VeCTOR: Vector Climate Threat Online Resource (2020-2021) Written on 2020-02-01. Services for Copernicus. Development of a C3S demo case of a prognostic climate-driven vector-borne-disease risk assessment... Continue reading
ACTRIS IMP: Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure Implementation Written on 2020-01-01. Different atmospheric processes are considered responsible for many challenges having societal and environmental impacts.... Continue reading
CURE-3AB: Cooperation to Unravel the Role of the Atmospheric Aerosol over the Amazon Basin using drones Written on 2019-02-01. The mission of the Cooperation to Unravel the role of atmospheric aerosol over the Amazonian basin (CURE-3AB) is to provide... Continue reading
MAGNUM: Monitoring for Aerosol Particle Growth and Chemical Composition During New Particle Formation Events Using Miniaturized Lightweight Instrument Written on 2019-01-02. One of the major uncertainties in climate-change is the contribution of airborne particles. A major source of these particles... Continue reading
CELSIUS: Projecting Temperature climate extremes at regional to urban scales Written on 2019-01-01. The CELSIUS project aims to provide new climate change projections for Middle East/North Africa (MENA), including the... Continue reading
Nano2Lab: Nanoparticle/Nanomaterial Synthesis and Characterization Laboratory Written on 2018-12-31. Launched in 2018, the overall objective of this project is to develop an infrastructure for synthesizing and characterizing... Continue reading
AQ-SERVE: Air Quality Services for a cleaner air in Cyprus Written on 2018-12-06. Launched in December 2018, the AQ-SERVE project will provide the first-ever risk assessment and evaluation of the health... Continue reading
PRECEPT: Portable and Cost-effective Particulate Matter Monitoring System Written on 2018-09-01. PRECEPT is materialized by a collaboration between Advanced Integrated Technology Solutions & Services (ADITESS)... Continue reading
META-Sat: modelling of Emissions, Trends and Air quality, using Satellite measurements Written on 2018-06-01. METASat project develops and applies methodologies to utilize satellite data and provide the mathematical tools needed... Continue reading