Net ozone production and its relationship to NOx and VOCs in the marine boundary layer around the Arabian Peninsula Written on 2021-02-06. Authors: Tadic, I., J.N. Crowley, P. Eger, D. Dienhart, H. Harder, B. Hottmann, M. Martinez, U. Parchatka, J.-D. Paris,... Continue reading
There is a natural “Himalayan aerosol factory” that can affect climate Written on 2021-02-01. Article by Lubna Dada and Rima Baalbaki It has long been proven that climate is influenced by human activity. Whilst... Continue reading
2021 Written on 2021-01-29. Interview of Prof. Papanicolas on Climate Change in the EMME region at CyBC’s “Saskia Unreserved” 14... Continue reading
The Cyprus Institute Appointed Grant Holder in new EU COST Action project “COST MEDCYCLONES” for the study of Mediterranean Cyclones Written on 2021-01-26. COST MEDCYCLONES’s aim is to establish a European network for the study of Mediterranean cyclones. The need for this... Continue reading
CARE-C hosts annual meeting of AQ-SERVE project Written on 2021-01-25. On the 19th of January, CARE-C hosted the annual partner meeting of AQ-SERVE. The meeting was held virtually, with participation... Continue reading
CARE-C participates in 2nd CSP4Climate Intentional Conference Written on 2021-01-04. The CSP4Climate 2020 International Conference was held online, between the 15th and 17th of December 2020. Two years... Continue reading
CoCO2: Prototype system for a Copernicus CO2 service Written on 2021-01-01. To support EU countries in assessing their progress for reaching their targets agreed in the Paris Agreement, the European... Continue reading
WRF-Chem simulation of the atmospheric chemistry and aerosols over the Middle East during AQABA Campaign Written on 2020-12-14. The Air Quality and Climate Change in the Arabian Basin (AQABA) campaign was a shipborne campaign organized by Max Planck... Continue reading
CARE-C participates at European Researchers Night 2020 Written on 2020-12-01. Organized by the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF), European Researchers’ Night 2020 was organized virtually for... Continue reading
CARE-C a key partner in new project to tackle air pollution and its interactions with regional Climate Change in Cyprus Written on 2020-12-01. CARE-C is participating as a key project partner in the new project ACCEPT – standing for Assessment of Climate... Continue reading