The annual ENVRINNOV consortium meeting, coordinated by CARE-C, took place in Rome
The annual consortium meeting of the ENVironment Research infrastructures INNOVation Roadmap- ENVRINNOV project, which is coordinated by CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute, took place in Rome, Italy on 29-30 January 2025.
The partners came together to review the progress of the project so far and plan their next steps for the year ahead. The outcomes of the project to this date, such as the landscape analysis on current innovation training needs of the ENVRI community, the first draft of the Innovation Resources Toolbox and the initial analysis of the innovation services offered by the ENVRI community can be found on the project website here.
ENVRINNOV, funded by Horizon Europe, aims to co-design, test, and validate a common Innovation Roadmap for the ENVRI community. This Roadmap will set a credible pathway for the ENVRI community to establish and operate an ENVRI Innovation Hub (EIH), for the future development of new state-of-the-art technologies and services. Additionally, the project will develop essential tools, and policies, for the roadmap’s successful implementation.
If you’d like to be informed about the latest updates of the project and upcoming training opportunities, you can sign up to the ENVRINNOV project mailing list here. You can also sign up to the ENVRI Community newsletter, to be informed about news, events or other opportunities from the ENVRI projects and the wider community here.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or REA. Neither the European Union, nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”