Atomic emission detector with gas chromatographic separation and cryogenic pre-concentration (CryoTrap-GC-AED) for atmospheric trace gas measurements Written on 2022-02-17. Authors: Karu, E., Li, M., Ernle, L., Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M., Lelieveld, J. und Williams, J.Published: Atmospheric Measurement... Continue reading
Business-as-usual will lead to ultra-extreme heatwaves in the Middle East and North Africa Written on 2022-02-17. Authors: Zittis, G., Hadjinicolaou, P., Almazroui, M., Bucchignani, E., Driouech, F., Rhaz, K. E., Kurnaz, L., Nikulin,... Continue reading
Central role of nitric oxide in ozone production in the upper tropical troposphere over the Atlantic Ocean and West Africa Written on 2022-02-17. Authors: Tadic, I., Nussbaumer, C., Bohn, B., Harder, H., Marno, D., Martinez, M., Obersteiner, F., Parchatka, U., Pozzer,... Continue reading
Characterization of atmospheric-pressure spark generated atomic silver and gold clusters by time-of-flight mass spectrometry Written on 2022-02-17. Authors: A Maisser, K Barmpounis, S Holm, M Attoui, A Schmidt-Ott, J.Kangasluomac G.BiskosPublished: Journal of Aerosol... Continue reading
Chemical Composition and Source Apportionment of Total Suspended Particulate in the Central Himalayan Region Written on 2022-02-17. Authors: Sheoran, R.; Dumka, U.C.; Kaskaoutis, D.G.; Grivas, G.; Ram, K.; Prakash, J.; Hooda, R.K.; Tiwari, R.K.; Mihalopoulos,... Continue reading
Climate model-informed deep learning of global soil moisture distribution Written on 2022-02-17. Authors: Klingmüller, K. and Lelieveld, J.Published: Geoscientific Model DevelopmentLink: Continue reading
Cold cloud microphysical process rates in a global chemistry–climate model Written on 2022-02-17. Authors: Bacer, S., Sullivan, S. C., Sourdeval, O., Tost, H., Lelieveld, J. und Pozzer, A.Published: Atmospheric Chemistry... Continue reading
Comprehensive Methodology for the Evaluation of High-Resolution WRF Multiphysics Precipitation Simulations for Small, Topographically Complex Domains Written on 2022-02-17. Authors: Sofokleous, I., Bruggeman, A., Michaelides, S., Hadjinicolaou, P., Zittis, G., & Camera, C.Published: Journal... Continue reading
COVID-19 lockdowns cause declines in health burden associated with air pollution exposure Written on 2022-02-17. Authors: Venter, Z.S., K. Aunan, S. Chowdhury and J. LelieveldPublished: Environmental researchLink: Continue reading
DIVINE: Development of an Innovative and Versatile Nanomaterial Synthesis Platform Written on 2021-06-01. Exploitation of the numerous breakthroughs in the field of nanotechnology over the past decades is limited by the lack... Continue reading