The first Innovation Workshop and Speed Networking event, organised by the Cyprus Institute, CARIE and CCI, with the support of EMME-CARE, EUROCC2 and DiGiNN projects, was a huge success!
On the 9th of June, 2023, the first “Innovation Workshop and Speed Networking event” was successfully organised by the Cyprus Institute (CyI), in collaboration with the Association of Research and Innovation Companies of Cyprus (CARIE), and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), with the support of the EU funded projects “EUROCC2” “EMME-CARE”, and the European Digital Innovation Hub in Cyprus – “DiGiNN” project.
The aim of the workshop was to start off a collaboration between researchers of Cyprus Institute and Cypriot companies which are actively involved in applied research and innovation, and consequently creating synergies and strong partnerships, exchanging knowledge and expertise, and developing products and services, which can in turn have a significant positive impact on the competitiveness of high-tech and deep-tech companies in Cyprus.
The workshop included presentations about the “DiGINN Hub” as well as presentations from CyI’s Center Directors – Prof. Fadi Comair, Director of EEWRC, Prof. Michel Menu, Director of STARC, Prof. Constantine Dovrolis, Director of CaSToRC, Prof. Jean Sciare, Director of CARE-C, and Prof. Theodoros Zachariades, Director of STEDI-RC.
A speed-networking event between CyI researchers and company representatives, also took place during the workshop and company delegations had the opportunity to have a guided tour of the Institute’s laboratories and research facilities.
Such events- the first of many planned for the future- are of vital importance for digital transformation and transitioning into a knowledge-based economy in Cyprus.