Hueber, J., Helmig, D., Hacobi, H.W., Junninen, H., Kulmala, M., Mahajan, A.S., Massling, A., Skov, H., SIpila, M., Francisco, J.S., Schmale, J., Jokinen, T. & Saiz-Lopez, A
Published: Nature Communications

. Extreme rainfall reduces one-twelfth of China’s rice yield over the last two decades

Authors: Fu, J., Jian, Y., Wang, X., Li, L., Ciais, P., Zscheischler, J., Wang, Y., Tang, Y., Müller, C., Webber, H., Yang, B., Wu, Y., Wang, Q., Cui, X., Huang, W., Liu, Y., Zhao, P., Piao, S., & Zhou, F
Published: Nature Food

. Atmospheric new particle formation from the CERN CLOUD experiment

Authors: Kirkby, J., Amorim, A., Baltensperger, U., Carslaw, K. S., Christoudias, T., Curtius, J., Donahue, N. M., Haddad, I. E., Flagan, R. C., Gordon, H., Hansel, A., Harder, H., Junninen, H., Kulmala, M., Kürten, A., Laaksonen, A., Lehtipalo, K., Lelieveld, J., Möhler, O., Riipinen, I., Stratmann F., Tome A., Virtanen, A., Volkamer R., Winkler, P.M & Worsnop, D. R
Published: Nature Geoscience

. Monitoring global carbon emissions in 2022

Authors: Liu, Z., Deng, Z., Davis, S. & Ciais, P.
Published: Nature reviews earth & environment

. Drivers of accelerated warming in Mediterranean climate-type regions

Authors: Zittis, Georgios||Hadjinicolaou, Panos||Mihalopoulos, Nikos||Lelieveld, Johannes||Economou, Theo
Published: NPJ Climate and Atmospheric Science

. Quantifying uncertainty and sensitivity in climate risk assessments: Varying hazard, exposure and vulnerability modelling choices

Authors: Dawkins, L. C., Bernie, D. J., Pianosi, F., Lowe, J. A., & Economou, T
Published: Climate Risk Management

. Adsorbing CNCl on pristine, C-, and Al-doped boron nitride nanotubes: A density functional theory study

Authors: Mohammadi, M. D., Abdullah, H. Y., Biskos, G., & Bhowmick, S
Published: Computational and Theoretical Chemistry

. Entomological surveillance and spatiotemporal risk assessment of sand fly-borne diseases in Cyprus

Authors: Christou, M., Koyutourk, B., Yetismis, K., Martinou, A. F., Christodoulou, V., Koliou, M., Antoniou, M., Pavlou, C., Ozbel, Y., Kasap, O. E., Alten, B., Georgiades, P., Georgiou, G. K., Christoudias, T., Proestos, Y., Lelieveld, J., & Erguler, K.
Published: Current Research in Parasitology & Vector-Borne Diseases

. Contraction Metric Computation Using Numerical Integration and Quadrature

Authors: Giesl, P., Hafstein, S., Mehrabinezhad, I.
Published: DCDS-B

. National CO2 budgets (2015–2020) inferred from atmospheric CO2 observations in support of the global stocktake

Authors: Byrne, B., Baker, D. F., Basu, S., Bertolacci, M., Bowman, K. W., Carroll, D., Chatterjee, A., Chevallier, F., Ciais, P., Cressie, N., Crisp, D., Crowell, S., Deng, F., Deng, Z., Deutscher, N. M., Dubey, M. K., Feng, S., García, O. E., Griffith, D. W. T., Herkommer, B., Hu, L., Jacobson, A. R., Janardanan, R., Jeong, S., Johnson, M. S., Jones, D. B. A., Kivi, R., Liu, J., Liu, Z., Maksyutov, S., Miller, J. B., Miller, S. M., Morino, I., Notholt, J., Oda, T., O’Dell, C. W., Oh, Y.-S., Ohyama, H., Patra, P. K., Peiro, H., Petri, C., Philip, S., Pollard, D. F., Poulter, B., Remaud, M., Schuh, A., Sha, M. K., Shiomi, K., Strong, K., Sweeney, C., Té, Y., Tian, H., Velazco, V. A., Vrekoussis, M., Warneke, T., Worden, J. R., Wunch, D., Yao, Y., Yun, J., Zammit-Mangion, A., and Zeng, N
Published: Earth System Science Data

. Low ozone dry deposition rates to sea ice during the MOSAiC field campaign: Implications for the Arctic boundary layer ozone budget

Authors: Barten, J. G., Ganzeveld, L. N., Steeneveld, G., Blomquist, B. W., Angot, H., Archer, S. D., Bariteau, L., Beck, I., Boyer, M., Von Der Gathen, P., Helmig, D., Howard, D., Hueber, J., Jacobi, H., Jokinen, T., Laurila, T., Posman, K. M., Quéléver, L., Schmale, J., Shupe M>D., & Krol, M. C
Published: Elementa Science of the Anthropocene

. Modelling the coupled mercury-halogen-ozone cycle in the central Arctic during spring

Authors: Shaddy Ahmed, Jennie L. Thomas, Hélène Angot, Aurélien Dommergue, Stephen D. Archer, Ludovic Bariteau, Ivo Beck, Nuria Benavent, Anne-Marlene Blechschmidt, Byron Blomquist, Matthew Boyer, Jesper H. Christensen, Sandro Dahlke, Ashu Dastoor, Detlev Helmig, Dean Howard, Hans-Werner Jacobi, Tuija Jokinen, Rémy Lapere, Tiia Laurila, Lauriane L. J. Quéléver, Andreas Richter, Andrei Ryjkov, Anoop S. Mahajan, Louis Marelle, Katrine Aspmo Pfaffhuber, Kevin Posman, Annette Rinke, Alfonso Saiz-Lopez, Julia Schmale, Henrik Skov, Alexandra Steffen, Geoff Stupple, Jochen Stutz, Oleg Travnikov, Bianca Zilker;
Published: Elementa Science of the Anthropocene

. The synergistic role of sulfuric acid, ammonia and organics in particle formation over an agricultural land

Authors: Dada, L., Okuljar, M., Shen, J., Olin, M., Wu, Y., Heimsch, L., Herlin, I., Kankaanrinta, S., Lampimäki, M., Kalliokoski, J., Baalbaki, R., Lohila, A., Petäjä, T., Maso, M. D., Duplissy, J., Kerminen, V.-M., and Kulmala, M.
Published: Environmental Science: Atmospheres

. Maritime transport and regional climate change impacts in large EU islands and archipelagos

Authors: Zittis, G., Ahrens, B., Obermann-Hellhund, A., Giannakis, E., Risto, D., Gamez, M. A., Jorda, G., Peña, M. Q., Rodríguez, V. L., Sauret, J. L. G., Lionello, P., Briche, E., Collignan, J., Grätz, M., Arikas, D., Stylianou, C., Neophytou, H., & Serghides, D.
Published: Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration

. Mortality Attributable to Ambient Air Pollution: A Review of Global Estimates

Authors: Pozzer A, Anenberg SC, Dey S, Haines A, Lelieveld J, Chowdhury S.
Published: GeoHealth

. Exposure to airborne SARS-CoV-2 in four hospital wards and ICUs of Cyprus. A detailed study accounting for day-to-day operations and aerosol generating procedures

Authors: Konatzii, R., Schmidt-Ott, F., Palazis, L., Stagianos, P., Foka, M., Richter, J., Christodoulou, C., Sciare, J., & Pikridas, M.
Published: Heliyon

. Toward Explainable and Transferable Deep Downscaling of Atmospheric Pollutants

Authors: Ashiotis, G., Georgiades, P., Christoudias, T., & Nicolaou, M. A.
Published: IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Lett.

. Virtual Sensors: Toward High-Resolution Air Pollution Monitoring using AI and IoT

Authors: Zaidan, M. A., Motlagh, N. H., Boor, B. E., Lu, D., Nurmi, P., Petäjä, T., Ding, A., Kulmala, M., Tarkoma, S., and Hussein, T.
Published: IEEE Internet of Things Magazine

. Machine Learning Modeling of Aedes albopictus Habitat Suitability in the 21st Century

Authors: Georgiades, Pantelis, Yiannis Proestos, Jos Lelieveld, and Kamil Erguler.
Published: Insects

. Lowest electronic states of neutral and ionic LiN

Authors: Mohammadi, M. D., Bhaskaran, R., Abdullah, H. Y., Abdallah, H. H., Biskos, G., & Bhowmick, S.
Published: Int. J. Quantum Chem.

. Spatiotemporal variation of radionuclide dispersion from nuclear power plant accidents using FLEXPART mini-ensemble modeling

Authors: Nabavi, S. O., Christoudias, T., Proestos, Y., Fountoukis, C., Al-Sulaiti, H., & Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. The impact of using assimilated Aeolus wind data on regional WRF-Chem dust simulations

Authors: Kiriakidis, P., Gkikas, A., Papangelis, G., Christoudias, T., Kushta, J., Proestakis, E., Kampouri, A., Marinou, E., Drakaki, E., Benedetti, A., Rennie, M., Retscher, C., Straume, A. G., Dandocsi, A., Sciare, J., and Amiridis, V.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. What controls ozone sensitivity in the upper tropical troposphere?

Authors: Nussbaumer, C. M., Fischer, H., Lelieveld, J., and Pozzer, A
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Chemical Composition and Levels of Concentrations of Aerosols in the Mediterranean

Authors: Kaskaoutis, D. G., Liakakou, E., Grivas, G., Gerasopoulos, E., Mihalopoulos, N., Alastuey, A., Dulac, F., Pandolfi, M., Sciare, J., & Titos, G.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry in the Mediterranean Region

. Diurnal to Seasonal Variability of Aerosols Above the Mediterranean

Authors: Kaskaoutis, D. G., Stavroulas, I., Bougiatioti, A., Gerasopoulos, E., Mihalopoulos, N., Alastuey, A., Minguillón, M. C., Rashki, A., Sciare, J., & Titos, G
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry in the Mediterranean Region

. History of Mediterranean Aerosol Observations

Authors: Dulac, F., Mihalopoulos, N., Kaskaoutis, D. G., Querol, X., Di Sarra, A., Masson, O., Pey, J., Sciare, J., & Sicard, M.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry in the Mediterranean Region

. Interannual Variability and Long-Term Trends of Aerosols Above the Mediterranean

Authors: Kaskaoutis, D. G., Liakakou, E., Grivas, G., Gerasopoulos, E., Mihalopoulos, N., Alastuey, A., Dulac, F., Dumka, U. C., Pandolfi, M., Pikridas, M., Sciare, J., & Titos, G.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry in the Mediterranean Region

. Aerosol characteristics and types in the marine environments surrounding the East Mediterranean – Middle East (EMME) region during the AQABA campaign

Authors: Kaskaoutis, D., Pikridas, M., Barmpounis, K., Kassell, G., Logan, D., Rigler, M., Ivančič, M., Mohammadpour, K., Mihalopoulos, N., Lelieveld, J., & Sciare, J.
Published: Atmospheric Environment

. Assessment of current methane emissions quantification techniques for natural gas midstream applications

Authors: Liu, Y., Paris, J.-D., Gregoire Broquet, Violeta Bescós Roy, Tania Meixus Fernandez, Andersen, R., Andrés Russu Berlanga, Christensen, E., Courtois, Y., Dominok, S., Corentin Dussenne, Eckert, T., Finlayson, A., Fernández, A., Gunn, C., Ram Hashmonay, Juliano Grigoleto Hayashi, Helmore, J., Soeren Honsel, & Innocenti, F
Published: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

. Field evaluation of low-cost electrochemical air quality gas sensors under extreme temperature and relative humidity conditions

Authors: Papaconstantinou, R., Demosthenous, M., Bezantakos, S., Hadjigeorgiou, N., Costi, M., Stylianou, M., Symeou, E., Savvides, C., and Biskos, G
Published: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

. Lidar depolarization characterization using a reference system

Authors: Papetta, A., Marenco, F., Mamouri, R.-E., Nisantzi, A., Popovici, I. E., Goloub, P., Kezoudi, M., Victori, S., and Sciare, J.
Published: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

. Identification and apportionment of local and long-range sources of PM2.5 in two East-Mediterranean sites

Authors: Fadel, M., Courcot, D., Seigneur, M., Kfoury, A., Oikonomou, K., Sciare, J., Ledoux, F., & Afif, C.
Published: Atmospheric Pollution Research

. Changes in biogenic volatile organic compound emissions in response to the El Niño–Southern Oscillation

Authors: Vella, R., Pozzer, A., Forrest, M., Lelieveld, J., Hickler, T., and Tost, H
Published: Biogeosciences

. Seasonality of cholera in Kolkata and the influence of climate

Authors: Shackleton D, Economou T, Memon FA, Chen A, Dutta S, Kanungo S, Deb A.
Published: BMC Infectious Diseases

. Air pollution deaths attributable to fossil fuels: observational and modelling study

Authors: Lelieveld, J., Haines, A., Burnett, R., Tonne, C., Klingmüller, K., Münzel, T., & Pozzer, A
Published: BMJ

. Comparison of two methods for bioaerosol sampling and characterization in a low-biomass chamber environment

Authors: Muthalagu, A., Niculita-Hirzel, H., Yang, S., Merizak, M., Pikridas, M., Qureshi, A., Wargocki, P., Bekö, G., Williams, J., Täubel, M., & Licina, D
Published: Building and Environment

. Mitigation and adaptation strategies to offset the impacts of climate change on urban health: A European perspective

Authors: Kyprianou, I., Artopoulos, G., Bonomolo, A., Brownlee, T., Cachado, R. Á., Camaioni, C., Đokić, V., D’Onofrio, R., Đukanović, Z., Fasola, S., Di Giovanni, C. F., Grifoni, R. C., Hadjinicolaou, P., Ilardo, G., Jovanović, P., La Grutta, S., Malizia, V., Marchesani, G. E., Ottone, M. F., Trusiani, E., Zivkovic, J. & Carlucci, S
Published: Building and Environment

. A SmallSat Concept to Resolve Diurnal and Vertical Variations of Aerosols, Clouds, and Boundary Layer Height

Authors: Yorks, J. E., Wang, J., McGill, M. J., Follette-Cook, M., Nowottnick, E. P., Reid, J. S., Colarco, P. R., Zhang, J., Kalashnikova, O., Yu, H., Marenco, F., Santanello, J. A., Weckwerth, T. M., Li, Z., Campbell, J. R., Yang, P., Diao, M., Noel, V., Meyer, K. G., Carr, J. L., Garay, M., Christian, K., Bennedetti, A., Ring, A. M., Crawford, A., Pavolonis, M. J., Aquila, V., Kim, J., & Kondragunta, S.
Published: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

. The steam reforming of acetol on Ni/La2O3-Al2O3 studied by transient and isotopic methods

Authors: Petallidou, K. C., Kousi, K., Vasiliades, M. A., Papadopoulou, C., & Efstathiou, A. M
Published: Catalysis Communications

. Gas-Phase Interaction of CO, CO2, H2S, NH3, NO, NO2, and SO2 with Zn12O12 and Zn24 Atomic Clusters

Authors: Mohammadi, M. D., Louis, H., Chukwu, U. G., Bhowmick, S., Rasaki, M. E., & Biskos, G.
Published: ACS Omega

. Assessment of the sensitivity of model responses to urban emission changes in support of emission reduction strategies

Authors: Bessagnet, B., Cuvelier, K., De Meij, A., Monteiro, A., Pisoni, E., Thunis, P., Violaris, A., Kushta, J., Denby, B. R., Mu, Q., Wærsted, E. G., Vivanco, M. G., Theobald, M. R., Gil, V., Sokhi, R. S., Momoh, K., Alyuz, U., Vpm, R., Kumar, S., Bossioli E., Methymaki, G., Brzoja, D., Milic, V., Cholakian A., Pennel R., Mailler, S., Menut, L., Briganti, G., Mircea, M., Flandorfer, C., Maumann-Stanzer, K., Hutsemekers, V. & Trimpeneers, E. 
Published: Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health

. Modeling of carbonaceous aerosols for air pollution health impact studies in Europe

Authors: Paisi, N., Kushta, J., Georgiou, G. Pozzer, A., Van Der Gon, H. D., Kuenen, J., Christoudias, T., & Lelieveld, J
Published: Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health

. A full year of aerosol size distribution data from the central Arctic under an extreme positive Arctic Oscillation: insights from the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition

Authors: Boyer, M., Aliaga, D., Pernov, J. B., Angot, H., Quéléver, L. L. J., Dada, L., Heutte, B., Dall’Osto, M., Beddows, D. C. S., Brasseur, Z., Beck, I., Bucci, S., Duetsch, M., Stohl, A., Laurila, T., Asmi, E., Massling, A., Thomas, D. C., Nøjgaard, J. K., Chan, T., Sharma, S., Tunved, P., Krejci, R., Hansson, H. C., Bianchi, F., Lehtipalo, K., Wiedensohler, A., Weinhold, K., Kulmala, M., Petäjä, T., Sipilä, M., Schmale, J., and Jokinen, T
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Ambient carbonaceous aerosol levels in Cyprus and the role of pollution transport from the Middle East

Authors: Christodoulou, Aliki||Stavroulas, Iasonas||Vrekoussis, Mihalis||Kushta, Jonilda||Pikridas, Michael||Oikonomou, Konstantina||Sarda-Esteve, Roland||Mihalopoulos, Nikos||Sciare, Jean||Desservettaz, Maximilien||Bimenyimana, Elie||Afif, Charbel
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Assessment of isoprene and near-surface ozone sensitivities to water stress over the Euro-Mediterranean region

Authors: Strada, S., Pozzer, A., Giuliani, G., Coppola, E., Solmon, F., Jiang, X., Guenther, A., Bourtsoukidis, E., Serça, D., Williams, J., and Giorgi, F.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Can we use atmospheric CO2 measurements to verify emission trends reported by cities? Lessons from a 6-year atmospheric inversion over Paris

Authors: Lian, J., Lauvaux, T., Utard, H., Bréon, F.-M., Broquet, G., Ramonet, M., Laurent, O., Albarus, I., Chariot, M., Kotthaus, S., Haeffelin, M., Sanchez, O., Perrussel, O., Denier van der Gon, H. A., Dellaert, S. N. C., and Ciais, P
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Chemical and dynamical identification of emission outflows during the HALO campaign EMeRGe in Europe and Asia

Authors: Förster, E., Bönisch, H., Neumaier, M., Obersteiner, F., Zahn, A., Hilboll, A., Kalisz Hedegaard, A. B., Daskalakis, N., Poulidis, A. P., Vrekoussis, M., Lichtenstern, M., and Braesicke, P
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Comprehensive multiphase chlorine chemistry in the box model CAABA/MECCA: implications for atmospheric oxidative capacity

Authors: Soni, M., Sander, R., Sahu, L. K., Taraborrelli, D., Liu, P., Patel, A., Girach, I. A., Pozzer, A., Gunthe, S. S., and Ojha, N
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Detecting nitrogen oxide emissions in Qatar and quantifying emission factors of gas-fired power plants – a 4-year study

Authors: Rey-Pommier, A., Chevallier, F., Ciais, P., Kushta, J., Christoudias, T., Bayram, I. S., and Sciare, J.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Explaining apparent particle shrinkage related to new particle formation events in western Saudi Arabia does not require evaporation

Authors: Hakala, S., Vakkari, V., Lihavainen, H., Hyvärinen, A.-P., Neitola, K., Kontkanen, J., Kerminen, V.-M., Kulmala, M., Petäjä, T., Hussein, T., Khoder, M. I., Alghamdi, M. A., and Paasonen, P.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Formaldehyde and hydroperoxide distribution around the Arabian Peninsula – evaluation of EMAC model results with ship-based measurements

Authors: ienhart, D., Brendel, B., Crowley, J. N., Eger, P. G., Harder, H., Martinez, M., Pozzer, A., Rohloff, R., Schuladen, J., Tauer, S., Walter, D., Lelieveld, J., and Fischer, H
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Impact of 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns on particulate air pollution across Europe

Authors: Putaud, J.-P., Pisoni, E., Mangold, A., Hueglin, C., Sciare, J., Pikridas, M., Savvides, C., Ondracek, J., Mbengue, S., Wiedensohler, A., Weinhold, K., Merkel, M., Poulain, L., van Pinxteren, D., Herrmann, H., Massling, A., Nordstroem, C., Alastuey, A., Reche, C., Pérez, N., Castillo, S., Sorribas, M., Adame, J. A., Petaja, T., Lehtipalo, K., Niemi, J., Riffault, V., de Brito, J. F., Colette, A., Favez, O., Petit, J.-E., Gros, V., Gini, M. I., Vratolis, S., Eleftheriadis, K., Diapouli, E., Denier van der Gon, H., Yttri, K. E., and Aas, W.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Intra- and interannual changes in isoprene emission from central Amazonia

Authors: Gomes Alves, E., Aquino Santana, R., Quaresma Dias-Júnior, C., Botía, S., Taylor, T., Yáñez-Serrano, A. M., Kesselmeier, J., Bourtsoukidis, E., Williams, J., Lembo Silveira de Assis, P. I., Martins, G., de Souza, R., Duvoisin Júnior, S., Guenther, A., Gu, D., Tsokankunku, A., Sörgel, M., Nelson, B., Pinto, D., Komiya, S., Martins Rosa, D., Weber, B., Barbosa, C., Robin, M., Feeley, K. J., Duque, A., Londoño Lemos, V., Contreras, M. P., Idarraga, A., López, N., Husby, C., Jestrow, B., and Cely Toro, I. M
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Measurement report: Hydrogen peroxide in the upper tropical troposphere over the Atlantic Ocean and western Africa during the CAFE-Africa aircraft campaign

Authors: Hamryszczak, Z., Dienhart, D., Brendel, B., Rohloff, R., Marno, D., Martinez, M., Harder, H., Pozzer, A., Bohn, B., Zöger, M., Lelieveld, J., and Fischer, H
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Numerical simulation and evaluation of global ultrafine particle concentrations at the Earth’s surface

Authors: Kohl, M., Lelieveld, J., Chowdhury, S., Ehrhart, S., Sharma, D., Cheng, Y., Tripathi, S. N., Sebastian, M., Pandithurai, G., Wang, H., and Pozzer, A.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Rethinking the role of transport and photochemistry in regional ozone pollution: insights from ozone concentration and mass budgets

Authors: Qu, K., Wang, X., Cai, X., Yan, Y., Jin, X., Vrekoussis, M., Kanakidou, M., Brasseur, G. P., Shen, J., Xiao, T., Zeng, L., and Zhang, Y
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Role of K-feldspar and quartz in global ice nucleation by mineral dust in mixed-phase clouds

Authors: Chatziparaschos, M., Daskalakis, N., Myriokefalitakis, S., Kalivitis, N., Nenes, A., Gonçalves Ageitos, M., Costa-Surós, M., Pérez García-Pando, C., Zanoli, M., Vrekoussis, M., and Kanakidou, M.:
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Electronic Structure, Stability, and Electrical Mobility of Cationic Silver Oxide Atomic Clusters

Authors: Bhowmick, S., Maisser, A., Suleimanov, Y. V., Schmidt-Ott, A., & Biskos, G.
Published:The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

. Short-Term and Long-Term COVID-19 Pandemic Forecasting Revisited with the Emergence of OMICRON Variant in Jordan

Authors: Hussein, T., Hammad, M.H., Surakhi, O., AlKhanafseh, M., Fung, P.L., Zaidan, M.A., Wraith, D., Ershaidat, N.

. Mediterranean cyclones: current knowledge and open questions on dynamics, prediction, climatology and impacts

Authors: Flaounas, E., Davolio, S., Raveh-Rubin, S., Pantillon, F., Miglietta, M. M., Gaertner, M. N., Hatzaki, M., Homar, V., Khodayar, S., Korres, G., Kotroni, V., Kushta, J., Reale, M., Reale, M., & Ricard, D
Published:Weather and Climate Dynamics

. An 11-year record of XCO2 estimates derived from GOSAT measurements using the NASA ACOS version 9 retrieval algorithm

Authors: Taylor, T. E., O’Dell, C. W., Crisp, D., Kuze, A., Lindqvist, H., Wennberg, P. O., Chatterjee, A., Gunson, M., Eldering, A., Fisher, B., Kiel, M., Nelson, R. R., Merrelli, A., Osterman, G., Chevallier, F., Palmer, P. I., Feng, L., Deutscher, N. M., Dubey, M. K., Feist, D. G., García, O. E., Griffith, D. W. T., Hase, F., Iraci, L. T., Kivi, R., Liu, C., De Mazière, M., Morino, I., Notholt, J., Oh, Y.-S., Ohyama, H., Pollard, D. F., Rettinger, M., Schneider, M., Roehl, C. M., Sha, M. K., Shiomi, K., Strong, K., Sussmann, R., Té, Y., Velazco, V. A., Vrekoussis, M., Warneke, T., and Wunch, D
Published:Earth System Science Data

. Overview: On the transport and transformation of pollutants in the outflow of major population centres – observational data from the EMeRGe European intensive operational period in summer 2017

Authors: Andrés Hernández, M. D., Hilboll, A., Ziereis, H., Förster, E., Krüger, O. O., Kaiser, K., Schneider, J., Barnaba, F., Vrekoussis, M., Schmidt, J., Huntrieser, H., Blechschmidt, A.-M., George, M., Nenakhov, V., Harlass, T., Holanda, B. A., Wolf, J., Eirenschmalz, L., Krebsbach, M., Pöhlker, M. L., Kalisz Hedegaard, A. B., Mei, L., Pfeilsticker, K., Liu, Y., Koppmann, R., Schlager, H., Bohn, B., Schumann, U., Richter, A., Schreiner, B., Sauer, D., Baumann, R., Mertens, M., Jöckel, P., Kilian, M., Stratmann, G., Pöhlker, C., Campanelli, M., Pandolfi, M., Sicard, M., Gómez-Amo, J. L., Pujadas, M., Bigge, K., Kluge, F., Schwarz, A., Daskalakis, N., Walter, D., Zahn, A., Pöschl, U., Bönisch, H., Borrmann, S., Platt, U., and Burrows, J. P
Published:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Impact of biomass burning and stratospheric intrusions in the remote South Pacific Ocean troposphere

Authors: Daskalakis, N., Gallardo, L., Kanakidou, M., Nüß, J. R., Menares, C., Rondanelli, R., Thompson, A. M., and Vrekoussis, M
Published:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Is atmospheric oxidation capacity better in indicating tropospheric O3 formation?

