The ACCEPT project has been concluded on 12 April, 2024
The ACCEPT project, which CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute is a partner of, has been successfully concluded. The final meeting of the project, during which the project partners presented the final deliverables, took place on 12 April, 2024 at the Cyprus Institute premises, in Nicosia.
ACCEPT has made significant progress in understanding air pollution in Cyprus, a unique pollution crossroad of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Through extensive atmospheric monitoring, drone-based technological advancements, air pollution modeling, climate change projections, and socioeconomic risk assessments, the project has provided new insights on local and transported air pollution. Key findings include the impact of transported pollutants on air quality and a thorough assessment of future climate risks. Funded by the EEA and Norway Grants, ACCEPT has created information that could be used to develop effective policies for a healthier, more resilient Cyprus.
The consortium consisted of the Cyprus Institute, the Cyprus Department of Meteorology, the Cyprus Department of Labour Inspection, the Cyprus University of Technology and the European University of Cyprus, and the project was officially coordinated by the Department of Environment. The partners prepared a short video which sums up all the achievements and milestones accomplished during the project, which you can watch here.
You can find out more about ACCEPT on the project website here.

Funding: €800,000