3rd Annual Workshop on Innovation in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques successfully completed
On Thursday, 8th of June, 2023, the 3rd Annual Online Workshop on Innovation in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques successfully took place, as an EU Green Week 2023 Partner Event.
The one-day online event brought together atmospheric science communities in order to share and discuss the latest innovations, including new technologies, products and services in atmospheric measurement techniques and modelling. Participants also had the opportunity to network and enhance local and regional collaboration, as well as their national capacity in the effort to tackle the climate crisis.
More than 300 participants from 44 different countries attended the workshop, including researchers, and industry professionals in the atmospheric sciences.
Prof Jean Sciare, Director of CARE-C, gave the introductory speech welcoming all the participants and presenters at the workshop. 33 presentations followed, delivered by speakers from 13 countries, including academics, representatives from research institutions, and private companies, actively involved in the innovation and R&D in atmospheric measurement techniques.
Organisers: The workshop was hosted by three EU RIs working in the Atmospheric Measurements remit, ACTRIS, ICOS and IAGOS, together with the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (EMME-CARE) Consortium and the Edu4Climate project. It is organised by the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) of the Cyprus Institute with the support of the University of Helsinki, the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz (MPIC), the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). More information about the workshop can be found on the link below:
https://emme-ca re.cyi.ac.cy/innovation-in-atmospheric-measurement-techniques-workshop/