Authors: Wang P., Zhu S., Vrekkousis M,m Brasseur G.P., Wang S., Zhang H.
Published:Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering

. Nitrous Oxide Profiling from Infrared Radiances (NOPIR): Algorithm Description, Application to 10 Years of IASI Observations and Quality Assessment

Authors: Vandenbussche, S., Langerock, B., Vigouroux, C., Buschmann, M., Deutscher, N., Feist, D. G., García, O., Hannigan, J. W., Hase, F., Kivi, R., Kumps, N., Makarova, M., Millet, D. B., Morino, I., Nagahama, T., Notholt, J., Ohyama, H., Ortega, I., Petri, C., Rettinger, M., Schneider, M., Servais, C. P., Sha, M. K., Shiomi, K., Smale, D., Strong, K., Sussmann, R., Té, Y., Velazco, V. A., Vrekoussis, M., Warneke, T., Wells, K. C., Wunch, D., Zhou, M., De Mazière, M.
Published:Remote sensing

. The 2019 Raikoke volcanic eruption – Part 2: Particle-phase dispersion and concurrent wildfire smoke emissions

Authors: Osborne, M. J., de Leeuw, J., Witham, C., Schmidt, A., Beckett, F., Kristiansen, N., Buxmann, J., Saint, C., Welton, E. J., Fochesatto, J., Gomes, A. R., Bundke, U., Petzold, A., Marenco, F., and Haywood, J
Published:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Data-driven aeolian dust emission scheme for climate modelling, evaluated with EMAC 2.54

Authors: Lelieveld.J & Klingmüller K
Published:Geoscientific Model Development Discussions

. A new algorithm to generate a priori trace gas profiles for the GGG2020 retrieval algorithm

Authors: Laughner, J. L., Roche, S., Kiel, M., Toon, G. C., Wunch, D., Baier, B. C., Biraud, S., Chen, H., Kivi, R., Laemmel, T., McKain, K., Quéhé, P.-Y., Rousogenous, C., Stephens, B. B., Walker, K., and Wennberg, P. O
Published:Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

. Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Climate Change Initiative – Report of the Task Force on Health

Authors: Neira M., Christophides G., Erguler K & Lelieveld J

. Climate Change Induced Increase on Power Demand and CO 2 Emissions in the Middle East (Qatar)

Authors: Gurriaran, L., Tanaka, K., BAYRAM, I.S., Proestos, Y., Lelieveld, J., Ciais, P.
Published:ESS Open Archive

. Hydrogen peroxide in the upper tropical troposphere over the Atlantic Ocean and western Africa during the CAFE-Africa aircraft campaign

Authors: Hamryszczak, Z., Dienhart, D., Brendel, B., Rohloff, R., Marno, D., Martinez, M., Harder, H., Pozzer, A., Bohn, B., Zöger, M., Lelieveld, J., Fischer, H
Published:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. A central arctic extreme aerosol event triggered by a warm air-mass intrusion

Authors: Dada, L., Angot, H., Beck, I., Baccarini, A., Quéléver, L.L., Boyer, M., Laurila, T., Brasseur, Z., Jozef, G., de Boer, G. and Shupe, M.D.,
Published:Nature Communications

. Substantial contribution of iodine to Arctic ozone destruction

Authors: Benavent, N., A. S. Mahajan, Q. Li, C. A. Cuevas, J. Schmale, H. Angot, T. Jokinen, L. L. J. Quéléver, A. Blechschmidt, B. Zilker, A. Richter, J. A. Serna, D. Garcia-Nieto, R. P. Fernandez, H. Skov, A. Dumitrascu, P. S. Pereira, K. Abrahamsson, S. Bucci, M. Duetsch, A. Stohl, I. Beck, T. Laurila, B. Blomquist, D. Howard, S. D. Archer, L. Bariteau, D. Helmig, J. Hueber, H. Jacobi, K. Posman, L. Dada, K. R. Daellenbach, and A. Saiz-Lope
Published:Nature Geoscience

. Rewetting global wetlands effectively reduces major greenhouse gas emissions

Authors: Zou, J., Ziegler, A. D., Chen, D., McNicol, G., Ciais, P., Jiang, X., Zheng, C., Wu, J., Wu, J., Lin, Z., He, X., Brown, L. E., Holden, J., Zhang, Z., Ramchunder, S. J., Chen, A., & Zeng, Z.
Published:Nature Geoscience

. The impact of climatic factors on tick-related hospital visits and borreliosis incidence rates in European Russia

Authors: Georgiades, P., Ezhova, E., Räty, M., Orlov, D., Kulmala, M., Lelieveld, J., Malkhazova, S., Erguler, K. and Petäjä, T.
Published:PLoS One

. Precipitation Science: Measurement, Remote Sensing, Microphysics and Modeling

Authors: Michaelides S.
Published:Precipitation Science: Measurement, Remote Sensing, Microphysics and Modeling

. Chapter 22 – Multiplatform hydrometeorological analysis of a flash flood event

Authors: Varlas G, Anagnostou M., Spyrou C., Pappa A, Mentzafou A., Papadopoulos A., Kalogiros J., Katsafados P., Michaelides S.
Published:Precipitation Science: Measurement, Remote Sensing, Microphysics and Modeling

. Chapter 2 – Application of underwater passive acoustic measurements of ocean sound in precipitation estimation

Authors: Anagnostou, M. N., Anagnostou, E. N., Nystuen, J. A., & Michaelides, S
Published:Precipitation Science: Measurement, Remote Sensing, Microphysics and Modeling

. Chapter 7 – The potential of using satellite-related precipitation data sources in arid regions

Authors: Morsy, M., Dietrich, P., Scholten, T., Michaelides, S., Borg, E., & Sherief, Y
Published:Precipitation Science: Measurement, Remote Sensing, Microphysics and Modeling

. Chapter 5 – Evaluation of high-resolution satellite precipitation data over the Mediterranean Region

Authors: Retalis, A., Katsanos, D., Michaelides, S., & Tymvios, F.
Published:Precipitation Science: Measurement, Remote Sensing, Microphysics and Modeling

. Climate Change and Weather Extremes in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East

Authors: Zittis, G (Zittis, G.); Almazroui, M (Almazroui, M.); Alpert, P (Alpert, P.); Ciais, P (Ciais, P.); Cramer, W (Cramer, W.); Dahdal, Y (Dahdal, Y.); Fnais, M (Fnais, M.); Francis, D (Francis, D.); Hadjinicolaou, P (Hadjinicolaou, P.); Howari, F (Howari, F.); Jrrar, A (Jrrar, A.); Kaskaoutis, DG (Kaskaoutis, D. G.); Kulmala, M (Kulmala, M.); Lazoglou, G (Lazoglou, G.); Mihalopoulos, N (Mihalopoulos, N.); Lin, X (Lin, X.); Rudich, Y (Rudich, Y.); Sciare, J (Sciare, J.); Stenchikov, G (Stenchikov, G.); Xoplaki, E (Xoplaki, E.); Lelieveld, J (Lelieveld, J.)
Published:Reviews of geophysics

. The human oxidation field

Authors: Zannoni N, Lakey PSJ, Won Y, Shiraiwa M, Rim D, Weschler CJ, Wang N, Ernle L, Li M, Bekö G, Wargocki P, Williams J

. Absolute optical chiral analysis using cavity-enhanced polarimetry

Authors: Bougas, L., Byron, J., Budker, D., & Williams, J.
Published:Science Advances

. Two-year systematic investigation reveals alterations induced on chemical and bacteriome profile of PM2.5 by African dust incursions to the Mediterranean atmosphere

Authors: Iakovides, M., Tsiamis, G., Tziaras, T., Stathopoulou, P., Nikolaki, S., Iakovides, G., & Stephanou, E. G.
Published:Science of The Total Environment

. Multi-sectoral impact assessment of an extreme African dust episode in the Eastern Mediterranean in March 2018

Authors: Monteiro, Alexandra & Basart, Sara & Kazadzis, Stelios & Gkikas, Antonis & Vandenbussche, Sophie & Tobias, Aurelio & Gama, Carla & Pérez García-Pando, Carlos & Tarradellas, Enric & Notas, George & Middleton, Nick & Kushta, Jonilda & Amiridis, Vassilis & Lagouvardos, Kostas & Kosmopoulos, Panagiotis & Kotroni, Vassiliki & Kanakidou, Maria & Mihalopoulos, Nikos & Kalivitis, Nikos & Meinander, Outi
Published:Science of The Total Environment

. Local and regional air pollution characteristics in Cyprus: A long-term trace gases observations analysis

Authors: Vrekoussis, M., Pikridas, M., Rousogenous, C., Christodoulou, A., Desservettaz, M., Sciare, J., Richter, A., Bougoudis, I., Savvides, C., & Papadopoulos, C.
Published:Science of The Total Environment

. Year-round trace gas measurements in the central Arctic during the MOSAiC expedition

Authors: Angot, H., Blomquist, B., Howard, D., Archer, S., Bariteau, L., Beck, I., Boyer, M., Crotwell, M., Helmig, D., Hueber, J. and Jacobi, H.W.
Published:Scientific Data

. A dynamically structured matrix population model for insect life histories observed under variable environmental conditions

Authors: Erguler, K (Erguler, Kamil); Mendel, J (Mendel, Jacob); Petric, DV (Petric, Dusan Veljko); Petric, M (Petric, Mina); Kavran, M (Kavran, Mihaela); Demirok, MC (Demirok, Murat Can); Gunay, F (Gunay, Filiz); Georgiades, P (Georgiades, Pantelis); Alten, B (Alten, Bulent); Lelieveld, J (Lelieveld, Jos)
Published:Scientific Reports

. Breath chemical markers of sexual arousal in humans

Authors: Wang, N., Pugliese, G., Carrito, M., Moura, C., Vasconcelos, P., Cera, N., Li, M., Nobre, P., Georgiadis, J. R., Schubert, J. K., & Williams, J.
Published:Scientific Reports

. Silicon Carbide Based Nanotubes as a Sensing Material for Gaseous H2SiCl2

Authors: Doust Mohammadi, M., Abdullah, H.Y., Bhowmick, S. and Biskos G

. Tropical and Boreal Forest – Atmosphere Interactions: A Review

Authors: Artaxo , P , Hansson , H-C , Andreae , M O , Bäck , J , Alves , E G , Barbosa , H M J , Bender , F , Bourtsoukidis , E , Carbone , S , Chi , J , Decesari , S , Despres , V R , Ditas , F , Ezhova , E , Fuzzi , S , Hasselquist , N J , Heintzenberg , J , Holanda , B A , Guenther , A , Hakola , H , Heikkinen , L , Kerminen , V-M , Kontkanen , J , Krejci , R , Kulmala , M , Lavric , J , de Leeuw , G , Lehtipalo , K , Machado , L A T , McFiggans , G , Franco , M A M , Meller , B B , Morais , F G , Mohr , C , Morgan , W , Nilsson , M B , Peichl , M , Petäjä , T , Prass , M , Poehlker , C , Poehlker , M L , Poeschl , U , Von Randow , C , Riipinen , I , Rinne , J , Rizzo , L , Rosenfeld , D , Silva Dias , M A F , Sogacheva , L , Stier , P , Swietlicki , E , Soergel , M , Tunved , P , Virkkula , A , Wang , J , Weber , B , Maria Yanez-Serrano , A , Zieger , P , Mikhailov , E , Smith , J N & Kesselmeier , J
Published:Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology

. Updated national emission inventory and comparison with the Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR): case of Lebanon

Authors:  Shami, A. A., Aawar, E. A., Baayoun, A., Saliba, N. A., Kushta, J., Christoudias, T., & Lakkis, I.
Published:Environmental Science and Pollution Research

. Maritime transport disruption risk for EU islands under a changing climate

Authors: Zittis, George & Ahrens, Bodo & Obermann-Hellhund, Anika & Giannakis, Elias & Risto, Danny & Agulles, Miguel & Jorda, Gabriel & Peña, Mónica & Rodríguez, Veronica & Sauret, Jose & Lionello, P. & Briche, Elodie & Collignan, Julie & Grätz, Matthias & Arikas, Damian & Stylianou, Constantinos & Neophytou, Haris & SERGHIDES, DESPINA
Published:Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration

. Evaluation of WRF-Chem modelΒ (v3.9.1.1) real-time air quality forecasts over the Eastern Mediterranean

Authors: Georgiou, G., Christoudias, T., Proestos, Y., Kushta, J., Pikridas, M., Sciare, J., Savvides, C., & Lelieveld, J.
Published:Geoscientific Model Development

. AIMSurv: First pan-European harmonized surveillance of Aedes invasive mosquito species of relevance for human vector-borne diseases

Authors: Miranda MÁ, Barceló C, Arnoldi D, Augsten X, Bakran-Lebl K, Balatsos G, Bengoa M, Bindler P, Boršová K, Bourquia M, Bravo-Barriga D, Čabanová V, Caputo B, Christou M, Delacour S, Eritja R, Fassi-Fihri O, Ferraguti M, Flacio E, Frontera E, Fuehrer HP, García-Pérez AL, Georgiades P, Gewehr S, Goiri F, González MA, Gschwind M, Gutiérrez-López R, Horváth C, Ibáñez-Justicia A, Jani V, Kadriaj P, Kalan K, Kavran M, Klobucar A, Kurucz K, Lucientes J, Lühken R, Magallanes S, Marini G, Martinou AF, Michelutti A, Mihalca AD, Montalvo T, Montarsi F, Mourelatos S, Muja-Bajraktari N, Müller P, Notarides G, Osório HC, Oteo JA, Oter K, Pajović I, Palmer JRB, Petrinic S, Răileanu C, Ries C, Rogozi E, Ruiz-Arrondo I, Sanpera-Calbet I, Sekulić N, Sevim K, Sherifi K, Silaghi C, Silva M, Sokolovska N, Soltész Z, Sulesco T, Šušnjar J, Teekema S, Valsecchi A, Vasquez MI, Velo E, Michaelakis A, Wint W, Petrić D, Schaffner F, Della Torre A; Consortium AIM-COST/AIM-Surv. AIMSurv

. Dense Air Quality Sensor Networks: Validation, Analysis, and Benefits

Authors: Zaidan, M.A., Xie, Y., Motlagh, N.H., Wang, B., Nie, W., Nurmi, P., Tarkoma, S., Petäjä, T., Ding, A. and Kulmala, M.
Published:IEEE Sensors Journal

. Estimation of the Seasonal Inhaled Deposited Dose of Particulate Matter in the Respiratory System of Urban Individuals Living in an Eastern Mediterranean City

Authors: Hussein, T., Al-Abdallat, A., Saleh, S.S.A. and Al-Kloub, M.
Published:International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

. Temporal–Spatial Dew Formation Potential in Jordan – Identification of Dew Formation Zones

Authors: Atashi N, Hussein T.
Published:Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences

. The Advanced Meteorology Explorer: a novel stochastic, gridded daily rainfall generator

Authors: Dawkins, L. C., Osborne, J. M., Economou, T., Darch, G., & Stoner, O
Published:Journal of Hydrology

. A Bayesian modelling framework to quantify multiple sources of spatial variation for disease mapping

Authors: Lee, S. A., Economou, T., & Lowe, R
Published:Journal of the Royal Society Interface

. Establishing the Aedes watch out network, the first island-wide mosquito citizen-science initiative in Cyprus within the framework of the Mosquitoes Without Borders project

Authors: Yetismis K, Erguler K, Angelidou I, Yetismis S, Fawcett J, Foroma E, Jarraud N, Ozbel Y, Martinou AF
Published:Management of Biological Invasions

. Bayesian Deep Learning for Spatial Interpolation in the Presence of Auxiliary Information

Authors: Kirkwood, C., Economou, T., Pugeault, N. Odbert H
Published:Mathematical Geosciences

. Synergistic HNO3–H2SO4–NH3 upper tropospheric particle formation

Authors: Mingyi Wang, Mao Xiao , Barbara Bertozzi4 , Guillaume Marie5 , Birte Rörup6 , Benjamin Schulze7 , Roman Bardakov8,9, Xu-Cheng He6 , Jiali Shen6 , Wiebke Scholz10, Ruby Marten3 , Lubna Dada3,6, Rima Baalbaki6 , Brandon Lopez1,11, Houssni Lamkaddam3 , Hanna E. Manninen12, António Amorim13, Farnoush Ataei14, Pia Bogert4 , Zoé Brasseur6 , Lucía Caudillo5 , Louis-Philippe De Menezes12, Jonathan Duplissy6,15, Annica M. L. Ekman8,9, Henning Finkenzeller16, Loïc Gonzalez Carracedo17, Manuel Granzin5 , Roberto Guida12, Martin Heinritzi5 , Victoria Hofbauer1,2, Kristina Höhler4 , Kimmo Korhonen18, Jordan E. Krechmer19, Andreas Kürten5 , Katrianne Lehtipalo6,20, Naser G. A. Mahfouz1,21, Vladimir Makhmutov22,23, Dario Massabò24, Serge Mathot12, Roy L. Mauldin1,2,25, Bernhard Mentler10, Tatjana Müller5,26, Antti Onnela12, Tuukka Petäjä6 , Maxim Philippov22, Ana A. Piedehierro20, Andrea Pozzer26, Ananth Ranjithkumar27, Meredith Schervish1,2, Siegfried Schobesberger18, Mario Simon5 , Yuri Stozhkov22, António Tomé28, Nsikanabasi Silas Umo4 , Franziska Vogel4 , Robert Wagner4 , Dongyu S. Wang3 , Stefan K. Weber12, André Welti20, Yusheng Wu6 , Marcel Zauner-Wieczorek5 , Mikko Sipilä6 , Paul M. Winkler17, Armin Hansel10,29, Urs Baltensperger3 , Markku Kulmala6,15,30,31, Richard C. Flagan7 , Joachim Curtius5 , Ilona Riipinen9,32, Hamish Gordon1,11, Jos Lelieveld26,33, Imad El-Haddad3 , Rainer Volkamer16, Douglas R. Worsnop6,19, Theodoros Christoudias33, Jasper Kirkby5,12, Ottmar Möhler4 & Neil M. Donahue1

. Chiral monoterpenes reveal forest emission mechanisms and drought responses

Authors: Byron, J., Kreuzwieser, J., Purser, G. et al. Chiral monoterpenes reveal forest emission mechanisms and drought response

. Wetland emission and atmospheric sink changes explain methane growth in 2020

Authors: Peng, S., Lin, X., Thompson, R. L., Xi, Y., Liu, G., Hauglustaine, D., Lan, X., Poulter, B., Ramonet, M., Saunois, M., Yin, Y., Zhang, Z., Zheng, B., & Ciais, P.

. Delayed use of bioenergy crops might threaten climate and food security

Authors: Xu, S., Wang, R., Gasser, T., Ciais, P., Peñuelas, J., Balkanski, Y., Boucher, O., Janssens, I. A., Sardans, J., Clark, J. H., Cao, J., Xing, X., Chen, J., Wang, L., Tang, X., & Zhang, R.

. Biophysical and economic constraints on China’s natural climate solutions

Authors: Lu, N., Tian, H., Fu, B., Yu, H., Piao, S., Chen, S., Li, Y., Li, X., Wang, M., Li, Z., Zhang, L., Ciais, P., & Smith, P
Published:Nature Climate Change

. Improvements of a low-cost CO2 commercial nondispersive near-infrared (NDIR) sensor for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) atmospheric mapping applications

Authors: Liu, Y., Paris, J. D., Vrekoussis, M., Antoniou, P., Constantinides, C. P., Desservettaz, M., Keleshis, C., Laurent, O., Leonidou, A., Philippon, C., Vouterakos, P., Quéhé, P. Y., Bousquet, P., & Sciare, J
Published:Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

. Retrieval of greenhouse gases from GOSAT and greenhouse gases and carbon monoxide from GOSAT-2 using the FOCAL algorithm

Authors: Noel, S., Reuter, M. G., Buchwitz, M., Borchardt, J., Hilker, M., Schneising, O., Bovensmann, H., Burrows, J. P., Di Noia, A., Parker, R. A., Suto, H., Yoshida, Y., Buschmann, M. H., Deutscher, N. M., Feist, D. G., Griffith, D. W. T., Hase, F., Kivi, R., Liu, C., Warneke, T
Published:Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions

. A 3-Dimensional analysis of long-range transported particulate matter to the Eastern Mediterranean: Implication for the chemical components of PM1 and PM10

Authors: Dimitriou, K., Pikridas, M., Oikonomou, K., Sciare, J., Savvides, C., Vassiliadou, E., & Mihalopoulos, N
Published:Atmospheric Pollution Research

. Bioaerosols and atmospheric ice nuclei in a Mediterranean dryland: community changes related to rainfall

Authors: Tang, K., Sánchez-Parra, B., Sánchez-Parra, B., Yordanova, P., Wehking, J., Wehking, J., Kunert, A. T., Pickersgill, D. A., Maier, S. F., Sciare, J., Pöschl, U., Weber, B., Weber, B., & Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.

. Dimethylated sulfur compounds in the Peruvian upwelling system

Authors: Zhao, Y., Booge, D., Marandino, C. A., Schlundt, C., Bracher, A., Atlas, E., Williams, J., & Bange, H. W.

. The worldwide C3S CORDEX grand ensemble: A major contribution to assess regional climate change in the IPCC AR6 Atlas

Authors: Diez-Sierra, Javier & Iturbide, Maialen & Gutiérrez, J. & Fernández, Jesús & Milovac, Josipa & Cofiño, Antonio & Cimadevilla, Ezequiel & Nikulin, Grigory & Levavasseur, Guillaume & Kjellström, Erik & Buelow, Katharina & Horányi, András & Brookshaw, Anca & García-Díez, Markel & Pérez, Antonio & Medina, Jorge & Ahrens, Bodo & Alias, Antoinette & Ashfaq, Moetasim & Zittis, George.
Published:Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS)

. Severe atmospheric pollution in the Middle East is attributable to anthropogenic sources

Authors: Osipov, S., Chowdhury, S., Crowley, J. N., Tadic, I., Drewnick, F., Borrmann, S., Eger, P., Fachinger, F., Fischer, H., Predybaylo, E., Fnais, M., Harder, H., Pikridas, M., Vouterakos, P., Pozzer, A., Sciare, J., Ukhov, A., Stenchikov, G. L., Williams, J., & Lelieveld, J.
Published:Communications Earth and Environment

. Extreme weather and societal impacts in the eastern Mediterranean

Authors: Hochman, A., Marra, F., Messori, G., Pinto, J. G., Raveh-Rubin, S., Yosef, Y., & Zittis, G
Published:Earth System Dynamics

. Projected Air Temperature Extremes and Maximum Heat Conditions Over the Middle-East-North Africa (MENA) Region

Authors: Ntoumos, A (Ntoumos, Athanasios); Hadjinicolaou, P (Hadjinicolaou, Panos); Zittis, G (Zittis, George); Proestos, Y (Proestos, Yiannis); Lelieveld, J (Lelieveld, Jos)
Published:Earth systems and environment

. Climate Change and Sustainability in the Eastern Mediterranean

Authors: Christoudias T., Zittis, G., Kokkinos K, Perdios S., Agaoglous C., Petrikkos, P.
Published:Eastern Mediterranean Affairs Magazine

. Rolling vs. Seasonal PMF: Real-world multi-site and synthetic dataset comparison

Authors: Via, M., Chen, G., Canonaco, F., Daellenbach, K. R., Chazeau, B., Chebaicheb, H., Jiang, J., Keernik, H., Lin, C., Marchand, N., Marin, C., O’Dowd, C., Ovadnevaite, J., Petit, J.-E., Pikridas, M., Riffault, V., Sciare, J., Slowik, J. G., Simon, L., Vasilescu, J., Zhang, Y., Favez, O., Prévôt, A. S. H., Alastuey, A., and Cruz Minguillón, M

. Global health burden of ambient PM2.5 and the contribution of anthropogenic black carbon and organic aerosols

Authors: Chowdhury, S., Pozzer, A., Haines, A., Klingmüller, K., Münzel, T., Paasonen, P., Sharma, A., Venkataraman, C., & Lelieveld, J.
Published:Environment International

. Urban environment and health behaviours in children from six European countries

Authors: Fernández-Barrés S, Robinson O, Fossati S, Márquez S, Basagaña X, de Bont J, de Castro M, Donaire-Gonzalez D, Maitre L, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Romaguera D, Urquiza J, Chatzi L, Iakovides M, Vafeiadi M, Grazuleviciene R, Dedele A, Andrusaityte S, Marit Aasvang G, Evandt J, Hjertager Krog N, Lepeule J, Heude B, Wright J, McEachan RRC, Sassi F, Vineis P, Vrijheid M (
Published:Environment International

. European aerosol phenomenology − 8: Harmonised source apportionment of organic aerosol using 22 Year-long ACSM/AMS datasets

Authors: Chen, Gang & Canonaco, Francesco & Tobler, Anna & Aas, Wenche & Alastuey, Andres & Allan, James & Atabakhsh, Samira & Aurela, Minna & Baltensperger, Urs & Bougiatioti, A. & F. de Brito, Joel & Ceburnis, Darius & Chazeau, Benjamin & Chebaicheb, Hasna & Daellenbach, Kaspar & Ehn, Mikael & Haddad, Imad & Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos & Favez, Olivier & Prevot, Andre.
Published:Environment International

. Methods for the assessment of health risk induced by contaminants in atmospheric particulate matter: a review

Authors: Fadel, M., Courcot, D., Afif, C., Ledoux, F.
Published:Environmental Chemistry Letters

. Chemical profiles of PM2.5 emitted from various anthropogenic sources of the Eastern Mediterranean: Cooking, wood burning, and diesel generators

Authors: Fadel, M., Ledoux, F., Seigneur, M., Oikonomou, K., Sciare, J., Courcot, D., & Afif, C
Published:Environmental Research

. Emission Rates of Volatile Organic Compounds from Humans

Authors: Wang, N., Ernle, L., Bekö, G., Wargocki, P., & Williams, J
Published:Environmental Science & Technology

. Organic and Elemental Carbon in the Urban Background in an Eastern Mediterranean City

Authors: Hussein T, Li X, Bakri Z, Alastuey A, Arar S, Al-Hunaiti A, Viana M, Petäjä T.

. The Impact of High-Resolution SRTM Topography and Corine Land Cover on Lightning Calculations in WRF

Authors: de Meij, A., Ojha, N., Singh, N., Singh, J., Poelman, D. R., & Pozzer, A.

. Reduced-Precision Chemical Kinetics in Atmospheric Models

Authors: Sophocleous, K., & Christoudias, T

. Atmospheric Aerosol Outbreak over Nicosia, Cyprus, in April 2019: Case Study

Authors: Yukhymchuk, Y.; Milinevsky, G.; Syniavskyi, I.; Popovici, I.; Unga, F.; Sciare, J.; Marenco, F.; Pikridas, M.; Goloub, P

. Ice-Nucleating Particles Near Two Major Dust Source Regions

Authors: Beall, C. M., Hill, T. C. J., DeMott, P. J., Köneman, T., Pikridas, M., Drewnick, F., Harder, H., Pöhlker, C., Lelieveld, J., Weber, B., Iakovides, M., Prokeš, R., Sciare, J., Andreae, M. O., Stokes, M. D., & Prather, K. A
Published:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Measurement report: Long-term measurements of aerosol precursor concentrations in the Finnish subarctic boreal forest

Authors: Tuija Jokinen, Katrianne Lehtipalo, Roseline Cutting Thakur, Ilona Ylivinkka, Kimmo Neitola, Nina Sarnela, Totti Laitinen, Markku Kulmala, Tuukka Petäjä, and Mikko Sipilä
Published:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. An evaluation of new particle formation events in Helsinki during a Baltic Sea cyanobacterial summer bloom

Authors: Roseline C. Thakur, Lubna Dada, Lisa J. Beck, Lauriane L. J. Quéléver, Tommy Chan, Marjan Marbouti, Xu-Cheng He, Carlton Xavier, Juha Sulo, Janne Lampilahti, Markus Lampimäki, Yee Jun Tham, Nina Sarnela, Katrianne Lehtipalo, Alf Norkko, Markku Kulmala, Mikko Sipilä, and Tuija Jokinen
Published:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Investigation of New Particle Formation Mechanisms and Aerosol Processes at Marambio Station, Antarctic Peninsula.

