Two students of CARE-C awarded CyI 2022 Innovation Award
The CyI 2022 Innovation Awards, were received by three students, including two students of the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C): Aliki Christodoulou, PHD student at the Energy, Environment & Atmospheric Sciences program, and Christoforos Skourides, a Master’s student at the Environmental Sciences program. The students will be receiving an award of 5,000 euros each, to develop their proposed projects.
The CyI 2022 Innovation Awards are offered by the Institute’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Office aiming to further instill an innovation culture within CyI with the purpose to reward the most promising ideas that emerge from the scientific and research work at the institute. The monetary award is for supporting “proof of concept” activities, as outlined in a suitable business model, for translating the idea to a business proposition that will attract potential investors and/or other types of funding.
Each awarded student will be exposed to additional coaching/mentoring and participation in qualified pitching events. Feedback received from the activities will assist the awarded teams in developing their business plan in which they should clearly demonstrate how the proposed service/product will be commercially exploited (i.e. licensing, spin-off/start-up creation, access to impact funding).
The full list of 2023 successful projects are:
For Aliki Christodoulou: “Real-Time Identification of Pollution Sources”
For Christoforos Skourides: “Ozone-assisted Combustion for Internal Combustion Engines”
For George Polykratis: “Turtle-friendly Lightning”
*Photo: From left to right: PhD student Aliki Christodoulou, and Master’s student Christoforos Skourides