The 1st MedCyclones Workshop and Training School successfully implemented in Athens
Scientists from the Climate and Atmosphere Research Centre of The Cyprus Institute, have participated at the 1st MedCyclones Workshop and Training School, which was successfully organized in late June in Athens, in the framework of the COST action CA19109.
The main objective of the workshop (27-29 June, 2022), was to present and discuss recent scientific progress in understanding processes and impacts of the Mediterranean cyclones, and their monitoring and forecasting challenges from weather to climate time scales. The event aimed at establishing efficient networking and collaborations between stakeholders, weather/climate service professionals and academic researchers. Dr. Jonilda Kushta, the Grant Holder scientific representative and leader of Working Group 3, presented the work performed so far on the socio-economic and environmental impacts of Mediterranean cyclones and delivered lectures on the interaction of mineral dust with atmospheric systems. Dr. Georgia Lazoglou and Mr. Pantelis Kirikides presented scientific results from research performed at CARE-C, on bias correction of precipitation extremes and wind assimilation effects on model forecasting skill.
The 6-day training school, focused on weather-timescale aspects of Mediterranean cyclones ranging from dynamics to processes and forecasting predictability. The students had the opportunity to attend presentations and lectures as well as intense full day courses, including practical exercises and interactive discussion sessions. On the last day of the training school, the students presented their results from the hands-on engagement, on several test cases of Mediterranean cyclone events, focusing on different aspects of their development, severity, dynamics and impacts. The event was organized in parallel activities to combine the large number of presentations and educational material in a beneficial way for both students and conference participants.
On this occasion, the Medcyclones Management Committee had the first in person meeting discussing the current advancements in the action as well as the next steps.