Authors: Dada, L., Angot, H., Beck, I., Baccarini, A., Quéléver, L.L., Boyer, M., Laurila, T., Brasseur, Z., Jozef, G., de Boer, G. and Shupe, M.D., Henning S., Bucci S, Dutch M., Stohl A., Petaja T, Daellenbach R K, Jokinen T. & Schmale J.
Published:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Tropospheric ozone production and chemical regime analysis during the COVID-19 lockdown over Europe

Authors: Nussbaumer, C. M., Pozzer, A., Tadic, I., Röder, L. L., Obersteiner, F., Harder, H., Lelieveld, J., & Fischer, H
Published:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Influence of emission size distribution and nucleation on number concentrations over Greater Paris

Authors: Sartelet, K., Kim, Y., Couvidat, F., Merkel, M., Petäjä, T., Sciare, J., and Wiedensohler, A.:
Published:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their alkylated, nitrated and oxygenated derivatives in the atmosphere over the Mediterranean and Middle East seas

Authors: Wietzoreck, M., Kyprianou, M., Musa Bandowe, B. A., Celik, S., Crowley, J. N., Drewnick, F., Eger, P., Friedrich, N., Iakovides, M., Kukučka, P., Kuta, J., Nežiková, B., Pokorná, P., Přibylová, P., Prokeš, R., Rohloff, R., Tadic, I., Tauer, S., Wilson, J., Harder, H., Lelieveld, J., Pöschl, U., Stephanou, E. G., and Lammel, G.
Published:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Distribution of hydrogen peroxide over Europe during the BLUESKY aircraft campaign

Authors: Hamryszczak, Z. T., Pozzer, A., Obersteiner, F., Bohn, B., Steil, B., Lelieveld, J., & Fischer, H
Published:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Numerical simulation of the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on tropospheric composition and aerosol radiative forcing in Europe

Authors: Reifenberg, S. F., Martin, A., Kohl, M., Bacer, S., Hamryszczak, Z., Tadic, I., Röder, L., Crowley, D. J., Fischer, H., Kaiser, K., Schneider, J., Dörich, R., Crowley, J. N., Tomsche, L., Marsing, A., Voigt, C., Zahn, A., Pöhlker, C., Holanda, B. A., Krüger, O., Pöschl, U., Pöhlker, M., Jöckel, P., Dorf, M., Schumann, U., Williams, J., Bohn, B., Curtius, J., Harder, H., Schlager, H., Lelieveld, J., and Pozzer, A
Published:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Quantifying NOx emissions in Egypt using TROPOMI observations

Authors: Rey-Pommier, A., Chevallier, F., Ciais, P., Broquet, G., Christoudias, T., Kushta, J., Hauglustaine, D., & Sciare, J.
Published:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Anthropogenic Emissions of Reactive Compounds in the Mediterranean Region

Authors: Borbon, A., Afif, C., Salameh, T., Thera, B.T.P., Panopoulou, A.
Published:Atmospheric Chemistry in the Mediterranean Region

. Impacts of severe residential wood burning on atmospheric processing, water-soluble organic aerosol and light absorption, in an inland city of Southeastern Europe

Authors: Kaskaoutis, D., Grivas, G., Oikonomou, K., Tavernaraki, P., Papoutsidaki, K., Tsagkaraki, M., Stavroulas, I., Zarmpas, P., Paraskevopoulou, D., Bougiatioti, A., Liakakou, E., Gavrouzou, M., Dumka, U., Hatzianastassiou, N., Sciare, J., Gerasopoulos, E., & Mihalopoulos, N.
Published:Atmospheric Environment

. Automated identification of local contamination in remote atmospheric composition time series

Authors: Ivo Beck, Hélène Angot, Andrea Baccarini, Lubna Dada, Lauriane Quéléver, Tuija Jokinen, Tiia Laurila, Markus Lampimäki, Nicolas Bukowiecki, Matthew Boyer, Xianda Gong, Martin Gysel-Beer, Tuukka Petäjä, Jian Wang, and Julia Schmale
Published:Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

. Improvements of a low-cost CO2 commercial NDIR sensor for UAV atmospheric mapping applications

Authors: Liu, Y., Paris, J. D., Vrekoussis, M., Antoniou, P., Constantinides, C. P., Desservettaz, M., Keleshis, C., Laurent, O., Leonidou, A., Philippon, C., Vouterakos, P., Quéhé, P. Y., Bousquet, P., & Sciare, J
Published:Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

. Prenatal exposure to criteria air pollutants and associations with congenital anomalies: A Lebanese national study

Authors:Al Noaimi G., Yunis K., El Asmar K., Abu Salem F., Afif C., Ghandour L.A., Hamandi A., Dhaini H.R.
Published:Environmental Pollution

. PM2.5 characterization of primary and secondary organic aerosols in two urban-industrial areas in the East Mediterranean

Authors:Fadel, M., Ledoux, F., Farhat, M., Kfoury, A., Courcot, D., Afif, C.
Published:Journal of Environmental Sciences

. Theoretical investigation of X12O12 (X = Be, Mg, and Ca) in sensing CH2N2: A DFT study

Authors: M. D. Mohammadi, H. Y. Abdullah, S. Bhowmick, G. Biskos
Published: Computational and Theoretical Chemistry

. TIN-Copula bias-correction method for model-derived maximum temperature in the MENA region

Authors: Lazoglou G, Zittis G, Hadjinicolaou P, Lelieveld J
Published: International Journal of Climatology

. Total OH Reactivity of Emissions from Humans: In Situ Measurement and Budget Analysis

Authors: Wang, N., Zannoni, N., Ernle, L., Bekö, G., Wargocki, P., Li, M., Weschler, C. J. und Williams, J.
Published: Environmental Science & Technology

. Total OH reactivity over the Amazon rainforest: variability with temperature, wind, rain, altitude, time of day, season, and an overall budget closure

Authors: Pfannerstill, E. Y., Reijrink, N. G., Edtbauer, A., Ringsdorf, A., Zannoni, N., Araujo , A., Ditas, F., Holanda, B. A., Sa, M. O., Tsokankunku, A., Walter, D., Wolff, S., Lavric , J. V., Pöhlker, C., Sörgel, M. und Williams, J.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Towards understanding the characteristics of new particle formation in the Eastern Mediterranean

Authors: Rima Baalbaki, Michael Pikridas, Tuija Jokinen, Tiia Laurila, Lubna Dada, Spyros Bezantakos, Lauri Ahonen, Kimmo Neitola, Anne Maisser, Elie Bimenyimana, Aliki Christodoulou, Florin Unga, Chrysanthos Savvides, Katrianne Lehtipalo, Juha Kangasluoma, George Biskos, Tuukka Petäjä, Veli-Matti Kerminen, Jean Sciare, and Markku Kulmala
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Two-year systematic investigation reveals alterations induced on chemical and bacteriome profile of PM2.5 by African dust incursions to the Mediterranean atmosphere

Authors: Minas Iakovides, George Tsiamis, Thrasyvoulos Tziaras, Panagiota Stathopoulou, Sofia Nikolaki, Giannis Iakovides, Euripides G. Stephanou
Published: Science of the Total Environment

. Validation of Methane and Carbon Monoxide from Sentinel-5 Precursor using TCCON and NDACC-IRWG stations

Authors: Sha, M. K., Langerock, B., Blavier, J.-F. L., Blumenstock, T., Borsdorff, T., Buschmann, M., Dehn, A., De Mazière, M., Deutscher, N. M., Feist, D. G., García, O. E., Griffith, D. W. T., Grutter, M., Hannigan, J. W., Hase, F., Heikkinen, P., Hermans, C., Iraci, L. T., Jeseck, P., Jones, N., Kivi, R., Kumps, N., Landgraf, J., Lorente, A., Mahieu, E., Makarova, M. V., Mellqvist, J., Metzger, J.-M., Morino, I., Nagahama, T., Notholt, J., Ohyama, H., Ortega, I., Palm, M., Petri, C., Pollard, D. F., Rettinger, M., Robinson, J., Roche, S., Roehl, C. M., Röhling, A. N., Rousogenous, C., Schneider, M., Shiomi, K., Smale, D., Stremme, W., Strong, K., Sussmann, R., Té, Y., Uchino, O., Velazco, V. A., Vrekoussis, M., Wang, P., Warneke, T., Wizenberg, T., Wunch, D., Yamanouchi, S., Yang, Y., and Zhou, M.
Published: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

. Variability of aerosol-cloud interactions induced by different cloud droplet nucleation schemes

Authors: Chang, D. Y., Lelieveld, J., Steil, B., Yoon, J., Yum, S. S. und Kim, A.-H.
Published: Atmospheric Research

. Winter AOD trend changes over the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region

Authors: Shaheen, A., Wu, R., Lelieveld, J., Yousefi, R. und Aldabash, M.
Published: International Journal of Climatology

. Clear, transparent, and timely communication for fair authorship decisions: A practical guide

Authors: Shahzad Gani, Lukas Kohl, Rima Baalbaki, Federico Bianchi, Taina M. Ruuskanen, Olli-Pekka Siira, Pauli Paasonen, and Hanna Vehkamäki
Published: Geoscience Communication

. A 3D study on the amplification of regional haze and particle growth by local emissions

Authors: Wei Du, Lubna Dada, Jian Zhao, Xueshun Chen, Kaspar R. Daellenbach, Conghui Xie, Weigang Wang, Yao He, Jing Cai, Lei Yao, Yingjie Zhang, Qingqing Wang, Weiqi Xu, Yuying Wang, Guiqian Tang, Xueling Cheng, Tom V. Kokkonen, Wei Zhou, Chao Yan, Biwu Chu, Qiaozhi Zha, Simo Hakala, Mona Kurppa, Leena Järvi, Yongchun Liu, Zhanqing Li, Maofa Ge, Pingqing Fu, Wei Nie, Federico Bianchi, Tuukka Petäjä, Pauli Paasonen, Zifa Wang, Douglas R. Worsnop, Veli-Matti Kerminen, Markku Kulmala & Yele Sun
Published: npj Climate and Atmospheric Science

. Indoor Model Simulation for COVID-19 Transport and Exposure

Authors: Tareq Hussein, Jakob Löndahl, Sara Thuresson, Malin Alsved, Afnan Al-Hunaiti, Kalle Saksela, Hazem Aqel, Heikki Junninen, Alexander Mahura and Markku Kulmala
Published: Environmental Research and Public Health

. Aerosol formation and growth rates from chamber experiments using Kalman smoothing

Authors:Matthew Ozon, Dominik Stolzenburg, Lubna Dada, Aku Seppänen, and Kari E. J. Lehtinen
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. COVID-19 Pandemic Development in Jordan—Short-Term and Long-Term Forecasting

Authors: Tareq Hussein, Mahmoud H. Hammad, Pak Lun Fung, Marwan Al-Kloub, Issam Odeh, Martha A. Zaidan and Darren Wraith
Published: Vaccines

. Nano-Magnetic NiFe2O4 and Its Photocatalytic Oxidation of Vanillyl Alcohol—Synthesis, Characterization, and Application in the Valorization of Lignin

Authors: Afnan Al-Hunaiti, Asma Ghazzy, Nuha Sweidan, Qassem Mohaidat, Ibrahim Bsoul, Sami Mahmood and Tareq Hussein
Published: Nanomaterials

. On the link between the Etesian winds, tropopause folds and tropospheric ozone over the Eastern Mediterranean during summer

Authors: Stella Dafka, Dimitris Akritidis, Prodromos Zanis, Andrea Pozzer, Elena Xoplaki, Jürg Luterbacher, Christos Zerefos
Published: Atmospheric Research

. Reactive nitrogen around the Arabian Peninsula and in the Mediterranean Sea during the 2017 AQABA ship campaign

Authors: Nils Friedrich, Philipp Eger, Justin Shenolikar, Nicolas Sobanski, Jan Schuladen, Dirk Dienhart, Bettina Hottmann, Ivan Tadic, Horst Fischer, Monica Martinez, Roland Rohloff, Sebastian Tauer, Hartwig Harder, Eva Y. Pfannerstill, Nijing Wang, Jonathan Williams, James Brooks, Frank Drewnick, Hang Su, Guo Li, Yafang Cheng, Jos Lelieveld, and John N. Crowley
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Oceanic phytoplankton are a potentially important source of benzenoids to the remote marine atmosphere

Authors: Rocco, M., Dunne, E., Peltola, M., Barr, N., Williams, J., Colomb, A., Safi, K., Saint-Macary, A., Marriner, A., Deppeler, S., Harnwell, J., Law, C. und Sellegri, K.
Published: Communications Earth & Environment

. Optimizing regional climate model output for hydro‑climate applications.

Authors: Osman, M., G. Zittis, M, Haggag, A.W. Abdeldayem and J. Lelieveld
Published: Earth Systems and Environment

. Ozone Initiates Human-Derived Emission of Nanocluster Aerosols

Authors: Yang, S., Licina , D., Weschler, C. J., Wang, N., Zannoni, N., Li, M., Vanhanen, J., Langer, S., Wargocki, P., Williams, J. und Bekö , and G.
Published: Environmental Science & Technology

. Physical Activity in Polluted Air-Net Benefit or Harm to Cardiovascular Health? A Comprehensive Review

Authors: Hahad, O., Kuntic, M., Frenis, K., Chowdhury, S., Lelieveld, J., Lieb, K., Daiber, A. und Münzel, T.:
Published: Antioxidants: open access journal

. Qualification of the Alphasense optical particle counter for inline air quality monitoring

Authors: S. Bezantakos, M. Costi, K. Barmpounis, P. Antoniou, P. Vouterakos, C. Keleshis, J. Sciare & G. Biskos
Published: Aerosol Science and Technology

. Regional New Particle Formation over the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East

Authors: Panayiotis Kalkavouras, Aikaterini Bougiatioti, Tareq Hussein, Nikos Kalivitis, Iasonas Stavroulas, Panagiotis Michalopoulos and Nikolaos Mihalopoulos
Published: Atmosphere

. Response of atmospheric composition to COVID-19 lockdown measures during Spring 2020 in over Paris

Authors: Petit, J.-P., J.-C. Dupont, O. Favez, V. Gros, L. Simon, J. Sciare, R. Vautard, M. Haeffelin
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.

. Retrieval and evaluation of tropospheric aerosol extinction profiles using MAX-DOAS measurements over Athens, Greece

Authors: Gratsea, M., Bösch, T., Kokkalis, P., Richter, A., Vrekoussis, M., Kazadzis, S., Tsekeri, A., Papayannis, A., Mylonaki, M., Amiridis, V., Mihalopoulos, N., and Gerasopoulos, E. (
Published: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

. Revisiting future extreme precipitation trends in the Mediterranean

Authors: Zittis, G., Bruggeman, A., & Lelieveld, J.
Published: Weather and Climate Extremes

. Seasonal variation and origins of volatile organic compounds observed during two years at a western Mediterranean remote background site

Authors: Debevec, C., Sauvage, S., Gros, V., Salameh, T., Sciare, J., Dulac, F., and Locoge, N.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys.

. Shipborne measurements of methane and carbon dioxide in the Middle East and Mediterranean areas and contribution from oil and gas emissions.

Authors: Paris, J.-D., A. Riandet, E. Bourtsoukidis, M. Delmotte, A. Berchet, J. Williams, L. Ernle, I. Tadic, H. Harder and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Spatiotemporal variability and sources of aerosol water-soluble organic nitrogen (WSON), in the Eastern Mediterranean

Authors: Maria Tsagkaraki, Christina Theodosi, Georgios Grivas, Evanthia Vargiakaki, Jean Sciare, Chrysanthos Savvides, Nikolaos Mihalopoulos
Published: Atmospheric Environment

. The 2019 Raikoke volcanic eruption part 2: Particle phase dispersion and concurrent wildfire smoke emissions

Authors: Osborne, M. J., de Leeuw, J., Witham, C., Schmidt, A., Beckett, F., Kristiansen, N., Buxmann, J., Saint, C., Welton, E. J., Fochesatto, J., Gomes, A. R., Bundke, U., Petzold, A., Marenco, F., and Haywood, J
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. [preprint]

. The impact of climate suitability, urbanisation, and connectivity on the expansion of dengue in 21st century Brazil

Authors: Lee SA, Economou T, de Castro Catão R, Barcellos C, Lowe R
Published: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases

. The improved comparative reactivity method (ICRM): measurements of OH reactivity under high-NOx conditions in ambient air

Authors: Wang, W., Qi, J., Zhou, J., Yuan, B., Peng, Y., Wang, S., Yang, S., Williams, J., Sinha, V. und Shao, M.
Published: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

. The New Volcanic Ash Satellite Retrieval VACOS Using MSG/SEVIRI and Artificial Neural Networks: 2. Validation

Authors: Piontek, D.; Bugliaro, L.; Kar, J.; Schumann, U.; Marenco, F.; Plu, M.; Voigt, C.
Published: Remote Sensing

. The Toba supervolcano eruption caused severe tropical stratospheric ozone depletion

Authors: Osipov, S., Stenchikov, G., Tsigaridis, K., LeGrande, A. N., Bauer, S. E., Fnais, M. und Lelieveld, J.
Published: Communications Earth & Environment

. The Unmanned Systems Research Laboratory (USRL): A new facility for UAV-based atmospheric observations.

Authors: Kezoudi, M., C. Keleshis, G. Biskos, M. Bronz, M. Desservettaz, R.-S. Gao, J. Girdwood, J. Harnetiaux, K. Kandler, Y. Liu, J. Lelieveld, F. Marenco, N. Mihalopoulos, G. Mocnik, K. Neitola, J.-D. Paris, M. Pikridas, R. Sarda-Esteve, C. Stopford, F. Unga, M. Vrekoussis and J. Sciare
Published: Atmosphere

. How Do Indoor Environments Affect Air Pollution Exposure?

Authors: Goldstein, A. H., Nazaroff, W. W., Weschler, C. J. und Williams, J.
Published: Environmental Science & Technology

. Impact of ozone and inlet design on the quantification of isoprene-derived organic nitrates by thermal dissociation cavity ring-down spectroscopy (TD-CRDS).

Authors: Dewald, P., Dörich, R., Schuladen, J., Lelieveld, J., & Crowley, J. N.
Published: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

. Impact of pyruvic acid photolysis on acetaldehyde and peroxy radical formation in the boreal forest: theoretical calculations and model results

Authors: Eger, P. G., Vereecken, L., Sander, R., Schuladen, J., Sobanski, N., Fischer, H., Karu, E., Williams, J., Vakkari, V., Petäjä, T., Lelieveld, J., Pozzer, A. und Crowley, J. N.:
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Impact of radar data assimilation on simulations of precipitable water with the Harmonie model: A case study over Cyprus

Authors: Ivanov, S., Michaelides, S., Ruban, I., Charalambous, D., Tymvios, F.
Published: Atmospheric Research

. Improvements to the representation of BVOC chemistry–climate interactions in UKCA (v11.5) with the CRI-Strat 2 mechanism: incorporation and evaluation

Authors: Weber, J., Archer-Nicholls, S., Abraham, N. L., Shin, Y. M., Bannan, T. J., Percival, C. J., Bacak, A., Artaxo, P., Jenkin, M., Khan, M. A. H., Shallcross, D. E., Schwantes, R. H., Williams, J. und Archibald, A. T.
Published: Geoscientific Model Development

. Increasing forest fire emissions despite the decline in global burned area

Authors: Zheng,B., Ciais, P., Chevallier, F., Chuvieco, E., Chen, Y., Yang, H.
Published: Science Advances

. Influence of aromatics on tropospheric gas-phase composition

Authors: Taraborrelli, D., Cabrera-Perez, D., Bacer, S., Gromov, S., Lelieveld, J., Sander, R. und Pozzer, A.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Influence of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation on entry stratospheric water vapor in coupled chemistry-ocean CCMI and CMIP6 models

Authors: Garfinkel I, C., Harari, O., Ziv, S. Z., Rao, J., Morgenstern, O., Zeng, G., Tilmes, S., Kinnison, D., O’Connor, F. M., Butchart, N., Deushi, M., Jockel, P., Pozzer, A. und Davis, S.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Initiation of a monitoring programme for early detection of Halyomorpha halys in Cyprus by using pheromone-baited traps and involving citizen science

Authors: Vétek, G., Melifronidou-Pantelidou, A., Koukkoularidou, D., Martinou, A.
Published: Management of Biological Invasions

. Isotopic separation of helium through graphyne membranes: A ring polymer molecular dynamics study

Authors: S. Bhowmick, M. I. Hernández, J. Campos-Martínez, Y. V. Suleimanov
Published: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

. Measurement report: In situ observations of deep convection without lightning during the tropical cyclone Florence 2018

Authors: Nussbaumer, C., Tadic, I., Dienhart, D., Wang, N., Edtbauer, A., Ernle, L., Williams, J., Obersteiner, F., Gutiérrez-Álvarez, I., Harder, H., Lelieveld, J. und Fischer, H.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Measurement Report: New particle formation characteristics at an urban and a mountain station in Northern China

Authors: Ying Zhou, Simo Hakala, Chao Yan, Yang Gao, Xiaohong Yao, Biwu Chu, Tommy Chan, Juha Kangasluoma, Shahzad Gani, Jenni Kontkanen, Pauli Paasonen, Yongchun Liu, Tuukka Petäjä, Markku Kulmala, and Lubna Dada
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Measurement report: Observation-based formaldehyde production rates and their relation to OH reactivity around the Arabian Peninsula

Authors: Dienhart, D., Crowley, J. N., Bourtsoukidis, E., Edtbauer, A., Eger, P. G., Ernle, L., Harder, H., Hottmann, B., Martinez, M., Parchatka, U., Paris, J.-D., Pfannerstill, E. Y., Rohloff, R., Schuladen, J., Stönner, C., Tadic, I., Tauer, S., Wang, N., Williams, J., Lelieveld, J. und Fischer, H.:
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Measurement report: Photochemical production and loss rates of formaldehyde and ozone across Europe

Authors: Nussbaumer, C. M., Crowley, J. N., Schuladen, J., Williams, J., Hafermann, S., Reiffs, A., Axinte, R., Harder, H., Ernest, C., Novelli, A., Sala, K., Martinez, M., Mallik, C., Tomsche, L., Plass-Dülmer, C., Bohn , B., Lelieveld, J. und Fischer, H.:
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Modelling air pollution by atmospheric desert dust.

Authors: Lelieveld, J., M. Abdelkader, M. Astitha, V.A. Karydis and K. Klingmüller
Published: In: A.-M.O. Mohamed, E.K. Paleologos and F.M. Howari (eds.) Pollution assessment for sustainable practices in applied science and engineering, pp. 555-581, Butterworth-Heinemann, Cambridge, USA.

. Modification of a conventional photolytic converter for improving aircraft measurements of NO2 via chemiluminescence chemiluminescence

Authors: Nussbaumer, C. M., Parchatka, U., Tadic, I., Bohn, B., Marno, D., Martinez, M., Rohloff, R., Harder, H., Kluge, F., Pfeilsticker, K., Obersteiner, F., Zöger, M., Doerich, R., Crowley, J. N., Lelieveld, J., and Fischer, H.
Published: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

. Molecular characterization of gaseous and particulate oxygenated compounds at a remote site in Cape Corsica in the western Mediterranean Basin

Authors: Michoud, V., Hallemans, E., Chiappini, L., Leoz-Garziandia, E., Colomb, A., Dusanter, S., Fronval, I., Gheusi, F., Jaffrezo, J.-L., Léonardis, T., Locoge, N., Marchand, N., Sauvage, S., Sciare, J., and Doussin, J.-F.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys

. Cryptogamic organisms are a substantial source and sink for volatile organic compounds in the Amazon region

Authors: Edtbauer, A., Pfannerstill, E. Y., Pires Florentino, A. P., Barbosa, C. G. G., Rodriguez-Caballero, E., Zannoni, N., … Williams, J.
Published: Communications Earth & Environment

. Direct radiative forcing of biomass burning aerosols from the extensive Australian wildfires in 2019–2020

Authors: Chang, D. Y., Yoon, J., Lelieveld, J., Park, S. K., Yum, S. S., Kim, J. und Jeong, S.:
Published: Environmental Research Letters

. Disease burden and excess mortality from coal-fired power plant emissions in Europe

Authors: Kushta, J., Paisi, N., Van der Gon, H. D. und Lelieveld, J.
Published: Environmental Research Letters

. Economic structure, climate change and decarbonisation in Europe.

Authors: Giannakis E. and Zittis G.
Published: Earth Systems and Environment

. Ecosystem fluxes during drought and recovery in an experimental forest. Science

Authors: Werner, C., Meredith, L. K., Ladd, S. N., Ingrisch, J., Kübert, A., van Haren, J., Bahn, M., Bailey, K., Bamberger, I., Beyer, M., Blomdahl, D., Byron, J., Daber, E., Deleeuw, J., Dippold, M. A., Fudyma, J., Gil-Loaiza, J., Honeker, L. K., Hu, J., Huang, J., Klüpfel, T., Krechmer, J., Kreuzwieser, J., Kühnhammer, K., Lehmann, M. M., Meeran, K., Misztal, P. K., Ng, W.-R., Pfannerstill, E., Pugliese, G., Purser, G., Roscioli, J., Shi, L., Tfaily, M. und Williams, J
Published: Science

. Effect of Ozone, Clothing, Temperature, and Humidity on the Total OH Reactivity Emitted from Humans

Authors: Zannoni, N., Li, M., Wang, N., Ernle, L., Bekö, G., Wargocki, P., Langer, S., Morrison, G. & Williams, J.
Published: Environmental Science & Technology

. Effects of spatial resolution on WRF v3.8.1 simulated meteorology over the central Himalaya

Authors: Singh, J., Singh, N., Ojha, N., Sharma, A., Pozzer, A., Kumar, N. K., Rajeev, K., Gunthe, S. S. und Kotamarthi, V. R.
Published: Geoscientific Model Development

. Enhancing the absorption of 1-chloro-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethane on carbon nanotubes: An ab initio study

Authors: M. D. Mohammadi, H. Y. Abdullah, G. Biskos, S. Bhowmick
Published: Bulletin of Materials Science

. Evaluation of UV-visible MAX-DOAS aerosol profiling products by comparison with ceilometer, sun photometer, and in situ observations in Vienna, Austria

Authors: Schreier, S., Bösch, T., Richter, A., Lange, K., Revesz, M., Weihs, P., Vrekoussis, M.
Published: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

. Fire enhances forest degradation within forest edge zones in Africa

Authors: Zhao, Z., Li, W., Ciais, P. et al.
Published: Nature Geoscience

. Formation and dissipation dynamics of the Asian tropopause aerosol layer

Authors: He, Q., Ma, J., Zheng, X., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Mu, H., Cheng, T., He, R., Huang, G., Liu, D. und Lelieveld, J.
Published: Environmental Research Letters

. Global Air Quality and COVID-19 Pandemic: Do We Breathe Cleaner Air?

Authors: Amouei Torkmahalleh, M., Akhmetvaliyeva, Z., Omran, A.D., Darvish Omran, F., Kazemitabar, M., Naseri, M., Naseri, M., Sharifi, H., Malekipirbazari, M., Kwasi Adotey, E., Gorjinezhad, S., Eghtesadi, N., Sabanov, S., Alastuey, A., de Fátima Andrade, M., Buonanno, G., Carbone, S., Cárdenas-Fuentes, D.E., Cassee, F.R., Dai, Q., Henríquez, A., Hopke, P.K., Keronen, P., Khwaja, H.A., Kim, J., Kulmala, M., Kumar, P., Kushta, J., Kuula, J., Massagué, J., Mitchell, T., Mooibroek, D., Morawska, L., Niemi, J.V., Ngagine, S.H., Norman, M., Oyama, B., Oyola, P., Öztürk, F., Petäjä, T., Querol, X., Rashidi, Y., Reyes, F., Ross-Jones, M., Salthammer, T., Savvides, C., Stabile, L., Sjöberg, K., Söderlund, K., Sunder Raman, R., Timonen, H., Umezawa, M., Viana, M., Xie, S.
Published: Aerosol and Air Quality Research

. Global and national assessment of the incidence of asthma in children and adolescents from major sources of ambient

Authors: Chowdhury, S., Haines, A., Klingmüller, K., Kumar, V., Pozzer, A., Venkataraman, C., Witt, C. und Lelieveld, J.
Published: Environmental Research Letters

. Global exposure of population and land-use to meteorological droughts under different warming levels and SSPs: a CORDEX-based study.

Authors: Spinoni J., Barbosa P., Bucchignani E., Cassano J., Cavazos T., Cescatti, A., Christensen J.H., Christensen O.B., Coppola E., Evans J., 
Forzieri G., Geyer B., Giorgi F., Jacob D., Katzfey J., Koenigk T., Laprise R., Lennard C.H., Kurnaz M.L. Li D., Llopart M., McCormick N., Naumann G.,  Nikulin G., Ozturk T., Panitz H.-J. Porfirio
da Rocha R., Solman S.A. Syktus J., Tangang F., Teichmann C., Vautard R., Vogt J.V., Winger K., Zittis G., Dosio A.
Published: International Journal of Climatology

. Global hunter-gatherer population densities constrained by influence of seasonality on diet composition

Authors: Zhu, D., Galbraith, E.D., Reyes-García, V. et al.
Published: Nature Ecology & Evolution

. Greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) at an urban background site in Athens, Greece: Levels, sources and impact of atmospheric circulation

Authors: K. Dimitriou, A. Bougiatioti, M. Ramonet, F. Pierros, P. Michalopoulos, E. Liakakou, S. Solomos, P-Y. Quehe, M. Delmotte, E. Gerasopoulos, M. Kanakidou, N. Mihalopoulos
Published: Atmospheric Environment

. Household cooking fuel estimates at global and country level for 1990 to 2030

Authors: Stoner, O., Lewis, J., Martínez, I.L. et al. 
Published: Nature Communications

. How alkaline compounds control atmospheric aerosol particle acidity

Authors: Karydis, V. A., Tsimpidi, A. P., Pozzer, A., & Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. A comprehensive investigation of the intermolecular interactions between CH2N2 and X12Y12 (X = B, Al, Ga, Y = N, P, As) nanocages.

Authors: M. D. Mohammadi, H. Y. Abdullah, S. Bhowmick, G. Biskos
Published: Canadian Journal of Chemistry

. A European aerosol phenomenology -7: high-time resolution chemical characteristics of submicron particulate matter across Europe

Authors: Bressi, M., F. Cavalli, J.P.Putaud, R. Fröhlich, J.-E. Petit, W.Aas, M.Äijälä, A. Alastuey, J.D. Allan, M. Aurela, M. Berico, A. Bougiatioti, N. Bukowiec, , F. Canonaco, V. Crenn, S. Dusanter, M. Ehne, M. Elsasser, J. Sciare, …, A. Prévôt
Published: Atmospheric Environment

. A Global Climatology of Tropopause Folds in CAMS and MERRA-2 Reanalyses

Authors: Akritidis, D., Pozzer, A., Flemming, J., Inness, A. und Zanis, P.
Published: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

. A global observational analysis to understand changes in air quality during exceptionally low anthropogenic emission conditions

Authors: Sokhi, R. S., V. Singh, X. Querol, S. Finardi, A. C. Targino, M. d. F. Andrade, R. Pavlovic, R. M. Garland, J. Massagué, S. Kong, A. Baklanov, L. Ren, O. Tarasova, G. Carmichael, V.-H. Peuch, V. Anand, G. Arbilla, K. Badali, G. Beig, L. C. Belalcazar, A. Bolignano, P. Brimblecombe, P. Camacho, A. Casallas, J.-P. Charland, J. Choi, E. Chourdakis, I. Coll, M. Collins, J. Cyrys, C. M. da Silva, A. D. Di Giosa, A. Di Leo, C. Ferro, M. Gavidia-Calderon, A. Gayen, A. Ginzburg, F. Godefroy, Y. A. Gonzalez, M. Guevara-Luna, S. M. Haque, H. Havenga, D. Herod, U. Hõrrak, T. Hussein, S. Ibarra, M. Jaimes, M. Kaasik, R. Khaiwal, J. Kim, A. Kousa, J. Kukkonen, M. Kulmala, J. Kuula, N. La Violette, G. Lanzani, X. Liu, S. MacDougall, P. M. Manseau, G. Marchegiani, B. McDonald, S. V. Mishra, L. T. Molina, D. Mooibroek, S. Mor, N. Moussiopoulos, F. Murena, J. V. Niemi, S. Noe, T. Nogueira, M. Norman, J. L. Pérez-Camaño, T. Petäjä, S. Piketh, A. Rathod, K. Reid, A. Retama, O. Rivera, N. Y. Rojas, J. P. Rojas-Quincho, R. San José, O. Sánchez, R. J. Seguel, S. Sillanpää, Y. Su, N. Tapper, A. Terrazas, H. Timonen, D. Toscano, G. Tsegas, G. J. M. Velders, C. Vlachokostas, E. von Schneidemesser, R. Vpm, R. Yadav, R. Zalakeviciute and M. Zavala
Published: Environment International

. Aerosol Trends during the Dusty Season over Iran

Authors: Yousefi, R., Wang, F., Ge, Q., Lelieveld, J. und Shaheen, A.
Published: Remote Sensing

. Air pollution declines during COVID-19 lockdowns mitigate the global health burden

Authors: Venter, Z. S., Aunan, K., Chowdhury, S. und Lelieveld, J.
Published: Environmental research

. An Attempt to Utilize a Regional Dew Formation Model in Kenya

Authors: Nahid Atashi, Juuso Tuure, Laura Alakukku, Dariush Rahimi, Petri Pellikka, Martha A. Zaidan, Henri Vuollekoski, Matti Räsänen, Markku Kulmala, Timo Vesala, and Tareq Hussein
Published: Water

. Atmospheric gaseous hydrochloric and hydrobromic acid in urban Beijing, China: detection, source identification and potential atmospheric impacts

Authors: Fan, X., Cai, J., Yan, C., Zhao, J., Guo, Y., Li, C., Dällenbach, K. R., Zheng, F., Lin, Z., Chu, B., Wang, Y., Dada, L., Zha, Q., Du, W., Kontkanen, J., Kurtén, T., Iyer, S., Kujansuu, J. T., Petäjä, T., Worsnop, D. R., Kerminen, V.-M., Liu, Y., Bianchi, F., Tham, Y. J., Yao, L., and Kulmala, M.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Atomic emission detector with gas chromatographic separation and cryogenic pre-concentration (CryoTrap-GC-AED) for atmospheric trace gas measurements

Authors: Karu, E., Li, M., Ernle, L., Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M., Lelieveld, J. und Williams, J.
Published: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

. Business-as-usual will lead to ultra-extreme heatwaves in the Middle East and North Africa

Authors: Zittis, G., Hadjinicolaou, P., Almazroui, M., Bucchignani, E., Driouech, F., Rhaz, K. E., Kurnaz, L., Nikulin, G., Ntoumos, A., Ozturk, T., Proestos, Y., Stenchikov, G., Zaaboul, R. und Lelieveld, J.
Published: npj Climate and Atmospheric Science

. Central role of nitric oxide in ozone production in the upper tropical troposphere over the Atlantic Ocean and West Africa

Authors: Tadic, I., Nussbaumer, C., Bohn, B., Harder, H., Marno, D., Martinez, M., Obersteiner, F., Parchatka, U., Pozzer, A., Rohloff, R., Zöger, M., Lelieveld, J. und Fischer, H.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Characterization of atmospheric-pressure spark generated atomic silver and gold clusters by time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Authors: A Maisser, K Barmpounis, S Holm, M Attoui, A Schmidt-Ott, J.Kangasluomac G.Biskos
Published: Journal of Aerosol Science

. Chemical Composition and Source Apportionment of Total Suspended Particulate in the Central Himalayan Region

Authors: Sheoran, R.; Dumka, U.C.; Kaskaoutis, D.G.; Grivas, G.; Ram, K.; Prakash, J.; Hooda, R.K.; Tiwari, R.K.; Mihalopoulos, N.
Published: Atmosphere

. Climate model-informed deep learning of global soil moisture distribution

Authors: Klingmüller, K. and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Geoscientific Model Development

. Cold cloud microphysical process rates in a global chemistry–climate model

Authors: Bacer, S., Sullivan, S. C., Sourdeval, O., Tost, H., Lelieveld, J. und Pozzer, A.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

. Comprehensive Methodology for the Evaluation of High-Resolution WRF Multiphysics Precipitation Simulations for Small, Topographically Complex Domains

Authors: Sofokleous, I., Bruggeman, A., Michaelides, S., Hadjinicolaou, P., Zittis, G., & Camera, C.
Published: Journal of Hydrometeorology

. COVID-19 lockdowns cause declines in health burden associated with air pollution exposure

Authors: Venter, Z.S., K. Aunan, S. Chowdhury and J. Lelieveld
Published: Environmental research

. Tourists’ behavioural responses and preferences towards coastal tourism climate change risks and adaptation policies
Authors: Carmelo J.L., Giannakis E., Zittis G., Serghides D., Lam-González Y.E., García C.
Published: Tourism Planning and Development
. Comparison of GPM IMERG and TRMM 3B43 Products over Cyprus
Authors: Retalis, A., Katsanos, D., Tymvios, F. Michaelides, S.
Published: Remote Sensing
. Modelling air pollution by atmospheric desert dust
Authors: Lelieveld, J., M. Abdelkader, M. Astitha, V.A. Karydis and K. Klingmüller
Published: Pollution assessment for sustainable practices in applied science and engineering, pp. 555-581, Butterworth-Heinemann, Cambridge, USA.
. Business-as-usual will lead to ultra-extreme heatwaves in the Middle East and North Africa
Authors: Zittis G., Hadjinicolaou P., Almazroui M., Bucchignani E., Driouech F., El Rhaz K., Kurnaz L., Nikulin G., Ntoumos A., Ozturk T., Proestos Y., Zaaboul R., Lelieveld J.
Published: npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
. Machine Learning towards a Global Parameterisation of Atmospheric New Particle Formation and Growth
Authors: Christoudias T., Nicolaou M.A.
Published: NeurIPS 2020 Workshop: Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning
. Disdrometer Gravitational Sorting Signature in a Mediterranean Environment
Authors: Kasparis, T., Michaelides, S., and Lane, J.
Published: European Geosciences General Assembly 2020 – Session AS1.36
. A Case Study of Weather Radar Data Assimilation into the Harmonie Numerical Weather Prediction System
Authors: Michaelides, S., Ivanov, S., Ruban, I., Charalambous, D., and Tymvios, F.
Published: European Geosciences General Assembly 2020 – Session AS1.36
. Model calculations of aerosol transmission and infection risk of COVID-19 in indoor environments
Authors: Lelieveld, J. F. Helleis, S. Borrmann, Y. Cheng, F. Drewnick, G. Haug, T. Klimach, J. Sciare, H. Su and U. Pöschl
Published: Environ. Res. Publ. Health 17, 8114
. Changing risk factors that contribute to premature mortality from ambient air pollution between 2000 and 2015
Authors: Chowdhury, S., A. Pozzer, S. Dey, K. Klingmueller and J. Lelieveld
Published: Environ. Res. Lett. 7, 074010
. Air pollution declines during COVID-19 lockdowns mitigate the global health burden
Authors: Venter, Z.S., K. Aunan, S. Chowdhury and J. Lelieveld
Published: Environ. Res. 192, 110403
. Unprecedented Ambient Sulfur Trioxide (SO3) Detection: Possible Formation Mechanism and Atmospheric Implications
Authors: Yao, L., Fan, X., Yan, C., Kurtén, T., Daellenbach, K. R., Li, C., Wang, Y., Guo, Y., Dada, L., Rissanen, M. P., Cai, J., Tham, Y. J., Zha, Q., Zhang, S., Du, W., Yu, M., Zheng, F., Zhou, Y., Kontkanen, J., Chan, T., Shen, J., Kujansuu, J. T., Kangasluoma, J., Jiang, J., Wang, L., Worsnop, D. R., Petäjä, T., Kerminen, V.-M., Liu, Y., Chu, B., He, H., Kulmala, M., and Bianchi, F.
Published: Environ Sci Tech Let, 7, 809-818
. PEEX Integrated Multi-scales and -Process Modelling for Environmental Applications
Authors: Mahura, A., Baklanov, A., Petäjä, T., Nuterman, R., Ivanov, S., Michaelides, S., Ruban, I., Makkonen, R., Lappalainen, H. K., Zilitinkevich, S., Kulmala, M.
Published: EGU General Assembly 2020
. Performance of land surface schemes in the WRF model for climate simulations over the MENA-CORDEX domain
Authors: Constantinidou, K., P. Hadjinicolaou, G. Zittis and J. Lelieveld
Published: Earth Systems and Environment
. Assessing maritime transport disruption risk for EU islands under historical and future climate conditions.
Authors: Zittis G., Ahrens B., Obermann-Hellhund A., Giannakis E., Risto D., Agulles Gamez M., Jorda G., Quesada Peña M, Rodríguez V.L., Guersi Sauret J.L., Lionello P., Briche E., Collignan J., Grätz M., Arikas D., Stylianou C., Serghides D.
Published: Climate Services
. Regional new particle formation over Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East
Authors: Panayiotis Kalkavouras, Aikaterini Bougiatioti, Tareq Hussein, Nikos Kalivitis, Iasonas Stavroulas, Panagiotis Michalopoulos, Nikolaos Mihalopoulos
Published: Atmosphere

. Intercomparison and characterization of 23 Aethalometers under laboratory and ambient air conditions: Procedures and unit-to-unit variabilities
Authors: Cuesta-Mosquera, A., Močnik, G., Drinovec, L., Müller, T., Pfeifer, S., Minguillón, M. C., Björn, B., Buckley, P., Dudoitis, V., Fernández-García, J., Fernández-Amado, M., Ferreira De Brito, J., Flentje, H., Heffernan, E., Kalivitis, N., Kalogridis, A.-C., Keernik, H., Marmureanu, L., Luoma, K., Marinoni, A., Pikridas, M., Schauer, G., Serfozo, N., Servomaa, H., Titos, G., Yus-Díez, J., Zioła, N., and Wiedensohler, A.
Published: Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.
. The new instrument using a TC–BC (total carbon–black carbon) method for the online measurement of carbonaceous aerosols
Authors: Rigler, M., Drinovec, L., Lavrič, G., Vlachou, A., Prévôt, A. S. H., Jaffrezo, J. L., Stavroulas, I., Sciare, J., Burger, J., Kranjc, I., Turšič, J., Hansen, A. D. A., and Močnik, G
Published: Atmos. Meas. Tech
. Sources and sinks driving sulfuric acid concentrations in contrasting environments: implications on proxy calculations
Authors: Lubna Dada, Ilona Ylivinkka, Rima Baalbaki, Chang Li, Yishuo Guo, Chao Yan, Lei Yao, Nina Sarnela, Tuija Jokinen, Kaspar R Daellenbach, Rujing Yin, Chenjuan Deng, Biwu Chu, Tuomo Nieminen, Yonghong Wang, Zhuohui Lin, Roseline C Thakur, Jenni Kontkanen, Dominik Stolzenburg, Mikko Sipilä, Tareq Hussein, Pauli Paasonen, Federico Bianchi, Imre Salma, Tamás Weidinger, Michael Pikridas, Jean Sciare, Jingkun Jiang, Yongchun Liu, Tuukka Petäjä, Veli-Matti Kerminen, Markku Kulmala
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys.
. Sources and sinks driving sulphuric acid concentrations in contrasting environments: implications on proxy calculations
Authors: Dada, L., I. Ylivinkka, R. Baalbaki, C. Li, Y. Guo, C. Yan, L. Yao, N. Sarnela, T. Jokinen, K. R. Daellenbach, R. Yin, C. Deng, B. Chu, T. Nieminen, J. Kontkanen, D. Stolzenburg, M. Sipilä, T. Hussein, P. Paasonen, F. Bianchi, I. Salma, T. Weidinger, M. Pikridas, J. Sciare, J. Jiang, Y. Liu, T. Petäjä, V.-M. Kerminen, and M. Kulmala
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys

. Net ozone production and its relationship to NOx and VOCs in the marine boundary layer around the Arabian Peninsula
Authors: Tadic, I., J.N. Crowley, P. Eger, D. Dienhart, H. Harder, B. Hottmann, M. Martinez, U. Parchatka, J.-D. Paris, A. Pozzer, R. Rohloff, J. Schuladen, J. Shenolikar, S. Tauer, J. Lelieveld and H. Fischer
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 20, 6769-6787
. Nanoparticle Production by Spark Ablation: Principle, Configurations, and Basic Steps toward Application
Authors: Maurits FJ Boeije, George Biskos, Bibianne E van der Maesen, Tobias V Pfeiffer, Aaike W van Vugt, Bernardus Zijlstra, A Schmidt-Ott
Published: Spark Ablation
. Estimation of the emissions by transport in two port cities of the northeastern Mediterranean, Greece
Authors: KM Fameli, AM Kotrikla, C Psanis, G Biskos, A Polydoropoulou
Published: Environmental Pollution
. Comparison of particle size distributions and volatile organic compounds exhaled by e-cigarette and cigarette users
Authors: E Papaefstathiou, S Bezantakos, M Stylianou, G Biskos, A Agapiou
Published: Journal of Aerosol Science
. Improved performance of Differential Mobility Analyzers with 3D-printed flow straighteners
Authors: C Loizidis, M Costi, N Lekaki, S Bezantakos, G Biskos
Published: Journal of Aerosol Science
. Contribution of locally-produced and transported air pollution to particulate matter in a small insular coastal city
Authors: E Triantafyllou, E Diapouli, ΜΒ Korras-Carraca, M Manousakas, C Psanis, AA Floutsi, C Spyrou, K Eleftheriadis, G Biskos
Published: Atmospheric Pollution Research
. Particle size distributions and hygroscopic restructuring of ultrafine particles emitted during thermal spraying
Authors: A Salmatonidis, Mar Viana, G Biskos, S Bezantakos
Published: Aerosol Science & Technology
. The new TC-BC method and online instrument for the measurement of carbonaceous aerosols
Authors: Rigler, M., Drinovec, L., Lavrič, G., Vlachou, A., Prévôt, A. S. H., Jaffrezo, J. L., Stavroulas, I., Sciare, J., Burger, J., Kranjc, I., Turšič, J., Hansen, A. D. A., and Močnik, G.
Published: Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., in review
. Lung Antioxidant Depletion: A Predictive Indicator of Cellular Stress Induced by Ambient Fine Particles
Authors: Crobeddu, B., Baudrimont, I., Deweirdt, J., Sciare, J., Badel, A., Camproux, A. C., … & Baeza-Squiban, A.
Published: Environmental Science & Technology, 54(4), 2360-2369
. Chemical Characterization of fine particles (PM2.5) at a coastal site in the South Western Mediterranean during the ChArMex experiment
Authors: Lemou, A., L. Rabhi, H. Merabet, R. Ladji, J. B Nicolas, N. Bonnaire, M. Abou Mustapha, R. Dilmi, J. Sciare, N. Mihalopoulos, and N. Yassaa
Published: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-19
. A new optical-based technique for real-time measurements of mineral dust concentration in PM10 using a virtual impactor
Authors: Drinovec, L., Sciare, J., Stavroulas, I., Bezantakos, S., Pikridas, M., Unga, F., Savvides, C., Višić, B., Remškar, M., and Močnik, G.
Published: Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 3799–3813
. Unexpected long-range transport of glyoxal and formaldehyde observed from the Copernicus Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite during the 2018 Canadian wildfires
Authors: Alvarado, L. M. A., Richter, A., Vrekoussis, M., Hilboll, A., Kalisz Hedegaard, A. B., Schneising, O., and Burrows, J. P.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 2057–2072
. Intercomparison of NO2, O4, O3 and HCHO slant column measurements by MAX-DOAS and zenith-sky UV–visible spectrometers during CINDI-2
Authors: Kreher, K., Van Roozendael, M., Hendrick, F., Apituley, A., Dimitropoulou, E., Frieß, U., Richter, A., Wagner, T., Lampel, J., Abuhassan, N., Ang, L., Anguas, M., Bais, A., Benavent, N., Bösch, T., Bognar, K., Borovski, A., Bruchkouski, I., Cede, A., Chan, K. L., Donner, S., Drosoglou, T., Fayt, C., Finkenzeller, H., Garcia-Nieto, D., Gielen, C., Gómez-Martín, L., Hao, N., Henzing, B., Herman, J. R., Hermans, C., Hoque, S., Irie, H., Jin, J., Johnston, P., Khayyam Butt, J., Khokhar, F., Koenig, T. K., Kuhn, J., Kumar, V., Liu, C., Ma, J., Merlaud, A., Mishra, A. K., Müller, M., Navarro-Comas, M., Ostendorf, M., Pazmino, A., Peters, E., Pinardi, G., Pinharanda, M., Piters, A., Platt, U., Postylyakov, O., Prados-Roman, C., Puentedura, O., Querel, R., Saiz-Lopez, A., Schönhardt, A., Schreier, S. F., Seyler, A., Sinha, V., Spinei, E., Strong, K., Tack, F., Tian, X., Tiefengraber, M., Tirpitz, J.-L., van Gent, J., Volkamer, R., Vrekoussis, M., Wang, S., Wang, Z., Wenig, M., Wittrock, F., Xie, P. H., Xu, J., Yela, M., Zhang, C., and Zhao, X.
Published: Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 2169–2208
. Exploring the suitability of different land surface schemes in the WRF model for climate simulations over the MENA-CORDEX domain
Authors: Constantinidou K., Hadjinicolaou P., Zittis G., Lelieveld J.
Published: Earth Systems and Environment (submitted: ESEV-D-20-00218)
. DISARM early warning system for wildfires in the Eastern Mediterranean
Authors: Vassiliki Kotroni, Constantinos Cartalis, Silas Michaelides, Joulia Stoyanova, Fillipos Tymvios, Antonis Bezes, Theodoros Christoudias, Stavros Dafis, Christos Giannakopoulos, Theodore Giannaros, Christo Georgiev, Athanasios Karagiannidis, Anna Karali, Ioannis
Published: Sustainability (MDPI) 2020
. Two applications for the processing of high-resolution,model-generated big data-sets: the atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides and the distribution of disease-transmitting vectors
Authors: Marco Miani, Jose Luis Araya Lopez, Yiannis Proestos, Theodoros Christoudias and Jos Lelieveld
Published: Computational Sciences
. Bias Correction of RCM Precipitation by TIN-Copula Method: A Case Study for Historical and Future Simulations in Cyprus
Authors: Lazoglou, G., Zittis, G., Anagnostopoulou, C., Hadjinicolaou, P., & Lelieveld, J.
Published: Climate, 8(7), 85
. A new marine biogenic emission: methane sulfonamide (MSAM), DMS and DMSO2 measured in air over the Arabian Sea
Authors: Edtbauer, A., C. Stönner, E.Y. Pfannerstill, M. Berasategui, D. Walter, J.N. Crowley, J. Lelieveld and J. Williams
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 20, 6081-6094
. Updated assessment of temperature extremes over the MENA region from observational and CMIP5 data
Authors: Ntoumos, A., P. Hadjinicolaou, G. Zittis, J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmosphere (accepted).
. The empirically determined atmospheric residence time of carbon dioxide (CO2)
Authors: Li, M., E. Karu, P. Ciais, J. Lelieveld and J. Williams
Published: Nat. Comm. (submitted).
. Weaker cooling by aerosols due to dust-pollution interactions
Authors: Klingmüller, K., V.A. Karydis, S. Bacer, G.L. Stenchikov and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. (submitted).
. Variability of aerosol-cloud interactions induced by different cloud droplet nucleation schemes
Authors: Chang D.Y., J. Lelieveld, B. Steil, S.S. Yumb and J. Yoon
Published: Atmos. Res. (submitted).
. Toba super volcano eruption caused tropical ozone hole and a human population bottleneck
Authors: Osipov, S., G. Stenchikov, K. Tsigaridis, A.N. LeGrande, S.E. Bauer, M. Fnais and J. Lelieveld
Published: Sci. Adv. (submitted).
. Thermal sensation and indices in the urban outdoor hot Mediterranean environment of Cyprus
Authors: Pantavou, K., Lykoudis, S., Michael, N., Stylianou N., Christou R., Giallouros G., Kouis P., Tymvios F., Nicolaides F., Cartalis C., Nikolopoulos G.
Published: Theor Appl Climatol 140
. The Red Sea deep water is a potent source of atmospheric ethane and propane
Authors: Bourtsoukidis, E., A. Pozzer, T. Sattler, V. Matthaios, L. Ernle, A. Edtbauer, H. Fischer, T. Könemann, S. Osipov, J.-D. Paris, E.Y. Pfannerstill, C. Pöhlker, C. Stönner, I. Tadic, D. Walter, N. Wang, J. Lelieveld, and J. Williams
Published: Nat. Comm. 11, 447
. Spatio-temporal variability of desert dust storms in Eastern Mediterranean (Crete, Cyprus, Israel) between 2006 and 2017 using a uniform methodology
Authors: Achilleos S., Mouzourides P., Kalivitis N., Katra I., Kloog I., Kouis P., Middleton N., Michalopoulos N., Neophytou M., Panayiotou A., Papatheodorou S., Savvides C., Tymvios F., Vassiliadou E., Yiallouros P., Koutrakis P.
Published: Science of the total Environment, Volume 714
. SO2 and HCHO over the major cities of Kazakhstan from 2005 to 2016: Influence of political, economic and industrial changes
Authors: Z. Darynova, M.A. Torkmahalleh,T. Abdrakhmanov, S. Sabyrzhan, S. Sagynov, P.K. Hopke, J. Kushta
Published: Scientific Reports, Nature, in print
. Simulation of extreme rainfall and streamflow events in small Mediterranean watersheds with a one-way coupled atmospheric-hydrologic modelling system
Authors: Camera C., Bruggeman A., Zittis G., Sofokleous I., Arnault J.
Published: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions (under review: nhess-2020-43)
. Sensitivity of simulated climate over the MENA region related to different land surface schemes in the WRF model
Authors: Constantinidou, K., P. Hadjinicolaou, G. Zittis and J. Lelieveld
Published: Theor. Appl. Clim.
. Regional and global contributions of air pollution to risk of death from COVID-19
Authors: Pozzer, A., F. Dominici, A. Haines, T. Münzel, C. Witt and J. Lelieveld
Published: Eur. Heart J. (submitted).
. Reducing air pollution: avoidable health burden. In: W.K. Al-Delaimy, V. Ramanathan, M. Sánchez Sorondo (eds.). Health of people, health of planet and our responsibility
Authors: Lelieveld, J. (2020) Reducing air pollution: avoidable health burden.
Published: W.K. Al-Delaimy, V. Ramanathan, M. Sánchez Sorondo (eds.). Health of people, health of planet and our responsibility, pp. 105-117, Springer Open, Switzerland, Book Chapter
. Natural sea-salt emissions moderate the climate forcing of anthropogenic nitrate
Authors: Chen, Y., Y. Cheng, N. Ma, C. Wei, L. Ran, R. Wolke, J. Größ, Q. Wang, A. Pozzer, H.A.C. Denier van der Gon, G. Spindler, J. Lelieveld, I. Tegen, H. Su and A. Wiedensohler
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 20, 771-786
. Model-based design and analysis of life table experiments for insect vectors
Authors: K. Erguler, M. C. Demirok, F. Gunay, and M. Petri.
Published: bioRxiv, pages 1–31, 2020.
. Measurements of carbonyl compounds around the Arabian Peninsula indicate large missing sources of acetaldehyde.
Authors: Wang, N., A. Edtbauer, A. Pozzer, E. Bourtsoukidis, L. Ernle, D. Dienhart, B. Hottmann, H. Fischer, J. Schuladen, J.N. Crowley, J.-D. Paris, J. Lelieveld and J. Williams
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.
. Loss of Life Expectancy From Air Pollution Compared to Other Risk Factors: A Worldwide Perspective
Authors: Lelieveld, J., A. Pozzer, U. Pöschl, M. Fnais, A. Haines and T. Münzel
Published: Cardiov. Res.
. Land transport CO2 emissions and climate change: evidence from Cyprus
Authors: Giannakis E., Serghides D., Dimitriou S., Zittis G.
Published: International Journal of Sustainable Energy (online)
. How alkaline compounds control atmospheric aerosol acidity
Authors: Karydis, V.A., A.P. Tsimpidi, A. Pozzer and J. Lelieveld
Published: Science Adv. (submitted).
. History of the rainfall data time resolution in different geographical areas of the World
Authors: Morbidelli Ρ., Garcia Marin A.P., Al Mamun A., Atiqur R.A., Ayuso-Muñoz J.L., Bachir T.M., Baranowski P., Bellocchi G., Benjamin I., Bennett B., Byambaa O., Bonaccorso B., Brocca L., Caloiero T., Caporali E., Caracciolo D., Casas-Castillo M.C., Catalini C.G., Chettih M, Kamal Chowdhury A.F.M., Chowdhury R, Corradini C, Custò J., Dari J., Diodato N, Doesken N., Dumitrescu A., Estévez J., Flammini A, Fowler H.J., Freni G., Fusto F., .Garcia-Barron L., Georgiana M., Gönster-Jordan S., Hinson S., Kanecka-Geszke E., Kanti Kar K., Kasperska-Wołowicz W., Krabbi M., Krzyszczak J., Llabrés-Brustenga A., Ledesma L.J., Liu T, Lompi M., Marsico L., Mascaro G., Moramarco T, Newman N., Orzan A., Pampaloni M., Pizarro Tapia R., Puentes Torres A., Rashid M., Rodríguez-Solà R., Sanguesa Pool C., Sepulveda Manzor M., Siwek K., Sousa A., Timbadiya P.V., Tymvios F., Viterbo F., Yoo C., Zeri M., Zittis G., Saltalippi C.
Published: Journal of Hydrology (under review: HYDROL-S20-01973)
. Global burden of pediatric asthma from major sources of NO2
Authors: Chowdhury, S., A. Haines, K. Klingmüller, A. Pozzer, C. Witt and J. Lelieveld
Published: Eur. Resp. J. (submitted).
. Future global meteorological drought hotspots: a study based on CORDEX data
Authors: Spinoni J., Barbosa P., Bucchignani E., Cassano J., Cavazos T., Christensen J.H., Christensen O.B., Coppola E., Evans J., Geyer B., Giorgi F., Hadjinicolaou P., Jacob D., Katzfey J., Koenigk T., Laprise R., Lennard C.H., Kurnaz M.L. Li D., Llopart M., McCormick N., Naumann G., Nikulin G., Ozturk T., Panitz H.-J. Porfirio da Rocha R., Rockel B., Solman S.A. Syktus J., Tangang F., Teichmann C., Vautard R., Vogt J.V., Winger K., Zittis G., Dosio A.
Published: Journal of Climate 33(9):3635-3661
. COVID-19 lockdowns cause global air pollution declines with implications for public health risks.
Authors: Venter, Z.S., K. Aunan, S. Chowdhury and J. Lelieveld
Published: Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (submitted).
. Comprehensive Methodology for the Evaluation of High-Resolution Ensemble Precipitation Simulations for Small, Topographically Complex Domains
Authors: Sofokleous I., Bruggeman A., Michaelides S., Hadjinicolaou P., Zittis G., Camera C.
Published: Journal of Hydrometeorology (submitted: JHM-D-20-0110)
. Cold cloud microphysical process rates in a global chemistry-climate model
Authors: Bacer, S., S. Sullivan, H. Tost, J. Lelieveld and A. Pozzer
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.
. Cerebrovascular and neurological disorders from ambient air pollution – Inflammation and oxidative stress as common features
Authors: Hahad, O., J. Lelieveld, F. Birklein, K. Lieb, A. Daiber and T. Münzel
Published: Int. J. Molec. Sci. (accepted).
. Air quality modelling over the Eastern Mediterranean: Seasonal sensitivity to anthropogenic emissions
Authors: Georgiou, G.K., T. Christoudias, J. Kushta, Y. Proestos and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Environ.

. A comparison of gridded datasets for precipitation and temperature over the Eastern Nile Basin region.
Authors: Abdelwares, M., J. Lelieveld, G. Zittis, M. Haggag and A. Wagdy
Published: Euro-Mediterr. J. Environ. Integr. 5, 3.
. A call to arms: Setting the framework for a code of practice for mosquito management in European wetlands
Authors: A. Martinou, S. Schafer, R. Bueno Mari, I. Angelidou, K. Erguler, J. Fawcett, M. Ferraguti, R. Foussadier, G. T.V., M. C.F., M. Schaefer, F. Schaffner, J. Peyton, B. Purse, D. Wright, and H. Roy.
Published: Journal of Applied Ecology, pages 1–8, 2020.
. 21st Century Projections of Extreme Precipitation Indicators for Cyprus
Authors: Zittis G., Bruggeman A., Camera C.
Published: Atmosphere 11(4):343
. Urban-rural moisture contrast: Regulator of the urban heat island and heatwaves’ synergy over a Mediterranean city
Authors: Pyrgou, A., Hadjinicolaou, P., & Santamouris, M.
Published: Environmental Research, 182(December 2019), 109102
. Particulate matter and health effects in offices-A review
Authors: Ioannis Nezis, George Biskos, Konstantinos Eleftheriadis, Olga-Ioanna Kalantzi
Published: Building and Environment
. Particle number size distribution statistics at City-Centre Urban Background, urban background, and remote stations in Greece during summer
Authors: S Vratolis, MI Gini, S Bezantakos, I Stavroulas, N Kalivitis, E Kostenidou, E Louvaris, D Siakavaras, G Biskos, N Mihalopoulos, SN Pandis, C Pilinis, A Papayannis, K Eleftheriadis
Published: Atmospheric Environment

. Heavy metals inhalation exposure analysis from particulate matter emitted from dry and wet recycling processes of waste electrical and electronic equipment
Authors: Michael Lasithiotakis, Christodoulos Psanis, Eleni Triantafyllou, Panagiota Nikolaou, George Kouvarakis, Nikolaos Michalopoulos, Panagiotis Sinioros, George Biskos
Published: Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy
. Summertime particulate matter and its composition in Greece
Authors: MA Tsiflikiotou, E Kostenidou, DK Papanastasiou, D Patoulias, P Zarmpas, D Paraskevopoulou, E Diapouli, C Kaltsonoudis, K Florou, A Bougiatioti, I Stavroulas, C Theodosi, G Kouvarakis, V Vasilatou, D Siakavaras, G Biskos, C Pilinis, K Eleftheriadis, E Gerasopoulos, N Mihalopoulos, SN Pandis
Published: Atmospheric Environment
. A new optical-based technique for real-time measurements of mineral dust concentration in PM10 using a virtual impactor
Authors: Drinovec, L., Sciare, J., Stavroulas, I., Bezantakos, S., Pikridas, M., Unga, F., Savvides, C., Bojana, V., Maja, R, Grisa, M.
Published: Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discussion
. Effects of Extreme Climate on Mediterranean Societies
Authors: Xoplaki, E.
Published: EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, VOL. 90, NO. 15, P.131
. The influence of the vertical distribution of emissions on tropospheric chemistry
Authors: Pozzer, A., Jöckel, P. And van Ardenne, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 9417-9432
. Circulation dynamics and its influence on European and Mediterranean January-April climate over the past half millennium: Results and insights from instrumental data, documentary evidence and coupled climate models
Authors: Luterbacher, J., Koenig, S.J., Franke, J., van der Schrier, G., Della-Marta, P.M., Jacobeit, J., Küttel, M., Gonzalez-Rouco, F.J., Zorita, E., Xoplaki, E., Stössel, M., Rutishauser, T., Wanner, H., Pfister, C., Brázdil, R., Dobrovolný, P., Camuffo, D., Bertolin, C., Moberg, A., Leijonhufvud, L., Söderberg, J., Allan, R., Wilson, R., Wheeler, D., Barriendos, M., Glaser, R., Riemann, D., Nordli, O., Limanówka, D., van Engelen, A., and Zerefos, C.S.
Published: Climatic Change
. Severe ozone air pollution in the Persian Gulf region
Authors: Lelieveld, J., P.Hoor, P. Jöckel, A. Pozzer, P. Hadjinicolaou and J.-P- Cammas
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 9, 1393-1406
. Homogenization of daily maximum temperature series in the Mediterranean
Authors: Kuglitsch, F. G., A. Toreti, E. Xoplaki, P. M. Della-Marta, J. Luterbacher, and H. Wanner
Published: J. Geophys. Res., 114, D15108
. The importance of ship log data: reconstructing North Atlantic, European and Mediterranean sea level pressure fields back to 1750
Authors: Kuettel, M., Xoplaki E., Gallego D., Luterbacher J., Garçia-Herrera R., Allan R., Barriendos M., Jones P. D., Wheeler D., and Wanner H.
Published: Climate Dynamics
. A comparative modeling study of the Brunt Ice Shelf/Stancomb-Wills Ice Tongue system, East Antarctica
Authors: Humbert, A., Kleiner, T., Mohrholz, C.-O., Oelke, C., Greve, R. and M. A. Lange
Published: Journal of Glaciology 55, No. 189, 51-65
. Changing energy requirements in the Eastern Mediterranean under changing climatic conditions
Authors: Giannakopoulos C., P. Hadjinicolaou, C. Zerefos and G. Demosthenous
Published: Energies, Vol. 2, No. 4, 805-815
. Effects of aerosol solubility and regeneration on warm-phase orographic clouds and precipitation simulated by a detailed bin microphysical scheme
Authors: Xue, L., A. Teller, R. Rasmussen, I. Geresdi and Z. Pan
Published: J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 3336–3354
. Uncertainties in atmospheric chemistry modelling due to convection parameterisations and subsequent scavenging
Authors: Tost, H., Lawrence, M.G., Bruhl, C., Jockel, P., The GABRIEL Team, and The SCOUT-O3-DARWIN/ACTIVE Team
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 1931—1951
. Characterization of extreme winter precipitation in the Mediterranean and associated anomalous atmospheric circulation patterns
Authors: Toreti, A., Kuglitsch, F.G., Xoplaki, E., Maraun, D., Wanner, H., and Luterbacher, J.
Published: Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, Volume 10, Issue 5 pp.1037-1050
. A Novel Method for the Homogenization of Daily Temperature Series and Its Relevance for Climate Change Analysis
Authors: Toreti, A., Kuglitsch, F.G., Xoplaki, E., Luterbacher, J., and Wanner, H.
Published: J. Climate, 23, 5325–5331
. Modelling the impact of ocean warming on melting and water masses of ice shelves in the Eastern Weddell Sea
Authors: Thoma, M., Grosfeld, K., Makinson, K. and Lange, M.A.
Published: Ocean Dynamics 60:479–489
. Global distribution of the effective hygroscopicity parameter for CCN activation
Authors: Pringle, K.J., Tost, H., Pozzer, A., Pöschl, U. and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 10, 5241–5255
. Description and evaluation of GMXe: A new aerosol submodel for global simulations (v1)
Authors: Pringle, K.J., Tost, H., Metzger, S., Steil, B., Giannadaki, D., Nenes, A., Fountoukis, C., Steir, P., Vignati, E. and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Geosci. Model Develop. 3, 391-412
. Observed and simulated global distribution and budget of atmospheric C2−C5 alkanes
Authors: Pozzer, A., Pollmann, J., Taraborrelli, D., Jöckel, P., Helmig, D., Tans, P., J. Hueber, J. and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 10, 4403-4422
. Intercomparison of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions in stratiform orographic mixed-phase clouds
Authors: Muhlbauer, A., T. Hashino, L. Xue,, A. Teller, U. Lohmann, R. Rasmussen, I. Geresdi, and Z. Pan
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 8173–8196
. A missing sink for radicals
Authors: Lelieveld, J.
Published: Nature 466, 925-926
. Atmospheric pollutant outflow from southern Asia: A review
Authors: Lawrence, M.G. and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 10, 11017-11096
. Heat Wave Changes in the Eastern Mediterranean since 1960
Authors: Kuglitsch, F. G., Toreti, A., Xoplaki, E., Della-Marta, P.M., Zerefos, C.S., Türkes, M. and Luterbacher, J.
Published: Geophysical Research Letters, VOL. 37, L04802
. Human health risks in megacities due to air pollution
Authors: Gurjar B. R., Jain, A., Sharma, A., Agarwal, A., Gupta, P., Nagpure, A.S., Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmospheric Environment 44, 4606-4613
. Precipitation and temperature regime over Cyprus as a result of global climate change
Authors: Giannakopoulos, C., Hadjinicolaou, P., Kostopoulou, E., Varotsos, K.V. and C. Zerefos, C.
Published: Adv. Geosc., 23, 17–24
. Impact of future land use and land cover changes on atmospheric chemistry-climate interactions
Authors: Ganzeveld, L.N., Bouwman, L., Eickhout, B., Lelieveld, J., E. Stehfest, E. and van Vuuren, D.
Published: J. Geophys. Res. 115, D23301
. 500-year temperature reconstruction in the Mediterranean Basin by means of documentary data and instrumental observations
Authors: Camuffo, D., Bertolin, C., Barriendos, M., Dominguez, F., Cocheo, C., Enzi, S., Sghedoni, M., della Valle, A., Garnier, E., Alcoforado, M.-J., Xoplaki, E., Luterbacher, J., Diodato, N., Maugeri, M., Nunes, M.F., and Rodriguez, R.
Published: Climatic Change, 101, 1-2 (169-199)
. Modelling the chemically aged and mixed aerosols over the eastern central Atlantic Ocean – potential impacts
Authors: Astitha, M., Kallos, G., Spyrou, C., O’Hirok, W., J. Lelieveld, J. and Denier van der Gon, H.A.C
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 10, 5797-5822
. A note on the use of the standard normal homogeneity test to detect inhomogeneities in climatic time series
Authors: Toreti, A., Kuglitsch, F. G., Xoplaki, E., Della-Marta, P. M., Aguilar, E., Prohom, M., Luterbacher, J.
Published: Int. J. Climatol., 31, 4, 630–632
. An integrated modeling study on the effects of mineral dust and sea salt particles on clouds and precipitation
Authors: Solomos, S., Kallos, G., Kushta, J., Astitha, M., Tremback, C., Nenes, A., and Levin, Z.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 873-892
. Impact of mineral dust on cloud formation in a Saharan outflow region
Authors: Smoydzin, L., A. Teller, H. Tost, M. Fnais and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. 11, 32363-32390
. The Atmosphere-ocean General Circulation Model EMAC-MPIOM
Authors: Pozzer, A., Jöckel, P., Kern, B., and Haak, H.
Published: Geosci. Model Dev., 4, 771-784
. Site selection for hillside central receiver solar thermal plants
Authors: Noone, C.J., Ghobeity, A., Slocum, A.H., Tzamtzis, G., Mitsos, A.
Published: Solar Energy, Volume 85, Issue 5, Pages 839-848
. Small inter-annual variability of global atmospheric hydroxyl
Authors: Montzka, S., Krol, M., Dlugokencky, E., Hall, B., Jöckel, P., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Science, 331, 67-69
. Application of SCIAMACHY and MOPITT CO total column measurements to evaluate model results over biomass burning regions and eastern China
Authors: Liu, C., Beirle, S., Butler, T., Liu, J., Hoor, P., Jöckel, P., Penning de Vries, M., Pozzer, A., Frankenberg, C., Lawrence, M.G., Lelieveld, J., Platt, U. and Wagner, T.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 6083-6114
. Oxidation photochemistry in the Southern Atlantic boundary layer: Unexpected deviations of photochemical steady state
Authors: Hosaynali Beygi, Z., H. Fischer, Harder, H.D., Martinez, M., Sander, R., Williams, J., Brookes, D.M., Monks, P.S. and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11, 7045-7093
. Mid-21st century climate and weather extremes in Cyprus as projected by six regional climate models
Authors: Hadjinicolaou, P., C. Giannakopoulos, C. Zerefos, M.A. Lange, S. Pashiardis and J. Lelieveld
Published: Reg. Environ. Change 11, 441-457
. Modelling nitrogen in the Yesilirmak River catchment in Northern Turkey: Impacts of future climate and environmental change and implications for nutrient management
Authors: Hadjikakou, M., Whitehead P.G., Jin L., Futter M., Hadjinicolaou P., and Shahgedanova M.
Published: Sci. Total Environ., vol. 409, no. 12, 2404 – 2418
. Resurgence in Ice Nuclei Measurement Research
Authors: DeMott, P.J., O. Möhler, O. Stetzer, G. Vali, Z. Levin, M. D. Petters, M. Murakami, T. Leisner, U. Bundke, H. Klein, Z. A. Kanji, R. Cotton, H. Jones, S. Benz, M. Brinkmann, D. Rzesanke, H. Saathoff, M. Nicolet, A. Saito, B. Nillius, H. Bingemer, J. Abbatt, K. Ardon, E. Ganor, D. G. Georgakopoulos, and C. Saunders
Published: Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 92, 1623–1635
. The impact of climate change on the water resources of the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region: modelled 21st century changes and implications
Authors: Chenoweth, J., Hadjinicolaou, P., Bruggeman, A., Lelieveld, J., Levin, Z., Lange, M. A., Xoplaki, E. and Hadjikakou, M.
Published: Water Res. Res., 47, W06506
. Characteristics of immersion freezing nuclei at the South Pole station in Antarctica
Authors: Ardon-Dryer, K., Levin, Z., Lawson, R. P.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, pages 4015–4024
. Effects of aerosol solubility and regeneration on mixed-phase orographic clouds and precipitation
Authors: Xue, L., Teller, A., Rasmussen, R., Geresdi, I., Pan, Z., and Liu, X.
Published: J. Atmos. Sci., 69, 1994–2010
. Increasing CO2 suppresses boundary-layer clouds in temperate climates
Authors: Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J., van Heerwaarden, C. and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Nature Geosci. 5, 701-704
. The effects of mineral dust particles, aerosol regeneration and ice nucleation parameterizations on clouds and precipitation
Authors: Teller, A., Xue, L., and Levin, Z.
Published: Atmos. Chem. and Phys., 12, 9303–9320
. Hydroxyl radical buffered by isoprene oxidation over tropical forests
Authors: Taraborrelli, D., Lawrence, M.G., Crowley, J.N., Dillon, T.J., Gromov, S., Groß, C.B.M., Vereecken, L., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Nature Geosci. 5, 190-193
. Intercomparison of temperature and precipitation datasets based on observations in the Mediterranean and the Middle East
Authors: Tanarhte, M., Hadjinicolaou, P., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: J. Geophys. Res. 117, D12102
. Ozone pollution over the Arabian Gulf – Role of meteorological conditions
Authors: Smoydzin, L., Fnais, M. and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. 12, 6331-6361
. Effects of business-as-usual anthropogenic emissions on air quality
Authors: Pozzer, A., Zimmermann, P., Doering, U.M., van Aardenne, J., Tost, H., Janssens-Maenhout, G., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 12, 6915-6937
. Distributions and regional budgets of aerosols and their precursors simulated with the EMAC chemistry-climate model
Authors: Pozzer, A., A. de Meij, K. J. Pringle, H. Tost, U. M. Doering, J. van Aardenne and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 12, 961-987
. Aerosol hygroscopic growth parameterization based on a solute specific coefficient
Authors: Metzger, S., Steil, B., Xu, L., Penner, J.E., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 12, 5429-5446
. The IPAC-NC field campaign: a pollution and oxidization pool in the lower atmosphere over Huabei, China
Authors: Ma, J.Z., Wang, W., Chen, Y., Liu, H.J., Yan, P., Ding, G.A., Wang, M.L., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 12, 3883-3908
. Global mechanistic model of SOA formation: effects of different chemical mechanisms
Authors: Lin, G., Penner, J.E., Sillman, S., Taraborrelli, D., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 12, 4743-4774
. Climate change and impacts in the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East
Authors: Lelieveld, J., Hadjinicolaou, P., Kostopoulou, E., Chenoweth, J., El Maayar, M., Giannakopoulos, C., Hannides, C., Lange, M.A., Tanarhte, M., Tyrlis, E., and Xoplaki, E.
Published: Climatic Change, 114, 3-4, 667-687
. Global risk of radioactive fallout after nuclear reactor accidents
Authors: Lelieveld, J., Kunkel, D., and Lawrence, M.G.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 12, 4245-4258
. A review of operational, regional-scale, chemical weather forecasting models in Europe
Authors: Kukkonen, J., Olsson, T., Schultz, D. M., Baklanov, A., Klein, T., Miranda, A. I., Monteiro, A., Hirtl, M., Tarvainen, V., Boy, M., Peuch, V.H., Poupkou, A., Kioutsioukis, I., Finardi, S., Sofiev, M., Sokhi, R., Lehtinen, K. E. J., Karatzas, K ., San José, R., Astitha, M., Kallos, G., Schaap, M., Reimer, E., Jakobs, H., and Eben, K.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 1-87
. Factors affecting O3 and NO2 photolysis frequencies measured in the eastern Mediterranean during the five-year period 2002–2006
Authors: Gerasopoulos, E., S. Kazadzis, M. Vrekoussis, G. Kouvarakis, E. Liakakou, N. Kouremeti, D. Giannadaki, M. Kanakidou, B. Bohn, and N. Mihalopoulos
Published: J. Geophys. Res., 117, D22305
. Impact of HONO on global atmospheric chemistry calculated with an empirical parameterization in the EMAC model
Authors: Elshorbany, Y.F., Brühl, C., Steil B., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 9977-10000
. Digital correction of computed x-radiographs for coral densitometry
Authors: Duprey, N., Boucher, H. & Jimenez, C.
Published: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 438: 84-92
. Does acetone react with HO2 in the upper troposphere?
Authors: Dillon, T.J., A. Pozzer, J.N. Crowley and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 12, 1339-1351
. EMAC model evaluation and analysis of atmospheric aerosol properties and distribution
Authors: de Meij, A., A. Pozzer, K.J. Pringle, H. Tost and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Res. 114-115, 38-69
. Trend analysis in aerosol optical depths and pollutant emission estimates between 2000 and 2009
Authors: de Meij, A., A. Pozzer and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmospheric Environment, 51, 75–85
. Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on air pollution transport
Authors: Christoudias, T., Pozzer, A., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 12, 869-877
. The role of carbonyl sulphide as a source of stratospheric sulphate aerosol and its impact on climate
Authors: Brühl, C., Lelieveld , J., Crutzen, P.J., and Tost, H.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys,. 12, 1239-1253
. Estimating the contribution of monsoon-related biogenic production to methane emissions from South Asia using CARIBIC observations
Authors: Baker, A.K., T.J. Schuck, C.A.M. Brenninkmeijer, A. Rauthe-Schöch, F. Slemr, P.F.J. van Velthoven and J. Lelieveld
Published: Geophys. Res. Lett. 39, L10813
. Parameterization of dust emissions in the global atmospheric chemistry-climate model EMAC: impact of nudging and soil properties
Authors: Astitha, M., Lelieveld, J., Abdel Kader, M., Pozzer, A., and de Meij, A.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 11057-11083
. Technical note: Temporal change in averaging kernels as a source of uncertainty in trend estimates of carbon monoxide retrieved from MOPITT
Authors: Yoon, J. A. Pozzer, P. Hoor, D.Y. Chang, S. Beirle, T. Wagner, S. Schloegl, J. Lelieveld and H.M. Worden
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 13, 11307-11316
. Climate and human health: The impact of climate change on vector-borne diseases, Paphos, Cyprus (17-19 October 2012)
Authors: Waldock, J., P.E. Parham, J. Lelieveld and G.K. Christophides
Published: Path. Glob. Health. 107, 387-392
. The role of environmental variables on Aedes albopictus biology and chikungunya epidemiology
Authors: Waldock, J., Chandra, N. L., Lelieveld, J., Proestos, Y., Michael, E., Christophides, G., and Parham, P. E.
Published: Pathogens and Global Health, pages 224-241
. Economic crisis detected from space: Air quality trends over Athens/Greece
Authors: Vrekoussis, M., A. Richter, A. Hilboll, J.P. Burrows, E. Gerasopoulos, J. Lelieveld, L. Barrie, C. Zerefos and N. Mihalopoulos
Published: Geophys. Res. Lett. 40, 458–463
. The summer circulation in the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East: influence of the South Asian monsoon
Authors: Tyrlis, E., J. Lelieveld and B. Steil
Published: Clim. Dyn. 40, 1103-1123
. Climatology and Dynamics of the Summer Etesian Winds over the Eastern Mediterranean
Authors: Tyrlis, E, Lelieveld, J.
Published: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume: 70, Issue: 11, Pages: 3374-3396
. MAX-DOAS formaldehyde slant column measurements during CINDI: intercomparison and analysis improvement
Authors: Pinardi, G., Van Roozendael, M., Abuhassan, N. Vrekoussis M. et al
Published: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Volume: 6, Issue: 1, Pages: 167-185
. POMI: a model inter-comparison exercise over the Po Valley
Authors: Pernigotti, D., Thunis, P., Cuvelier, C., Georgieva, E., Gsella, A., De Meij, A., Pirovano, G., Balzarini, A., Riva, G.M., Carnevale, C., Pisoni, E., Volta, M. Bessagnet, B., Kerschbaumer, A., Viaene, P., De Ridder, K., Nyiri, A., Wind, P.
Published: Air Quality Atmosphere and Health, Volume: 6, Issue: 4, Pages: 701-715
. Radiative signature of absorbing aerosol over the eastern Mediterranean basin
Authors: Mishra, A.K., E. Fredj, K. Klingmüller, J. Lelieveld, I. Koren and Y. Rudich
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. 14, 2403-2447
. Pollution plumes observed by aircraft over North China during the IPAC-NC field campaign
Authors: Ma, J.Z., Wang, W., Liu, H.J., Chen, Y., Xu, X.B., Lelieveld, J
Published: Chinese Science Bulletin, Volume: 58, Issue: 34, Pages: 4329-4336
. Model projected heat extremes and air pollution in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East in the 21st century
Authors: Lelieveld, J., P. Hadjinicolaou, E. Kostopoulou, C. Giannakopoulos, A. Pozzer, M. Tanarhte and E. Tyrlis
Published: Reg. Env. Change.
. Comment on “Global risk of radioactive fallout after major nuclear reactor accidents” by J. Lelieveld et al.
Authors: Lelieveld, J., M.G. Lawrence and D. Kunkel
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 13, 31-34
. Model calculated global, regional and megacity premature mortality due to air pollution
Authors: Lelieveld, J., Barlas, C., Giannadaki, D., and Pozzer, A.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 7023–7037
. Water on Cyprus: Current Conditions and Future Perspectives
Authors: Lange, M. A.
Published: Global Dialogue 15 (2), 12pp
. Spatial and temporal patterns of recent and future climate extremes in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region
Authors: Kostopoulou, E., C. Giannakopoulos, M. Hatzaki, A. Karali, P. Hadjinicolaou, J. Lelieveld and M.A. Lange
Published: Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. 1, 4425-4444
. Modeled global effects of airborne desert dust on air quality and premature mortality
Authors: Giannadaki, D., Pozzer, A., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 13, 24023–24050
. A Methodology to Infer Crop Yield Response to Climate Variability and Change Using Long-Term Observations
Authors: El-Maayar, M.; Lange, M.A.
Published: Atmosphere 2013, 4, 365-382
. Extreme precipitation events in the Middle East: Dynamics of the Active Red Sea Trough
Authors: De Vries, A. J., E. Tyrlis, D. Edry, S. O. Krichak, B. Steil, and J. Lelieveld
Published: J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 7087–7108
. Modelling the global atmospheric transport and deposition of radionuclides from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident
Authors: Christoudias, T. and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 13, 1425-1438
. Role of soil moisture in the amplification of climate warming in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East
Authors: Zittis, G, P. Hadjinicolaou and J. Lelieveld
Published: Clim. Res. 59, 27-37
. Comparison of WRF Model Physics Parameterizations over the MENA-CORDEX Domain
Authors: Zittis G., Hadjinicolaou P. and Lelieveld J.
Published: American Journal of Climate Change, 3, 490-511
. Summertime free-tropospheric ozone pool over the eastern Mediterranean/Middle East
Authors: Zanis, P., Hadjinicolaou, P., Pozzer, A., Tyrlis, E., Dafka, S., Mihalopoulos, N., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 115-132
. On the linkage between the Asian summer monsoon and tropopause fold activity over the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East
Authors: Tyrlis, E., B. Skerlak, M. Sprenger, H. Wernli, G. Zittis and J. Lelieveld
Published: J. Geophys. Res. 119
. ORACLE: a module for the description of ORganic Aerosol Composition and Evolution in the atmosphere
Authors: Tsimpidi, A.P., V.A. Karydis, A. Pozzer, S.N. Pandis and J. Lelieveld
Published: Geosci. Model Dev. 7, 3153-3172
. Physically based dynamic run-out modelling for quantitative debris flow risk assessment: a case study in Tresenda, northern Italy
Authors: Quan Luna, B., Blahut, J., Camera, C., van Westen, C.J., Apuani, T., Jetten, V., Sterlacchini, S.
Published: Env. Earth Sci. 72:645-661
. Radiative signature of absorbing aerosol over the eastern Mediterranean basin
Authors: Mishra, A.K., Klingmüller, K., Fredj, E., Lelieveld, J., Rudich, Y., and Koren, I.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 14, 7213-7231
. Intercomparison and evaluation of aerosol microphysical properties among AeroCom global models of a range of complexity
Authors: Mann, G.W., K.S. Carslaw, C.L. Reddington, K.J. Pringle, M. Schulz, A. Asmi, D.V. Spracklen, D.A. Ridley, M.T. Woodhouse, L.A. Lee, K. Zhang, S.J. Ghan, R.C. Easter, X. Liu, P. Stier, Y.H. Lee, P.J. Adams, H. Tost, J. Lelieveld, S.E. Bauer, K. Tsigaridis, T.P.C. Noije, A. Strunk, E. Vignati, N. Bellouin, M. Dalvi, C.E. Johnson, T. Bergman, H. Kokkola, K. von Salzen, F. Yu, G. Luo, A. Petzold, J. Heintzenberg, A. Clarke, J.A. Ogren, J. Gras, U. Baltensperger, U. Kaminski, S.G. Jennings, C.D. O’Dowd, R.M. Harrison, D.C.S. Beddows, M. Kulmala, Y. Viisanen, V. Ulevicius, N. Mihalopoulos, V. Zdimal, M. Fiebig, H.-C. Hansson, E. Swietlicki and J.S. Hentig
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 14, 4679-4713
. Profile information on CO from SCIAMACHY observations using cloud slicing and comparison with model simulations
Authors: Liu, C., Beirle, S., Butler, T., Hoor, P., Frankenberg, C., Jöckel, P., Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(3), 1717-1732
. Model projected heat extremes and air pollution in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East in the 21st century
Authors: Lelieveld, J., P. Hadjinicolaou, E. Kostopoulou, C. Giannakopoulos, A. Pozzer, M. Tanarhte and E. Tyrlis
Published: Reg. Env. Change, 14, 1937-1949
. Impact of natural aerosols on atmospheric radiation and consequent feedbacks on the meteorological and photochemical state of atmosphere
Authors: Kushta, J., G. Kallos, S. Solomos, M. Astitha, C. Spyrou, C. Mitsakou and J. Lelieveld
Published: J. Geophys. Res. 119, 1463-1491
. Spatial and temporal patterns of recent and future climate extremes in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region
Authors: Kostopoulou, E., C. Giannakopoulos, M. Hatzaki, A. Karali, P. Hadjinicolaou, J. Lelieveld and M.A. Lange
Published: Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 14, 1565-1577
. Sensitivity of aerosol extinction to new mixing rules in the AEROPT submodel of the ECHAM5/MESSy1.9 atmospheric chemistry (EMAC) model
Authors: Klingmüller, K., B. Steil, C. Brühl, H. Tost and J. Lelieveld
Published: Geosci. Model Dev. 7, 2503-2516
. On the temporal and spatial variation of ozone in Cyprus
Authors: Kleanthous, S., Vrekoussis, M., Mihalopoulos, N., Kalabokas, P., Lelieveld, J.
Published: Science of the Total Environment, 476–477 (2014) 677–687
. The MESSy aerosol submodel MADE3 (v2.0b): description and a box model test
Authors: Kaiser J. C., J. Hendricks, M. Righi, N. Riemer, R. A. Zaveri, S. Metzger, and V. Aquila
Published: Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 1137-1157
. Mortality of the scleractinian coral Cladocora caespitosa during a warming event in the Levantine Sea (Cyprus)
Authors: Jimenez, C, Hadjioannou, L., Petrou, A., Nikolaidis, A., Evriviadou, M., Lange, M.A.
Published: Reg. Environ. Change 14 (6)
. Simulated Air Quality and Pollutant Budgets over Europe in 2008
Authors: Im U., Daskalakis N., Markakis K., Vrekoussis M., Hjorth J., Myriokefalitakis S., Gerasopoulos E., Kouvarakis G., Richter A., Burrows J., Pozzoli L., Unal A., Kindap T., Kanakidou M.
Published: Science of the Total Environment, 470–471 (2014) 270–281
. On transition-zone water clouds
Authors: Hirsch, E., Koren, I., Levin, Z., Altaratz, O., and Agassi, E.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 9001-9012
. Evaluation of MM5, WRF and TRAMPER meteorology over the complex terrain of the Po Valley, Italy
Authors: Gsella A., A. de Meij, A. Kerschbaumer, E. Reimer, P. Thunis, C. Cuvelier
Published: Atmospheric Environment, 89, 797-806
. Modeled global effects of airborne desert dust on air quality and premature mortality
Authors: Giannadaki, D., Pozzer, A., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 957-968
. Global and regional impacts of HONO on the chemical composition of clouds and aerosols
Authors: Elshorbany, Y.F., Crutzen, P., Steil, B., Pozzer, A., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 14, 1167-1184
. Global risk from the atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides by nuclear power plant accidents in the coming decades
Authors: Christoudias, T., Proestos, Y., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 14, 4607-4616
. Aerosol-cloud interactions studied with the chemistry-climate model EMAC
Authors: Chang, D.Y., Tost, H., Steil, B., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. 14, 21975-22043
. Ground-based measurements of immersion freezing in the eastern Mediterranean
Authors: Ardon-Dryer, K. and Levin, Z.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 5217–5231, 2014
. An improved glyoxal retrieval from OMI measurements
Authors: Alvarado, L. M. A., Richter, A., Vrekoussis, M., Wittrock, F., Hilboll, A., Schreier, S. F., and Burrows, J. P.
Published: Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 4133-4150
. Projected changes in heat wave characteristics in the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East
Authors: Zittis G., Hadjinicolaou P., Fnais M. and Lelieveld J.
Published: Regional Environmental Change, (online first)
. Boosting Blue Growth in a Mild Sea: Analysis of the Synergies Produced by a Multi-Purpose Offshore Installation in the Northern Adriatic, Italy
Authors: Zanuttigh, B., E. Angelelli, G. Bellotti, A. Romano, Y. Krontira, D. Troianos, R. Suffredini, G. Franceschi, M. Cantù, L. Airoldi, F. Zagonari, A. Taramelli, F. Filipponi, C. Jimenez, M. Evriviadou and Stefanie Broszeit
Published: Sustainability 7: 6804-6853
. A carbonate platform associated with shallow cold methane seeps in Golfo Dulce, Pacific Costa Rica
Authors: Wild C, Rixen T, Sanchez-Noguera C, Merico A, Jimenez C, Cortés J, Naumann MS
Published: Galaxea 17: 13-14
. The role of blocking in the summer 2014 collapse of Etesians over the eastern Mediterranean
Authors: Tyrlis, E., F. S. Tymvios, C. Giannakopoulos, and J. Lelieveld
Published: J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120
. Biochemical biomarker responses to pollution in selected sentinel organisms across the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea
Authors: Tsangaris, C., V. Moschino, E. Strogyloudi, V. Coatu, A. Ramšak, R. Abu Alhaija, S. Carvalho Susana
Published: Environmental Science and Pollution Research International (2015): 1-16
. Heat wave characteristics in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East using extreme value theory
Authors: Tanarhte, M., P. Hadjinicolaou and J. Lelieveld
Published: Climate Res. 63, 99-113
. Present and future projections of habitat suitability of the Asian tiger mosquito, a vector of viral pathogens, from global climate simulation
Authors: Proestos Y, Christophides G, Erguler K, Tanarte M, Waldock J, Lelieveld J.
Published: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2015 370 20130554
Link: 10.1098/rstb.2013.0554
. AOD trends during 2001–2010 from observations and model simulations
Authors: Pozzer, A., de Meij, A., Yoon, J., Tost, H., Georgoulias, A. K., and Astitha, M.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 5521-5535
. Ultrafine particle sources and in-situ formation in a European Megacity
Authors: Pikridas, M., J. Sciare, S.L. von der Weiden-Reinmüller, S. Crumeyrolle, F. Freutel, A. Borbon, A. Schwarzenboeck, M. Merkel, M. Crippa, E. Kostenidou, M. Psichoudaki, L. Hildebrandt, G. Engelheart, T. Petäjä, A.S.H. Prevot, F. Drewnick, U. Baltensperger, A. Wiedensohler, M. Kulmala, M. Beekmann, and S.N. Pandis
Published: Atmos. Chem. and Phys., 15, 10219-10237
. Reply to the comment on “Rainfall erosivity in Europe” by Auerswald et al”
Authors: Panagos, P., Ballabio, C., Borrelli, P., Meusburger, K., Klik, A., Rousseva, S., Tadić, M.P., Michaelides, S., Hrabalíková, M., Olsen, P., Aalto, J., Lakatos, M., Rymszewicz, A., Dumitrescu, A., Beguería, S., Alewell, C.
Published: Science of the Total Environment. 06/2015
. Rainfall erosivity in Europe
Authors: Panagos, P., Ballabio, C., Borrelli, P., Meusburger, K., Klik, A., Rousseva, S., Tadić, M.P., Michaelides, S., Hrabalíková, M., Olsen, P., Aalto, J., Lakatos, M., Rymszewicz, A., Dumitrescu, A., Beguería, S., Alewell, C.
Published: Science of the Total Environment, 511, 801-814
. The Rise of Low-cost Sensing for Managing Air Pollution in Cities
Authors: P. Kumar, L. Morawska, C. Martani, G. Biskos, M. Neophytou, S. Di Sabatino, M. Bell, L. Norford, and R. Britter
Published: Environment International, 75, 199–205
. Aerosol water parameterization: a single parameter framework
Authors: Metzger, S., Steil, B., Abdelkader, M., Klingmüller, K., Xu, L., Penner, J. E., Fountoukis, C., Nenes, A., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 15, 33493-33553
. Ozone and aerosols tropospheric concentrations variability analyzed using the ADRIMED measurements and the WRF-CHIMERE models
Authors: Menut, L. , S. Mailler, G. Siour, B. Bessagnet, S. Turquety, G. Rea, R. Briant, M. Mallet, J. Sciare, and P. Formenti
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 6159-6182
. Atomic Cluster Generation with an Atmospheric Pressure Spark Discharge Generator
Authors: Maisser, A. K. Barmpounis, M. B. Attoui, G. Biskos, and A. Schmidt-Ott
Published: Aerosol Science and Technology, 49:886–894, 2015
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. Heat-related cardiovascular mortality risk in Cyprus: a case-crossover study using a distributed lag non-linear model
Authors: Lubczyńska, M. J, Christophi C. A., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Environmental Health, 14:39
. Abrupt recent trend changes in atmospheric nitrogen dioxide over the Middle East
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Published: Science Adv. 1, Vol. 1, no. 7, e1500498
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. The contribution of outdoor air pollution sources to premature mortality on a global scale
Authors: Lelieveld, J., J.S. Evans, M. Fnais, D. Giannadaki and A. Pozzer
Published: Nature 525, 367-371
. The rise of low-cost sensing for managing air pollution in cities
Authors: Kumar, P., L. Morawska , C. Martani , G. Biskos , M. Neophytou, S. Di Sabatino , M. Bell , L. Norford, R. Britter
Published: Environment International, 75 (2015) 199–205
. A study of the impact of synoptic weather conditions and water vapor on aerosol–cloud relationships over major urban clusters of China
Authors: Kourtidis, K., Stathopoulos, S., Georgoulias, A. K., Alexandri, G., and Rapsomanikis, S.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 10955-10964
. Field experimental observations of highly graded sediment plumes
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. Optical hydrogen sensing with nanoparticulate Pd–Au films produced by spark ablation
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. Dynamics in benthic community composition and influencing factors in an upwelling exposed coral reef on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica
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Published: PeerJ 3:e1434
. ACTRIS ACSM intercomparison: part II – Intercomparison of ME-2 organic source apportionment results from 15 individual, co-located aerosol mass spectrometers
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Published: Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 2555-2576
. Toward industrial scale synthesis of ultrapure singlet nanoparticles with controllable sizes in a continuous gas-phase process
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. ACTRIS ACSM intercomparison – Part 1: Reproducibility of concentration and fragment results from 13 individual Quadrupole Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitors (Q-ACSM) and consistency with co-located instruments
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Published: Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 5063-5087
. Modelling Anopheles gambiae s.s. Population Dynamics with Temperature- and Age-Dependent Survival
Authors: Christiansen-Jucht C, Erguler K, Shek CY, Basáñez MG, Parham PE
Published: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2015 12(6), 5975-6005
. Modeling the stability of terraced slopes: an approach from Valtellina (Northern Italy)
Authors: Camera, C., Apuani, T., Masetti, M.
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. Stratospheric sulfur and its implications for radiative forcing simulated by the chemistry climate model EMAC
Authors: Brühl, C., J. Lelieveld, H. Tost, M. Höpfner and N. Glatthor
Published: J. Geophys. Res. 120, 2103-2118
. A Cost-Effective Electrostatic Precipitator for Aerosol Nanoparticle Segregation
Authors: Bezantakos, S., L. Huang, K. Barmpounis, M. Attoui, A. Schmidt-Ott, and G. Biskos
Published: Aerosol Science and Technology, 49:iv–vi
. Aerosol chemistry above an extended archipelago of the eastern Mediterranean basin during strong northern winds
Authors: Athanasopoulou, E., A. P. Protonotariou, E. Bossioli, A. Dandou, M. Tombrou, J. D. Allan, H. Coe, N. Mihalopoulos, J. Kalogiros, A. Bacak, J. Sciare, and G. Biskos
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 8401–8421
. On the ability of RegCM4 regional climate model to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe: an assessment using satellite-based observations
Authors: Alexandri, G., Georgoulias, A. K., Zanis, P., Katragkou, E., Tsikerdekis, A., Kourtidis, K., and Meleti, C.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13195-13216
. Dust–air pollution dynamics over the eastern Mediterranean
Authors: Abdelkader, M., Metzger, S., Mamouri, R. E., Astitha, M., Barrie, L., Levin, Z., and Lelieveld, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 9173-9189
. Enhanced Trans-Himalaya Pollution Transport to the Tibetan Plateau by the Cut-off Low System
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Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.
. Trend estimates of AERONET-observed and model-simulated AOTs between 1993 and 2013
Authors: Yoon, J., A. Pozzer, D.Y. Chang, J. Lelieveld, J. Kim, M. Kim, Y.G. Lee, J.-H. Koo, J. Lee
Published: Atmos. Environ. 125, 33-47
. The Role of Size and Dimerization of Decorating Plasmonic Silver Nanoparticles on the Photoelectrochemical Solar Water Splitting Performance of BiVO4 Photoanodes
Authors: Valenti, M., Kontoleta, E., Digdaya, I. A., Jonsson, M. P., Biskos, G., Schmidt-Ott, A., and Smith, W. A.
Published: ChemNanoMat, 2, 739-747
. Plasmonic Nanoparticle-Semiconductor Composites for Efficient Solar Water Splitting
Authors: Valenti, M., Jonsson, M. P., Biskos, G., Schmidt-Ott, A., and Smith, W. A.
Published: Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4,17891-1791
. Global combustion sources of organic aerosols: Model comparison with 84 AMS factor analysis data sets
Authors: Tsimpidi, A.P., V.A. Karydis, S.N. Pandis and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 16, 8939-8962
. Particulate pollution transport episodes from Eurasia to a remote region of northeast Mediterranean
Authors: Triantafyllou, E., Giamarelou, M., Bossioli E., Zarmpas P., Theodosi C., C. Matsoukas, M. Tombrou, N. Mihalopoulos, G. Biskos
Published: Atmospheric Environment, 128 (2016) 45 -52
. Assessment of factors influencing PM mass concentration measured by gravimetric & beta attenuation techniques at a suburban site
Authors: Triantafyllou, E., Diapouli, E., Tsilibari, E.M., Adamopoulos, A.D., Biskos, G., Eleftheriadis, K.
Published: Atmospheric Environment, 131 (2016) 409 – 417
. Nucleation events at a coastal city during the warm period: Kerbside versus urban background measurements
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Published: Atmospheric Environment, 140 (2016) 60-68
. Operationalizing Ecosystem Services for the Mitigation of Soil Threats: A Proposed Framework
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Published: Ecological Indicators, 67, 586-597
. Relative Humidity Non-Uniformities in Hygroscopic Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer Measurements
Authors: S. Bezantakos, L. Huang, K. Barmpounis, S. T. Martin, and G. Biskos
Published: Journal of Aerosol Science, 101, 1-9
. Real-time sensors for indoor air monitoring and challenges ahead in deploying them to urban buildings
Authors: Prashant Kumar, George Biskos, Andreas N. Skouloudis, Lidia Morawska, Margaret Bell, Mar Viana, M. Cristina Carotta
Published: Science of the Total Environment, 560–561 (2016), 150–159
. Assessing the ammonium nitrate formation regime in the Paris megacity and its representation in the CHIMERE model
Authors: Petetin, H., J. Sciare, M. Bressi, A. Rosso, O. Sanchez, R. Sarda-Estève, J.-E. Petit, and M. Beekmann
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 10419-10440
. Monthly rainfall erosivity: Conversion factors for different time resolutions and regional assessments
Authors: Panagos, P., Borrelli, P., Spinoni, J., Ballabio, C., Meusburger, K., Beguería, S., Klik, A., Michaelides, S., Petan, S., Hrabalíková, M., Olsen, P., Aalto, J., Lakatos, M., Rymszewicz, A., Dumitrescu, A., Tadić, M.P., Diodato, N., Kostalova, J., Rousseva, S., Banasik, K., Christine Alewell, C.
Published: Water, 8, 119
. Secondary ozone peaks in the troposphere over the Himalayas
Authors: Ojha, N., A. Pozzer, D. Akritidis and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss
. Characterization of Tungsten Oxide Thin Films Produced by Spark Ablation for NO2 Gas Sensing
Authors: Nishchay A. Isaac, Marco Valenti, Andreas Schmidt-Ott, and George Biskos
Published: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8 (6), pp 3933–3939
Link: 10.1021/acsami.5b11078
. Daytime formation of nitrous acid at a coastal remote site in Cyprus indicating a common ground source of atmospheric HONO and NO
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Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 14475-14493
. Aerosol water parameterization: A single parameter framework
Authors: Metzger, S., B. Steil, M. Abdelkader, K. Klingmüller, L. Xu, J.E. Penner, C. Fountoukis, A. Nenes and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 16,7213-7237
. Performance comparison of two thermodenuders in Volatility Tandem DMA measurements
Authors: Mendes, L., Konstantinos Eleftheriadis, George Biskos
Published: Journal of Aerosol Science, 92 (2016) 38–52
. Overview of the Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment/Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing on the Mediterranean Climate (ChArMEx/ADRIMED) summer 2013 campaign
Authors: Mallet, M., F. Dulac, P. Formenti, P. Nabat, J. Sciare, G. Roberts, J. Pelon, G. Ancellet, D. Tanré, F. Parol, A. di Sarra, L. Alados, J. Arndt, F. Auriol, L. Blarel, T. Bourrianne, G. Brogniez, P. Chazette, S. Chevaillier, M. Claeys, B. D’Anna, C. Denjean, Y. Derimian, K. Desboeufs, T. Di Iorio, J-F. Doussin, P. Durand, A. Feron, E. Freney, C. Gaimoz, P. Goloub, L. Gomez-Amo, M. Granados Muñoz, N. Grand, E. Hamonou, I. Jankowiak, M. Jeannot, J-F. Léon, M. Maillé, S. Mailler, D. Meloni, L. Menut, G. Momboisse, J. Nicolas, T. Podvin, V. Pont, G. Rea, J-B. Renard, L. Roblou, K. Schepanski, A. Schwarzenboeck, K. Sellegri, M. Sicard, F. Solmon, S. Somot, B. Torres, J. Totems, S. Triquet, N. Verdier, C. Verwaerde, J. Wenger, and P. Zapf.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(2), 455-504
. Strongly increasing heat extremes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in the 21st century
Authors: Lelieveld, J., Y. Proestos, M. Tanarhte, M.S. Fnais, E. Tyrlis and G. Zittis
Published: Climatic Change 137: 245
. Global tropospheric hydroxyl distribution, budget and reactivity
Authors: Lelieveld, J., S. Gromov, A. Pozzer and D. Taraborrelli
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 16, 12477-12493
. Evaluation of observed and modelled aerosol lifetimes using radioactive tracers of opportunity and an ensemble of 19 global models
Authors: Kristiansen, N. I., Stohl, A., Oliviè, D. J. L., Croft, B., Søvde, O. A., Klein, H., Christoudias, T., Kunkel, D., Leadbetter, S. J., Lee, Y. H., Zhang, K., Tsigaridis, K., Bergman, T., Evangeliou, N., Wang, H., Ma, P.-L., Easter, R. C., Rasch, P. J., Liu, X., Pitari, G., Di Genova, G., Zhao, S. Y., Balkanski, Y., Bauer, S. E., Faluvegi, G. S., Kokkola, H., Martin, R. V., Pierce, J. R., Schulz, M., Shindell, D., Tost, H., Zhang, H.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(5), 3525-3561
. Occurrence of DBPs in Drinking Water of European Regions for Epidemiology Studies
Authors: Krasner, SW; Kostopoulou, M; Toledano, MB; Wright, J; Patelarou, E; Kogevinas, M; Villanueva, CM; Turigas, GC; Santa Marina, L; Fernandez-Somoano, A; Ballester, F; Tardon, A; Grazuleviciene, R; Danileviciute, A; Cordier, S; Costet, N; Righi, E; Aggazzotti, G; Stephanou, EG; Kargaki, S; Nieuwenhuijsen, MJ.
Published: Journal American Water Works Association 108 (10); 74-74
Link: 10.5942/jawwa.2016.108.0152
. Aerosol optical depth trend over the Middle East
Authors: Klingmüller, K., A. Pozzer, S. Metzger, G. Stenchikov and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 16, 5063-5073
. Synthesis of mesostructured thin films by ionic wind assisted electrostatic spray deposition
Authors: Khodadadi, S., G.M.H. Meesters, G. Biskos
Published: Particuology 27 (2016) 128–132
. Analysis of precipitation extremes based on satellite (CHIRPS) an in-situ data set over Cyprus
Authors: Katsanos D., A. Retalis, F. Tymvios and S. Michaelides
Published: Nat. Hazards 83 (Suppl 1): 53
. Effects of mineral dust on global atmospheric nitrate concentrations
Authors: Karydis, V.A., A.P. Tsimpidi, A. Pozzer, M. Astitha and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 16, 1491-1509
. Global impact of mineral dust on cloud droplet number concentration
Authors: Karydis, V., A. Tsimpidi, S. Bacer, A. Pozzer, A. Nenes and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.
. General Approach to the Evolution of Singlet Nanoparticles from a Rapidly Quenched Point Source
Authors: Jicheng Feng, Luyi Huang, Linus Ludvigsson, Maria E. Messing, Anne Maisser, George Biskos, Andreas Schmidt-Ott
Published: J.Phys.Chem.C, 120, 621−630
. Scalable and Environmentally Benign Process for Smart Textile Nanofinishing
Authors: Jicheng Feng, Esther Hontañón, Maria Blanes, Jörg Meyer, Xiaoai Guo, Laura Santos, Laura Paltrinieri, Nabil Ramlawi, Louis C. P. M. de Smet, Hermann Nirschl, Frank Einar Kruis, Andreas Schmidt-Ott, and George Biskos
Published: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8 (23), 14756-14765
Link: 10.1021/acsami.6b03632
. Green Manufacturing of Inorganic Nanoparticles: A Facile and Universal Approach to Scaling Up
Authors: J. Feng, X. Guo, N. Ramlawi, T. V. Pfeiffer, R. Geutjens, S. Basak, H. Nirschl, G. Biskos, H. W. Zandbergen and A. Schmidt-Ott
Published: Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4, 11222-11227
. Data assimilation of satellite-retrieved ozone, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide with ECMWF’s Composition-IFS
Authors: Inness, A., Blechschmidt, A.-M., Bouarar, I., Chabrillat, S., Crepulja, M., Engelen, R. J., Eskes, H., Flemming, J., Gaudel, A., Hendrick, F., Huijnen, V., Jones, L., Kapsomenakis, J., Katragkou, E., Keppens, A., Langerock, B., de Mazière, M., Melas, D., Parrington, M., Peuch, V. H., Razinger, M., Richter, A., Schultz, M. G., Suttie, M., Thouret, V., Vrekoussis, M., Wagner, A., and Zerefos, C.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 5275-5303
. Slant Column MAX-DOAS measurements of nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, glyoxal and oxygen dimer in the urban environment of Athens
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. Implementing the US air quality standard for PM2.5 worldwide can prevent millions of premature deaths per year
Authors: Giannadaki, D., Lelieveld, J., and Pozzer, A.
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. Indirect evidence of the composition of nucleation mode atmospheric particles in the high Arctic
Authors: Giamarelou, M., K. Eleftheriadis, S. Nyeki, P. Tunved, K. Torseth, G. Biskos
Published: J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 965–975
. Differences between the MODIS Collection 6 and 5.1 aerosol datasets over the greater Mediterranean region
Authors: Georgoulias, A. K., Alexandri, G., Kourtidis, K. A., Lelieveld, J., Zanis, P., and Amiridis, V.
Published: Atmos. Environ., 147, 310-319
. Spatiotemporal variability and contribution of different aerosol types to the aerosol optical depth over the Eastern Mediterranean
Authors: Georgoulias, A. K., Alexandri, G., Kourtidis, K. A., Lelieveld, J., Zanis, P., Pöschl, U., Levy, R., Amiridis, V., Marinou, E., and Tsikerdekis, A.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 13853-13884
. Climatology and trends of aerosol optical depth over the Mediterranean basin during the last 12 years (2002–2014) based on Collection 006 MODIS-Aqua data
Authors: Floutsi, A.A., Korras-Carraca, M.B., Matsoukas C., Hatzianastassiou, N., Biskos, G.
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. Validation of reactive gases and aerosols in the MACC global analysis and forecast system
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Published: Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 3523-3543
. Large-Scale Modelling of the Environmentally-Driven Population Dynamics of Temperate Aedes albopictus (Skuse)
Authors: Erguler K, Smith-Unna SE, Waldock J, Proestos Y, Christophides GK, Lelieveld J, Parham PE.
Published: PLoS ONE 11(2): e0149282
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. Role of the boundary layer dynamics effects on an extreme air pollution event in Paris
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. The filter loading effect by ambient aerosols in filter absorption photometers depends on the mixing state of the sampled particles
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Published: Atm. Mes. Tech.
. Dynamics of tropical-extratropical interactions and extreme precipitation events in Saudi Arabia in Autumn, Winter and Spring
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. Effects of climate change on the yield of wheat in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East
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. Accelerated chemical kinetics in the EMAC chemistry-climate model
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. Earth system modelling on system-level heterogeneous architectures: EMAC (version 2.42) on the Dynamical Exascale Entry Platform (DEEP)
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Published: Geoscientific Model Development, 9(9), 3483
. Stable isotopes measurements reveal dual carbon pools contributing to organic matter enrichment in marine aerosol
Authors: Ceburnis, D., A. Masalaite, J. Ovadnevaite, A. Garbaras, V. Remeikis, W. Maenhaut, M. Claeys, J. Sciare, D. Baisnée, C. D. O’Dowd
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. Biomass-burning impact on CCN number, hygroscopicity and cloud formation during summertime in the eastern Mediterranean
Authors: Bougiatioti, A. Bezantakos, S. Stavroulas, I. Kalivitis, N. Kokkalis, P. Biskos, G. Mihalopoulos, N. Papayannis, A. Nenes, A.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16 (11), 7389-7409, 2016
. Atmospheric composition in the Eastern Mediterranean: Influence of biomass burning during summertime using the WRF-Chem model
Authors: Bossioli E., M. Tombrou, J. Kalogiros, J. Allan, A. Bacak, S. Bezantakos, G. Biskos, H. Coe, B.T. Jones, G. Kouvarakis, N. Mihalopoulos, C.J. Percival
Published: Atmospheric Environment, 132, (2016) 317–331
. Relative Humidity Non-Uniformities in Hygroscopic Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer Measurements
Authors: Bezantakos, S., Huang, L., Barmpounis, K., Martin, S. T., and Biskos, G.
Published: Journal of Aerosol Science, 101, 1-9
. Modification of the TSI 3081 Differential Mobility Analyzer to Include Three Monodisperse Outlets: Comparison Between Experimental and Theoretical Performance
Authors: Bezantakos, S., Giamarelou, M., Huang, L., Olfert, J., and Biskos, G.
Published: Aerosol Science and Technology, 12, 1342-1351
. Lightweight differential mobility analyzers: Toward new and inexpensive manufacturing methods
Authors: Barmpounis, K. A. Maisser, A. Schmidt-Ott, and G. Biskos
Published: Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol.50, No.1, ii–v
. Mapping monthly rainfall erosivity in Europe
Authors: Ballabio, C., Borrelli, P., Spinoni, J., Meusburger, K. Michaelides, S., Beguería, S., Klik, A., Petan, S., Janeček, M., Olsen, P., Aalto, J., Lakatos, M., Rymszewicz, A., Dumitrescu, A., Perčec Tadić, M., Diodato, N., Kostalova, J., Rousseva, S., Banasi,K., Alewell, C., Panagos, P.
Published: Science of the Total Environment
Link: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.11.123
. Projection of North Atlantic Oscillation and its effect on tracer transport
Authors: Bacer, S., Christoudias, T., & Pozzer, A.
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(24), 15581-15592
. Traffic induced particle resuspension in Paris: Emission factors and source contributions
Authors: Amato, F., O. Favez, M. Pandolfi, A. Alastuey, X. Querol, S. Moukhtar, B. Bruge, S. Verlhac, J.A.G. Orza, N. Bonnaire, T. Le Priol, J.-F. Petit, J. Sciare
Published: Atmos. Environ., 129, 114-124, 2016
. Geochemistry of PM10 over Europe during the EMEP intensive measurement periods in summer 2012 and winter 2013
Authors: Alastuey, A, Querol, X, Aas, W, Lucarelli, F, Pérez, N, Moreno, T, Areskoug, H, Balan, V, Cavalli, F, Catrambone, M, Ceburnis, D, Cerro, JC, Conil, S, Gevorgyan L, Hueglin, C, Imre, K, Jaffrezo JL, Leeson, SR, Mihalopoulos, N, Mitosinkova M, Pey J, Putaud, JP, Riffault, V, Ripoll, A, Sciare, J, Sellegri, K, Spindler, G, Yttri KE
Published: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(10), 6107-6129
. On the role of tropopause folds in summertime tropospheric ozone over the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East
Authors: Akritidis, D., A. Pozzer, P. Zanis, E. Tyrlis, B. Škerlak, M. Sprenger and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 16, 14025-14039
. Chemical aging of atmospheric mineral dust during transatlantic transport
Authors: Abdelkader, M., S. Metzger, B. Steil, K. Klingmüller, H. Tost, A. Pozzer, G. Stenchikov, L. Barrie and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.
. The effect of radiation parameterization schemes on surface temperature in regional climate simulations over the MENA-CORDEX domain
Authors: Zittis, G. and Hadjinicolaou, P.
Published: Int. J. Climatol., 37:3847–3862
. High-resolution simulations of recent past extreme precipitation events over Cyprus. In: Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences
Authors: Zittis G., Hadjinicolaou P., Bruggeman A., Camera C., Lelieveld J.
Published: Springer Atmospheric Sciences, ISBN: 978-3-319-35095-0
. Observed rainfall trends and precipitation uncertainty in the vicinity of the Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa
Authors: Zittis G.
Published: Theoretical and Applied Climatology. (online first)
. The effect of radiation parameterization schemes on surface temperature in regional climate simulations over the MENA-CORDEX domain
Authors: Zittis, G. and Hadjinicolaou, P.
Published: Int. J. Climatol., 37:3847–3862
. Field characterization of the PM2.5 Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor: insights into the composition, sources and processes of fine particles in Eastern China
Authors: Zhang, Y., Tang, L., Croteau, P. L., Favez, O., Sun, Y., Canagaratna, M. R., Wang, Z., Couvidat, F., Albinet, A., Zhang, H., Sciare, J., Prévôt, A. S. H., Jayne, J. T., and Worsnop, D. R.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 14501-14517
. Enhanced trans-Himalaya pollution transport to the Tibetan Plateau by cut-off low systems
Authors: Zhang, R., Yuhang Wang, Qiusheng He, Laiguo Chen, Yuzhong Zhang, Hang Qu, Charles Smeltzer, Jianfeng Li, Leonardo M. A. Alvarado, Mihalis Vrekoussis, Andreas Richter, Folkard Wittrock, and John P. Burrows
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 3083-3095,, 2017
. Neonatal Nav1.5 protein expression in normal adult human tissues and breast cancer
Authors: Yamaci RF, Fraser SP, Battaloglu E, Kaya H, Erguler K, Foster CS, Djamgoz MBA.
Published: Pathology-Research and Practice Journal, Vol: 213 Issue: 8 Pages: 900-907
. A fast integrated mobility spectrometer for rapid measurement of sub-micrometer aerosol size distribution, Part II: Experimental characterization
Authors: Wang, J., Pikridas, M., Pinterich, T., Spielman, S. R., Tsang, T., McMahon, A., and S., Smith
Published: J. Aerosol Sci. 113, 119-129,2017
. A fast integrated mobility spectrometer for rapid measurement of sub-micrometer aerosol size distribution, Part I: design and model evaluation
Authors: Wang, J., Pikridas, M., Spielman, S. R., and T., Pinterich
Published: J. Aerosol Sci. 108, 44-55,2017
. Hot Carrier Generation and Extraction of Plasmonic Alloy Nanoparticles
Authors: Valenti, M., A. Venugopal, D. Tordera, M. P. Jonsson, G. Biskos, A. Schmidt-Ott, and W. A. Smith
Published: ACS Photonics, 4, 1146-1152, (2017)
. Comparative Forecasts of a Local Area Model (WRF) in Summer for Cyprus. In: Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences
Authors: Tymvios, F., Charalambous, D., Lelieveld, J., Michaelides, S.
Published: Karacostas,T. (Ed.), pp.151-157
. First results of the Piton de la Fournaise STRAP 2015 experiment: multidisciplinary tracking of a volcanic gas and aerosol plume
Authors: Tulet, P., Di Muro, A., Colomb, A., Denjean, C., Duflot, V., Arellano, S., Foucart, B., Brioude, J., Sellegri, K., Peltier, A., Aiuppa, A., Barthe, C., Bhugwant, C., Bielli, S., Boissier, P., Boudoire, G., Bourrianne, T., Brunet, C., Burnet, F., Cammas, J.-P., Gabarrot, F., Galle, B., Giudice, G., Guadagno, C., Jeamblu, F., Kowalski, P., Leclair de Bellevue, J., Marquestaut, N., Mékies, D., Metzger, J.-M., Pianezze, J., Portafaix, T., Sciare, J., Tournigand, A., and Villeneuve, N.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 5355-5378
. Global-scale combustion sources of organic aerosols: Sensitivity to formation and removal mechanisms
Authors: Tsimpidi, A., V. Karydis, S. Pandis and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 17, 7345-7364
. Aerosol Vertical Profiling Utilizing the Synergy of Lidar, Sunphotometry and In-Situ Measurements in the Framework of the ACTRIS-2 Campaign in Athens
Authors: Tsekeri, A., Amiridis, V., Lopatin, A., Marinou, E., Pikridas, M., Sciare, J., Kokkalis, P.
Published: Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences (pp. 891-897). Springer International Publishing
. A Tunable High-pass Filter for Simple and Inexpensive Size-segregation of sub-10-nm Nanoparticles
Authors: Surawski, N. C., S. Bezantakos, K. Barmpounis, M. C. Dallaston, A. Schmidt-Ott, and G. Biskos
Published: Scientific Reports, 7, 45678, (2017)
. Global atmospheric secondary organic particle phase state distribution
Authors: Shiraiwa, M., Y. Li, A.P. Tsimpidi, V.A. Karydis, T. Berkemeier, S.N. Pandis, J. Lelieveld, T. Koop and U. Pöschl
Published: Nature Comm., 8:15002
. WRF-Chem simulated surface ozone over South Asia during the pre-monsoon: Effects of emission inventories and chemical mechanisms
Authors: Sharma, A., N. Ojha, A. Pozzer, K.A. Mar, G. Beig, J. Lelieveld and S.S. Gunthe
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 17, 14393-14413
. Ice nucleating particles over the Eastern Mediterranean measured by unmanned aircraft systems
Authors: Schrod, J., Weber, D., Drücke, J., Keleshis, C., Pikridas, M., Ebert, M., Cvetković, B., Nickovic, S., Marinou, E., Baars, H., Ansmann, A., Vrekoussis, M., Mihalopoulos, N., Sciare, J., Curtius, J., and H. G. Bingemer
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 4817-4835, 2017
. Downscaling CHIRPS precipitation data: an artificial neural network modelling approach
Authors: Retalis, A., Tymvios, F., Katsanos D., Michaelides S.
Published: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38:13, 3943-3959
. Particulate Matter Pollution from Aviation-related Activity at a Small Airport of the Aegean Sea Insular Region
Authors: Psanis, C., E. Triantafyllou, M. Giamarelou, M. Manousakas, K. Eleftheriadis, and G. Biskos
Published: Science of the Total Environment, 596-597, 187-193
. Impact of agricultural emissions on fine particulate matter and public health
Authors: Pozzer, A., A. Tsimpidi, V. Karydis, A. de Meij and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 17, 12813-12826
. Characterising an intense PM pollution episode in March 2015 in France from multi-site approach and near real time data: Climatology, variabilities, geographical origins and model evaluation
Authors: Petit, J.-E., T. Amodeo, F. Meleux, B. Bessagnet, L. Menut, D. Grenier, Y. Pellan, A. Ockler, B. Rocq, V. Gros, J. Sciare, O. Favez.
Published: Atmospheric Environment, 155, 68-84, 2017
. Secondary ozone peaks in the troposphere over the Himalayas
Authors: Ojha, N., A. Pozzer, D. Akritidis and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 17, 6743-6757
. Organic carbon at a remote site of the western Mediterranean Basin: composition, sources and chemistry during the ChArMEx SOP2 field experiment
Authors: Michoud, V., J. Sciare, S. Sauvage, S. Dusanter, T. Léonardis, V. Gros, C. Kalogridis, N. Zannoni, A. Féron, J.-E. Petit, V. Crenn, D. Baisnée, R. Sarda-Estève, N. Bonnaire, N. Marchand, H. Langley DeWitt, J. Pey, A. Colomb, F. Gheusi, S. Szidat, I. Stavroulas, A. Borbon, and N. Locoge
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 8837-8865, 2017
. Reviews and perspectives of high impact atmospheric processes in the Mediterranean
Authors: Michaelides, S., Theodore Karacostas, Jose Luis Sánchez, Adrianos Retalis, Ioannis Pytharoulis, Víctor Homar, Romualdo Romero, Prodromos Zanis, Christos Giannakopoulos, Johannes Bühl, Albert Ansmann, Andrés Merino, Pablo Melcón, Konstantinos Lagouvardos, Vassiliki Kotroni, Adriana Bruggeman, Juan Ignacio López-Moreno, Claude Berthet, Eleni Katragkou, Filippos Tymvios, Diofantos G Hadjimitsis, Rodanthi-Elisavet Mamouri, Argyro Nisantzi
Published: Atmospheric Research
. Monitoring and Forecasting Air Pollution Levels by Exploiting Satellite, Ground-Based, and Synoptic Data, Elaborated with Regression Models
Authors: Michaelides, S, Paronis, D., Retalis, A., Tymvios, F.
Published: Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2017, Article ID 2954010, 17 pages, 2017
. Long-term Observations of the Background Aerosol at Cabauw, the Netherlands
Authors: Mamali, D., J. Mikkilä, B. Henzing, M. Ehn, T. Petäjä, H. Russchenberg, and G. Biskos
Published: Science of the Total Environment
. Two Years of Air Pollution Measurements at Athens Center: Variability and Role of Wood Burning
Authors: Liakakou, E; Gerasopoulos, Lianou, M, Fourtziou, L , Psiloglou, B , Sciare, J , Mihalopoulos, N.
Published: Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences (pp. 1099-1104). Springer International Publishing
. Chemists can help to solve the air pollution health crisis
Authors: Lelieveld, J. and U. Pöschl
Published: Nature 551, 291-293
. Study of extreme wet and dry periods in Cyprus using climatic indices
Authors: Katsanos, D., Retalis, A., Tymvios, F., Michaelides, S.
Published: Atmos. Res
. Global impact of mineral dust on cloud droplet number concentration
Authors: Karydis, V., A. Tsimpidi, S. Bacer, A. Pozzer, A. Nenes and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 17, 5601-5621
. New particle formation in the southern Aegean Sea during the Etesians: importance for CCN production and cloud droplet number
Authors: Kalkavouras, P., E. Bossioli, S. Bezantakos, A. Bougiatioti, N. Kalivitis, I. Stavroulas, G. Kouvarakis, A. P. Protonotariou, A. Dandou, G. Biskos, N. Mihalopoulos , A. Nenes, and M. Tombrou
Published: Amospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 175-192
. Exploration of 12-km ERA-Interim simulations from CORDEX over the Levant
Authors: Hadjinicolaou P., Zittis G., Lelieveld J.
Published: Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences, Springer Atmospheric Sciences, ISBN: 978-3-319-35095-0
. The Impact of Fine Particulate Outdoor Air Pollution to Premature Mortality
Authors: Giannadaki, D., Lelieveld, J., Pozzer, A
Published: Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences, Springer Atmospheric Sciences, ISBN: 978-3-319-35095-0
. Multi-tracer approach to characterize domestic wood burning in Athens (Greece) during wintertime
Authors: Fourtziou, L., E. Liakakou, I. Stavroulas, C. Theodosi, P. Zarmpas, B. Psiloglou, J. Sciare, T. Maggos, K. Bairachtari, A. Bougiatioti, E. Gerasopoulos, R. Sarda-Estève, N. Bonnaire, N. Mihalopoulos
Published: Atmospheric Environment, 148, 89-101
. The contribution of wood burning and other pollution sources to wintertime organic aerosol levels in two Greek cities
Authors: Florou, K., Papanastasiou, D. K., Pikridas, M., Kaltsonoudis, C., Louvaris, E., Gkatzelis, G. I., Patoulias, D., Mihalopoulos, N., and S. N., Pandis
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 3145-3163, 2017
. A large-scale stochastic spatiotemporal model for Aedes albopictus-borne chikungunya epidemiology
Authors: Erguler K, Chandra NL, Proestos Y, Lelieveld J, Christophides GK, Parham PE.
Published: PLoS ONE 12(3): e0174293
. The filter loading effect by ambient aerosols in filter absorption photometers depends on the mixing state of the sampled particles
Authors: Drinovec, L., A. Gregorič, P. Zotter, R. Wolf, E. A. Bruns, A. S. Prévôt, J.-E. Petit, O. Favez, J. Sciare, I. J. Arnold, R. K. Chakrabarty, H. Moosmüller, A. Filep, and G. Močnik
Published: Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 1–16
. Involvement of oxidative stress and calcium signaling in airborne particulate matter-induced damages in human pulmonary artery endothelial cells
Authors: Deweirdt, J., Quignard, J. F., Crobeddu, B., Baeza-Squiban, A., Sciare, J., Courtois, A., & Marthan, R.
Published: Toxicology in Vitro
. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in photochemically aged air from the eastern and western Mediterranean
Authors: Derstroff, B., Hüser, I., Bourtsoukidis, E., Crowley, J. N., Fischer, H., Gromov, S., Harder, H., Janssen, R. H. H., Kesselmeier, J., Lelieveld, J., Mallik, C., Martinez, M., Novelli, A., Parchatka, U., Phillips, G. J., Sander, R., Sauvage, C., Schuladen, J., Stönner, C., Tomsche, L., and Williams, J.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 9547-9566
. Origin and variability in volatile organic compounds observed at an Eastern Mediterranean background site (Cyprus)
Authors: Debevec, C., Sauvage, S., Gros, V., Sciare, J., Pikridas, M., Stavroulas, I., Salameh, T., Leonardis, T., Gaudion, V., Depelchin, L., Fronval, I., Sarda-Esteve, R., Baisnée, D., Bonsang, B., Savvides, C., Vrekoussis, M., and Locoge, N.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 11355-11388
. Investigation of the Aegean Sea Atmospheric Boundary Layer during Etesians with various Parameterization Schemes
Authors: Dandou, A., M. Tombrou, J. Kalogiros, E. Bossioli, G. Biskos, N. Mihalopoulos, and H. Coe
Published: Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 1-27
. Optical, physical and chemical properties of aerosols transported to a coastal site in the Western Mediterranean: Focus on primary marine aerosols
Authors: Claeys, M., G. Roberts, M. Mallet, J. Arndt, K. Sellegri, J. Sciare, J. Wenger, and B. Sauvage
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 7891-7915
. Modelling organic aerosol concentrations and properties during ChArMEx summer campaigns of 2012 and 2013 in the western Mediterranean region
Authors: Chrit, M., K. Sartelet, J. Sciare, P. Jorge, N. Marchand, F. Couvidat, K. Sellegri, and M. Beeckmann
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 12509-12531
. Aerosol physicochemical effects on CCN activation simulated with the chemistry-climate model EMAC
Authors: Chang, D.Y., J. Lelieveld, H. Tost, B. Steil, A. Pozzer and J. Yoo
Published: Atmos. Environ. 162, 127-140
. Performance Evaluation of the Cost-effective and Lightweight Alphasense Optical Particle Counter for use Onboard Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Authors: Bezantakos, S., F. Schmidt-Ott, and G. Biskos
Published: Aerosol Science and Technology
. Enhancing the Detection Efficiency of Condensation Particle Counters for Sub-2 nm Particles
Authors: Barmpounis, A. Ranjithkumar, A. Schmidt-Ott, M. Attoui, and G. Biskos.
Published: Journal of Aerosol Science
. Mapping monthly rainfall erosivity in Europe
Authors: Ballabio, C., Borrelli, P., Spinoni, J., Meusburger, K., Michaelides, S., Beguería, S., Klik, A., Petan, S., Janeček, M., Olsen, P., Aalto, J., Lakatos, M., Rymszewicz, A., Dumitrescu, A., Tadić, M.P., Diodato, N., Kostalova, J., Rousseva, S., Banasik, K., Alewell, C., Panagos, P.
Published: Sci. Total Environ. 579, 1298–1315
. Sources and mixing state of summertime background aerosol in the north-western Mediterranean basin
Authors: Arndt, J., J. Sciare, M. Mallet, G. C. Roberts, N. Marchand, K. Sartelet, K. Sellegri, F. Dulac, R. M. Healy, and J. C. Wenger
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 6975-7001
. MEDINA: MECCA Development in Accelerators–KPP Fortran to CUDA source-to-source Pre-processor
Authors: Alvanos, M., T Christoudias
Published: Journal of Open Research Software 5 (1)
. GPU-accelerated atmospheric chemical kinetics in the ECHAM/MESSy (EMAC) Earth system model (version 2.52)
Authors: Alvanos, M., T Christoudias
Published: Geoscientific Model Development 10 (10), 3679, 2017
. A high resolution satellite view of surface solar radiation over the climatically sensitive region of Eastern Mediterranean
Authors: Alexandri G., Georgoulias A.K., Meleti C., Balis D., Kourtidis K.A., Sanchez-Lorenzo A., Trentmann J., Zanis P.
Published: Atmospheric Research Journal, 188, 107-121
. Customized framework of the WRF model for regional climate simulation over the eastern Nile Basin
Authors: Abdelwares, M.S., M. Haggag, A. Wagdy and J. Lelieveld
Published: Theor. Appl. Clim.
. Chemical aging of atmospheric mineral dust during transatlantic transport
Authors: Abdelkader, M., S. Metzger, B. Steil, K. Klingmüller, H. Tost, A. Pozzer, G. Stenchikov, L. Barrie and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 17, 3799–3821
. Effects of meteorology nudging in regional hydro-climatic simulations of the eastern Mediterranean
Authors: Zittis, G., A. Bruggeman, P. Hadjinicolaou, C. Camera and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmosphere 9, 470
. Vertical profiles of tropospheric ozone from MAX-DOAS measurements during the CINDI-2 campaign – Part 1: development of a new retrieval algorithm
Authors: Wang, Y., Puķīte, J., Wagner, T., Donner, S., Beirle, S., Hilboll, A., Vrekoussis, M., Richter, A., Apituley, A., Piters, A., Allaart, M., Eskes, H., Frumau, A., Van Roozendael, M., Lampel, J., Platt, U., Schmitt, S., Swart, D., Vonk, J.
Published: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123
. Intercomparison of boundary layer parameterizations for summer conditions in the eastern Mediterranean island of Cyprus using the WRF – ARW model
Authors: Tymvios, F., D. Charalambous, S. Michaelides and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Res. Volume: 208 Special Issue: SI Pages: 45-59
. ORACLE 2-D (v2.0): an efficient module to compute the volatility and oxygen content of organic aerosol with a global chemistry-climate model
Authors: Tsimpidi A., Karydis V., Pozzer A., Pandis S., Lelieveld J.
Published: Geoscientific Model Development Vol11, 8 Pages: 3369-3389
. The Implementation of a Mineral Dust Wet Deposition Scheme in the GOCART-AFWA Module of the WRF Model
Authors: Tsarpalis, K., Papadopoulos, A., Mihalopoulos, N., Spyrou, C., Michaelides, S., Katsafados, P.
Published: Remote Sens. 2018, 10(10), 1595
. Global modeling of primary biological particle concentrations with the EMAC chemistry-climate model
Authors: Tanarhte, M., S. Bacer, S.M. Burrows, J.A. Huffman, K.M. Pierce, A. Pozzer, R. Sarda-Esteve, N.J. Savage and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.
. The GLAM Airborne Campaign across the Mediterranean Basin
Authors: Ricaud, P., R. Zbinden, V. Catoire, V. Brocchi, F. Dulac, E. Hamonou, J. Canonici, L. El Amraoui, S. Massart, B. Piguet, U. Dayan, P. Nabat, J. Sciare, M. Ramonet, M. Delmotte, A. di Sarra, D. Sferlazzo, T. di Iorio, S. Piacentino, P. Cristofanelli, N. Mihalopoulos, G. Kouvarakis, M. Pikridas, C. Savvides, R. Mamouri, A. Nisantzi, D. Hadjimitsis, J. Attié, H. Ferré, Y. Kangah, N. Jaidan, J. Guth, P. Jacquet, S. Chevrier, C. Robert, A. Bourdon, J. Bourdinot, J. Etienne, G. Krysztofiak, and P. Theron
Published: Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99, 361–380
. Validation of the First Years of GPM Operation over Cyprus
Authors: Retalis Adrianos, A., Katsanos, D., Tymvios, F. Michaelides, S.
Published: Remote Sens. 2018, 10(10), 1520
. Spatial and temporal (short and long-term) variability of submicron, fine and sub-10 μm particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5, PM10) in Cyprus
Authors: Pikridas, M., Vrekoussis, M., Sciare, J., Mihalopoulos, N, Kleanthous, S., and Savvidis, C.
Published: Atmos. Environ., 191:79–93, 2018
. A European aerosol phenomenology – 6: scattering properties of atmospheric aerosol particles from 28 ACTRIS sites
Authors: Pandolfi, M., Alados-Arboledas, L., Alastuey, A., Andrade, M., Angelov, C., Artiñano, B., Backman, J., Baltensperger, U., Bonasoni, P., Bukowiecki, N., Collaud Coen, M., Conil, S., Coz, E., Crenn, V., Dudoitis, V., Ealo, M., Eleftheriadis, K., Favez, O., Fetfatzis, P., Fiebig, M., Flentje, H., Ginot, P., Gysel, M., Henzing, B., Hoffer, A., Holubova Smejkalova, A., Kalapov, I., Kalivitis, N., Kouvarakis, G., Kristensson, A., Kulmala, M., Lihavainen, H., Lunder, C., Luoma, K., Lyamani, H., Marinoni, A., Mihalopoulos, N., Moerman, M., Nicolas, J., O’Dowd, C., Petäjä, T., Petit, J.-E., Pichon, J. M., Prokopciuk, N., Putaud, J.-P., Rodríguez, S., Sciare, J., Sellegri, K., Swietlicki, E., Titos, G., Tuch, T., Tunved, P., Ulevicius, V., Vaishya, A., Vana, M., Virkkula, A., Vratolis, S., Weingartner, E., Wiedensohler, A., and Laj, P.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 7877-7911
. Accelerating simulations using REDCHEM_v0.0 for atmospheric chemistry mechanism reduction.
Authors: Nikolaou, Z. M., Chen, J.-Y., Proestos, Y., Lelieveld, J., and Sander, R.
Published: Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 3391-3407
. Strengths and weaknesses of the FAIRMODE benchmarking methodology for the evaluation of air quality models
Authors: Monteiro A, Durka P, Flandorfer C, Georgieva E, Guerreiro C, Kushta J, Malherbe L, Maiheu B, Miranda A, Santos G, Stocker J, Trimpeneers E, Tognet F, Stortini M, Wesseling J, Janssen S, Thunis P.
Published: Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health 1-11
. High impact atmospheric processes in the Mediterranean
Authors: Michaelides, S., Karacostas, T.
Published: Atmospheric Research, 208, 1-3
. Emission of nitrous acid from soil and biological soil crusts represents a dominant source of HONO in the remote atmosphere in Cyprus
Authors: Meusel, H., A. Tamm, U. Kuhn, D. Wu, A. L. Leifke, S. Fiedler, N. Ruckteschler, P. Yordanova, N. Lang-Yona, J. Lelieveld, T. Hoffmann, U. Pöschl, H. Su, B. Weber and Y. Cheng
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 18, 799-813
. Investigating missing sources of glyoxal over China using a regional air quality model (RAMS-CMAQ)
Authors: Li, J., Zhang, M., Tang, G., Wu, F., Alvarado, L., Vrekoussis, M., Richter, A,. Burrows, J.
Published: [in press] Journal of Environmental Science
. The South Asian monsoon – pollution pump and purifier
Authors: Lelieveld, J., E. Bourtsoukidis, C. Brühl, H. Fischer, H. Fuchs, H. Harder, A. Hofzumahaus, F. Holland, A. Pozzer, H. Schlager, J. Williams, A. Zahn and H. Ziereis
Published: Science 361, 270-273
. A modelling study of the atmospheric composition over Cyprus
Authors: Kushta, J., G.K. Georgiou, Y. Proestos, T. Christoudias and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Pollut. Res. 9, 257-269
. Evaluation of EU air quality standards through modeling and the FAIRMODE benchmarking methodology
Authors: Kushta, J., G. K. Georgiou, Y. Proestos, T. Christoudias, P. Thunis, C. Savvides, C. Papadopoulos, J. Lelieveld
Published: Air Quality Atmosphere & Health
. Uncertainties in estimates of mortality attributable to ambient PM2.5 in Europe
Authors: Kushta, J., A. Pozzer and J. Lelieveld
Published: Environmental Research Letters
. A Numerical Sensitivity Analysis of Soil Moisture Feedback on Convective Precipitation
Authors: Koukoula M., E. Nikolopoulos, J. Kushta, N. Bartsotas, G. Kallos, E. Anagnostou
Published: Journal of Hydrometeorology
. Revised mineral dust emissions in the atmospheric chemistry-climate model EMAC (based on MESSy 2.52)
Authors: Klingmüller, K., S. Metzger, M. Abdelkader, V.A. Karydis, G.L. Stenchikov, A. Pozzer and J. Lelieveld
Published: Geosci. Model Dev. 11, 989-1008
. Direct radiative effect of dust-pollution interactions
Authors: Klingmüller, K., J. Lelieveld, V. Karydis and G. Stenchikov
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss
. Scientific challenges of convective–scale numerical weather prediction
Authors: Jun-Ichi, Y., Ziemiánski, M., Cullen, M., Termonia, P., Onvlee, J., Bengtsson, L., Carrassi, A., Davy, R., Deluca, A., Gray, S.L., Homar, V., Köhler, M., Krichak, S., Michaelides, S., Phillips, V.T.J., Soares, P.M.M., Wyszogrodzki, A.A.
Published: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99(4), 699-710
. Concentrations of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient PM2.5 and PM10 particulates in Doha, Qatar
Authors: Javed Wasim, Iakovides Minas, Stephanou Euripides G., Wolfson Jack M., Koutrakis Petros & Guo Bing
Published: Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
. Mesoscale Resolution Radar Data Assimilation Experiments with the Harmonie Model
Authors: Ivanov, S., Michaelides, S., Ruban, I.
Published: Remote Sens. 10(9), 1453
. Estimating health and economic benefits of reductions in air pollution from agriculture
Authors: Giannadaki D., E.Giannakis, A. Pozzer and J. Lelieveld
Published: Science of the Total Environment, 622, 1304-1316
. A 3-D evaluation of the MACC reanalysis dust product over Europe, Northern Africa and Middle East using CALIOP/CALIPSO dust satellite observations
Authors: Georgoulias, A., A. Tsikerdekis, V. Amiridis, E. Marinou, A. Benedetti, P. Zanis, G. Alexandri, K. Kourtidis and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 18, 8601-8620
. Air quality modelling in the summer over the Eastern Mediterranean using WRF/Chem: Chemistry and aerosol mechanisms intercomparison
Authors: Georgiou, G.K., T. Christoudias, Y. Proestos, J Kushta, P. Hadjinicolaou and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. 18, 1555-1571
. Driving parameters of biogenic volatile organic compounds and consequences on new particle formation observed at an Eastern Mediterranean background site (Cyprus)
Authors: Debevec, C., Sauvage, S., Gros, V., Sellegri, K., Sciare, J., Pikridas, M., Stavroulas, I., Leonardis, T., Gaudion, V., Depelchin, L, Fronval, I., Sarda-Esteve, R., Baisnée, D., Bonsang, B., Savvides, C., Vrekoussis, M., Locoge, N.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 14297-14325
. Identification of tropical-extratropical interactions and extreme precipitation events in the Middle East based on potential vorticity and moisture transport
Authors: De Vries, A.J., H.G. Ouwersloot, S.B. Feldstein, M. Riemer, A.M. El Kenawy, M.F. McCabe and J. Lelieveld
Published: J. Geophys. Res. 123, 861-881
. On the uncertainties introduced by land-cover data in very high-resolution WRF simulations
Authors: De Meij A., Zittis G., Christoudias T.
Published: Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (first online)
. Aerosol sources in the western Mediterranean during summertime: a model-based approach
Authors: Chrit, M., Sartelet, K., Sciare, J., Pey, J., Nicolas, J. B., Marchand , N., Freney, E., Sellegri, K., Beekmann, M., and Dulac, F.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 9631-9659
. Simulation of fine organic aerosols in the western Mediterranean area during the ChArMEx 2013 summer campaign
Authors: Cholakian, A., Beekmann, M., Colette, A., Coll, I., Siour, G., Sciare, J., Marchand, N., Couvidat, F., Pey, J., Gros, V., Sauvage, S., Michoud, V., Sellegri, K., Colomb, A., Sartelet, K., Langley DeWitt, H., Elser, M., Prévot, A. S. H., Szidat, S., and Dulac, F.
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 7287-7312
. Enhancing the Detection Efficiency of Condensation Particle Counters for Sub-2 nm Particles
Authors: Barmpounis K., Ranjithkumar A., Schmidt-Ott A., Attoui M., and Biskos G.
Published: Journal of Aerosol Science
. Implementation of a comprehensive ice crystal formation parameterization for cirrus and mixed-phase clouds into the EMAC model (based on MESSy 2.53)
Authors: Bacer, S., S.C. Sullivan, V.A. Karydis, D. Barahona, M. Krämer, A. Nenes, H. Tost, A.P. Tsimpidi, J. Lelieveld and A. Pozzer
Published: Geosci. Model Dev. 11, 4021-4041
. A “super-ensemble” of CORDEX regional climate projections for the Mediterranean
Authors: Zittis G., Hadjinicolaou P., Klangidou M., Proestos Y., Lelieveld J.
Published: Proceedings of the XXXIIème Colloque Internationale de l’Association International de Climatologie, Thessaloniki, Greece
. Six-year source apportionment of submicron organic aerosols from near-continuous measurements at SIRTA (Paris area, France)
Authors: Zhang, Y., Favez, O., Petit, J.-E., Canonaco, F., Truong, F., Bonnaire, N., Crenn, V., Amodeo, T., Prévôt, A. S. H., Sciare, J., Gros, V., and Albinet, A.
Published: Chem. Phys., 19, 14755–14776
. Empirical evidence of a positive climate forcing of aerosols at elevated albedo
Authors: Yoon, J., D.Y. Chang, J. Lelieveld, A. Pozzer, J. Kim and S.S. Yum
Published: Res. 229, 269-279
. Effects of atmospheric processing on the oxidative potential of biomass burning organic aerosols
Authors: Wong, J. P., Tsagkaraki, M., Tsiodra, I., Mihalopoulos, N., Violaki, K., Kanakidou, M., J. Sciare, and Weber, R. J.
Published: Environmental science & technology, 53(12), 6747-6756, 2019
. Atmospheric Evolution of Molecular Weight Separated Brown Carbon from Biomass Burning
Authors: Wong, J. P. S., M. Tsagaraki, I. Tsiodra, N. Mihalopoulos, K. Violaki, M. Kanakidou, J. Sciare, A. Nenes, and R. J. Weber
Published: Chem. Phys., 19, 7319–7334
. Source apportionment of organic pollutants in fine and coarse atmospheric particles in Doha, Qatar
Authors: Wasim Javed, Minas Iakovides, Rajyalakshmi Garaga, Euripides G. Stephanou, Sri Harsha Kota, Qi Ying, Jack M. Wolfson, Petros Koutrakis, Bing Guo
Published: Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, In Press, 2019
. Concentrations of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient PM2.5 and PM10 particulates in Doha, Qatar
Authors: Wasim Javed, Minas Iakovides, Euripides G. Stephanou, Jack M. Wolfson, Petros Koutrakis & Bing Guo
Published: Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 69 (2), 2019
. A multi-platform hydrometeorological analysis of the flash flood event of 15 November 2017 in Attica, Greece
Authors: Varlas, G., Anagnostou, M.N., Spyrou, C., Papadopoulos, A., Kalogiros, J., Mentzafou, A, Michaelides, S., Baltas, E., Karymbalis, E., Katsafados, P.
Published: Remote Sensing, 11(1), 45
. Composition and variability of gaseous organic pollution in the port megacity of Istanbul: source attribution, emission ratios, and inventory evaluation
Authors: Thera, B. T. P., Dominutti, P., Öztürk, F., Salameh, T., Sauvage, S., Afif, C., Çetin, B., Gaimoz, C., Keleş, M., Evan, S., and Borbon, A.
Published: Chem. Phys., 19, 15131–15156
. Global modeling of fungal spores with the EMAC chemistry-climate model: uncertainties in emission parametrizations and observations
Authors: Tanarhte, M., S. Bacer, S. Burrows, J.A. Huffman, K.M. Pierce, A. Pozzer, R. Sarda-Estève, N.J. Savage and J. Lelieveld
Published: Chem. Phys. Discuss.
. Future global meteorological drought hotspots: a study based on CORDEX data
Authors: Spinoni J., Barbosa P., Bucchignani E., Cassano J., Cavazos T., Christensen J.H., Christensen O.B., Coppola E., Evans J., Geyer B., Giorgi F., Hadjinicolaou P., Jacob D., Katzfey J., Koenigk T., Laprise R., Lennard C.H., Kurnaz M.L. Li D., Llopart M., McCormick N., Naumann G., Nikulin G., Ozturk T., Panitz H.-J. Porfirio da Rocha R., Rockel B., Solman S.A. Syktus J., Tangang F., Teichmann C., Vautard R., Vogt J.V., Winger K., Zittis G., Dosio A.
Published: Journal of climate
. Workplace Exposure to Nanoparticles during Thermal Spraying of Ceramic Coatings
Authors: Salmatonidis, C. Ribalta, V. Sanfélix, S. Bezantakos, G. Biskos, A. Vulpoi, S. Simion, E. Monfort, and M. Viana
Published: Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 63, 91-106
. Particle Number Size Distribution Statistics at Urban, Urban Background, and Remote Stations in Greece During Summer
Authors: S. Vratolisa, M. Gini, S. Bezantakos, I. Stavroulas, N. Kalivitis, E. Kostenidou, E. Louvaris, D. Siakavaras, G. Biskos, N. Mihalopoulos, S.N. Pandis, C. Pilinis, A. Papayannis, K. Eleftheriadis
Published: Atmospheric Environment, 213, 711-726
. On-flight intercomparison of three miniature aerosol absorption sensors using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
Authors: Pikridas, M., Bezantakos, S., Močnik, G., Keleshis, C., Brechtel, F., Stavroulas, I., Demetriades, G., Antoniou, P., Vouterakos, P., Argyrides, M., Liakakou, E., Drinovec, L., Marinou, E., Amiridis, V., Vrekoussis, M., Mihalopoulos, N., and Sciare, J.
Published: Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 6425–6447
. Shipborne measurements of total OH reactivity around the Arabian Peninsula and its role in ozone chemistry
Authors: Pfannerstill, E.Y, N. Wang, A. Edtbauer, E. Bourtsoukidis, J.N. Crowley, D. Dienhart, P.G. Eger, L. Ernle, H. Fischer, B. Hottmann, J.-D. Paris, C. Stönner, I. Tadic, D. Walter, J. Lelieveld and J. Williams
Published: Chem. Phys. Discuss
. Full-azimuthal imaging-DOAS observations of NO2 during CINDI
Authors: Peters, E., Ostendorf, M., Bösch, T., Seyler, A., Schönhardt, A., Schreier, S., Wittrock, F., Richter, A., Vrekoussis, M., Burrows, JP
Published: Chem.Tech.12, 4171–4190
. Toxicity of High-purity Silver Nanoparticles on the Aquatic Plant Lemna Minor
Authors: P. Minogiannis, M. Valenti, V. Kati, O.-I. Kalantzi, and G. Biskos
Published: Journal of Aerosol Science, 128, 17-21, (2019)
. Polyunsaturated fatty acid status at birth, childhood growth, and cardiometabolic risk: a pooled analysis of the MEFAB and RHEA cohorts
Authors: Nikos Stratakis, Marij Gielen, Katerina Margetaki, Renate H. M. de Groot, Maria Apostolaki, Georgia Chalkiadaki, Marina Vafeiadi, Vasiliki Leventakou, Marianna Karachaliou, Roger W. Godschalk, Manolis Kogevinas, Euripides G. Stephanou, Maurice P. Zeegers & Leda Chatzi
Published: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 73, pp.566–576, 2019
. Particulate matter and health effects in offices
Authors: Nezis, G. Biskos, K. Eleftheriadisd, and O.-I. Kalantzi
Published: A review, Building and Environment, 156, 62-73, 2019
. Study of the occurrence of airborne Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons associated with respirable particles in two coastal cities at Eastern Mediterranean: Levels, source apportionment, and potential risk for human health
Authors: Minas Iakovides, Euripides G.Stephanou, Maria Apostolaki, Marios Hadjicharalambous, John S.Evans, Petros Koutrakis, Souzana Achilleos
Published: Atmospheric Environment 213, pp. 170-184, 2019
. Earth surveillance and space-based monitoring of the environment: integrated approaches
Authors: Michaelides, S., Kontoes, C.
Published: Advances in Geosciences, 47, 17-19
. Effect of Vertical Air Motion on Disdrometer Derived Z-R Coefficients
Authors: Michaelides, S. Lane, J., Kasparis, T.
Published: Atmosphere, 10(2), 77
. Retrieval of ice nucleating particle concentrations from lidar observations: Comparison with airborne in-situ measurements from UAVs
Authors: Marinou, E., Tesche, M., Nenes, A., Ansmann, A., Schrod, J., Mamali, D., Tsekeri, A., Pikridas, M., Baars, H., Engelmann, R., Voudouri, K.-A., Solomos, S., Sciare, J., Groβ, S., and Amiridis, V.
Published: Chem. Phys., 19, 11315–11342
. Summertime surface PM1 aerosol composition and size by source region at the Lampedusa island in the central Mediterranean Sea
Authors: Mallet, M. D., D’Anna, B., Même, A., Bove, M. C., Cassola, F., Pace, G., Desboeufs, K., Di Biagio, C., Doussin, J.-F., Maille, M., Massabò, D., Sciare, J., Zapf, P., di Sarra, A. G., and Formenti, P.
Published: Chem. Phys., 19, 11123–11142
. Modelling the aerosol chemical composition of the tropopause over the Tibetan Plateau during the Asian summer monsoon
Authors: Ma, J., C. Brühl, Q. He, B. Steil, V.A. Karydis, K. Klingmüller, H. Tost, B. Chen, Y. Jin, N. Liu, X. Xu, P. Yan, X. Zhou, K. Abdelrahman, A. Pozzer and J. Lelieveld
Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.
. Summertime particulate matter and its composition in Greece
Authors: M.A.Tsiflikiotoua, E.Kostenidou, D.K. Papanastasiou, D.Patoulias, P. Zarmpas, D. Paraskevopoulou, E. Diapouli, C. Kaltsonoudis K. Florou, A. Bougiatioti, I.Stavroulas, C. Theodosi, G.Kouvarakis, V. Vasilatoue, D. Siakavaras, G. Biskos, C. Pilinis, K. Eleftheriadis, and S.N.Pandis
Published: Atmospheric Environment, 213, 597-607
. Heavy Metals Inhalation Exposure Analysis from Particulate Matter Emitted from Dry and Wet Recycling Processes of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Authors: M. Lasithiotakis, C. Psanis, E. Triantafyllou, P. Nikolaou, G. Kouvarakis, N. Michalopoulos, P. Sinioros, and G. Biskos
Published: Environ Prog Sustainable Energy. 2019; e13265
. Nanoparticle Production by Spark Ablation – The Principle, Configurations and Basic Steps Towards Application
Authors: M. Boeije, G. Biskos, B. van der Maesen, T.V. Pfeiffer, A. van Vugt, B. Zijlstra, A. Schmidt-Ott
Published: Spark Ablation: Building Blocks for Nanotechnology
. Accelerating Atmospheric Chemical Kinetics for Climate Simulations
Authors: M. Alvanos and T. Christoudias
Published: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
. Long-term variability, source apportionment and spectral properties of black carbon at an urban background site in Athens, Greece
Authors: Liakakou, E., I. Stavroulas, D. G Kaskaoutis, G. Grivas, D. Paraskevopoulou, U. C Dumka, M. Tsagkaraki, A. Bougiatioti, K. Oikonomou, J. Sciare, E. Gerasopoulos, N. Mihalopoulos
Published: Atmospheric Environment, p. 117137, 2019
. Effects of fossil fuel and total anthropogenic emission removal on public health and climate
Authors: Lelieveld, J., K. Klingmüller, A. Pozzer, R.T. Burnett, A. Haines and V. Ramanathan
Published: Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 116, 7192-7197, 2019
. Cardiovascular disease burden from ambient air pollution in Europe reassessed using novel hazard ratio functions
Authors: Lelieveld, J, K. Klingmüller, A. Pozzer, U. Pöschl, M. Fnais, A. Daiber and T. Münzel
Published: Heart J. 40, 1590-1596
. Evaluation of EU air quality standards through modeling and the FAIRMODE benchmarking methodology
Authors: Kushta, J., Georgiou, G.K., Proestos, Y. et al.
Published: Air Qual Atmos Health (2019) 12: 73
. Direct radiative effect of dust-pollution interactions
Authors: Klingmüller, K., J. Lelieveld, V. Karydis and G. Stenchikov
Published: Chem. Phys. 19, 7397-7408
. Estimation of the Emissions by Transport in two Port Cities of the Northeastern Mediterranean
Authors: K.M. Fameli, A.M. Kotrikla, C. Psanis, G. Biskos, and A. Polydoropoulou
Published: Greece, Environmental Pollution
. Costs and benefits of agricultural ammonia emission abatement options for compliance with European air quality regulations
Authors: Giannakis, E., J. Kushta, G.K. Georgiou, A. Bruggeman and J. Lelieveld
Published: Sci. Eur. 31, 93
. Exploring the economy-wide effects of agriculture on air quality and health: Evidence from Europe
Authors: Giannakis, E., J. Kushta, D. Giannadaki, G.K. Georgiou, A. Bruggeman, J. Lelieveld
Published: Total Environ. 663, 889-900
. The second ACTRIS inter-comparison for Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitors (ACSM): Calibration protocols and instrument performance evaluations
Authors: Fresney, E., Y. Zhang, P. Croteau, T. Amodeo, … J. Sciare
Published: Aerosol Science and Technology, 53:7, 830-842, 2019
. Predictions of diffusion rates of organic molecules in secondary organic aerosols using the Stokes-Einstein and fractional Stokes-Einstein relations
Authors: Evoy, E., A. Maclean, G. Rovelli, Y. Li, A. Tsimpidi, V. Karydis, S. Kamal, J. Lelieveld, M. Shiraiwa, J. Reid and A. Bertram
Published: Chem. Phys. Discuss
. Using longitudinal surveillance data to analyse the environmental dependence of vector populations: the case of sand flies
Authors: Erguler, K., I. Pontiki , G. Zittis , Y. Proestos, V. Christodoulou , N. Tsirigotakis, M. Antoniou , O.E. Kasap, B. Alten and J. Lelieveld
Published: Rep. 9, 2469
. Shipborne measurements of ClNO2 in the Mediterranean Sea and around the Arabian Peninsula during summer
Authors: Eger, P. G., Friedrich, N., Schuladen, J., Shenolikar, J., Fischer, H., Tadic, I., Harder, H., Martinez, M., Rohloff, R., Tauer, S., Drewnick, F., Fachinger, F., Brooks, J., Darbyshire, E., Sciare, J., Pikridas, M., Lelieveld, J., and Crowley, J. N.
Published: Chem. Phys., 19, 12121–12140
. Different land surface schemes in the WRF modelled climate over the MENA region – Part I: spread and sensitivity, Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Authors: Constantinidou K., Hadjinicolaou P., Zittis G., Lelieveld J.
Published: Atmosphere 10(1):26, January 2019
. Natural emissions moderate the climate forcing of anthropogenic aerosols
Authors: Chen, Y., Y. Cheng, N. Ma, C. Wei, L. Ran, R. Wolke, J. Größ, Q. Wang, A. Pozzer, H.A.C. Denier van der Gon, G. Spindler, J. Lelieveld, I. Tegen, H. Su and A. Wiedensohler
. Aerosol–cloud closure study on cloud optical properties using remotely piloted aircraft measurements during a BACCHUS field campaign in Cyprus
Authors: Calmer, R., Roberts, G. C., Sanchez, K. J., Sciare, J., Sellegri, K., Picard, D., Vrekoussis, M., and Pikridas, M.
Published: Chem. Phys., 19, 13989–14007
. Non Methane Hydrocarbon (C2-C8) sources and sinks around the Arabian Peninsula
Authors: Bourtsoukidis, E., L. Ernle, J. Crowley, J. Lelieveld, J.-D. Paris, A. Pozzer, D. Walter and J. Williams
Published: Chem. Phys. 19, 7209-7232
. Large-scale particulate air pollution and chemical fingerprint of volcanic sulfate aerosols from the 2014-15 Holuhraun flood lava eruption of Bárðarbunga volcano (Iceland)
Authors: Boichu, M., Favez, O., Riffault, V., Brogniez, C., Sciare, J., Chiapello, I., Clarisse, L., Zhang, S., Pujol-Söhne, N., Tison, E., Delbarre, H., and Goloub, P.
Published: Chem. Phys., 19, 14253–14287
. Source Apportionment of fine PM by combining high time resolution organic and inorganic chemical composition datasets in a background location of the Po Valley
Authors: Belis C.A., M. Pikridas, F. Lucarelli, E. Petralia, F. Cavalli, G. Calzolai, M. Berico, J. Sciare
Published: Atmospheric Environment
. Detection of Outflow of Formaldehyde and Glyoxal from the African continent to the Atlantic Ocean with a MAX-DOAS Instrument
Authors: Behrens, L. K., Hilboll, A., Richter, A., Peters, E., Alvarado, L. M. A., Kalisz Hedegaard, A. B., Wittrock, F., Burrows, J. P., and Vrekoussis, M.
Published: Chem.Phys., 19, 10257–10278, 2019
. Ice-nucleating particle versus ice crystal number concentration in altocumulus and cirrus embedded in Saharan dust: A closure study
Authors: Ansmann, A., Mamouri, R.-E., Bühl, J., Seifert, P., Engelmann, R., Hofer, J., Nisantzi, A., Atkinson, J. D., Kanji, Z. A., Sierau, B., Vrekoussis, M., and Sciare, J.
Published: Chem. Phys., 19, 15087–15115
. Evaluation of a regional climate model for the Eastern Nile basin: Terrestrial and atmospheric water balance
Authors: Abdelwares, M., J. Lelieveld, P. Hadjinicolaou, G. Zittis, A. Wagdy and M. Haggag
Published: Atmosphere 10, 736