Strong CARE-C representation at the 2024 EGU General Assembly
A notable number of researchers of CARE-C at the Cyprus Institute have participated in the recent European Geosciences Union- EGU 2024 General Assembly, which took place in Vienna, Austria and online on 14-19 April 2024.
More specifically, 12 research scientists of CARE-C delivered oral, poster and PICO presentations, contributed to other presentations and co-chaired sessions, showcasing the high-quality scientific research of the Centre. You can find out more details of the presentations and photos at the end of the article.
The EGU General Assembly 2024 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.
20,979 registered attendees from 116 countries participated at the event in Vienna, and 2,591 joined online from 109 countries. It was a great success with 18,896 presentations given in 1,044 sessions. Additionally, 57% of the abstracts were identified as contributions from Early Career Scientists (ECS).
Researcher | Presentation title | Session |
Elie Bimenyimana | Oral presentation: The Cyprus Atmospheric Observatory: A unique outpost to monitor the increase of Middle East Air Pollution | Aerosol Chemistry and Physics |
Dr Minas Iakovides | Oral presentation: Thermal processes and secondary recycling regulate the atmospheric levels of the highly toxic polychlorinated naphthalenes in an urban Mediterranean site (and co-author in other presentations) | Sources, Formation, and Properties of Organic Aerosols |
Dr. Vijay Kanawade | Oral presentation: Characteristics of size-segregated particle number concentrations in an urban location in India | Aerosol Chemistry and Physics |
Andreas Karpasitis | Oral presentation: Evaluation of precipitation and ITCZ characteristics in CMIP6 models | Advances in earth system modelling: process representation, benchmarking and understanding |
Dr Jonilda Kushta | Poster presentation: Economic growth and projected effects of air pollution on human health over Europe | Urban Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases |
Co-chairing | Air Pollution Modelling | |
Assoc Prof Franco Marenco | Oral presentation: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for satellite calibration and validation | Aviation Meteorology, Nowcasting and the use of UAS for Atmospheric Sciences |
Poster presentation: Optimising airborne research (and co-author in other presentations) | Fieldwork – for research and education, from inclusive methods, to utilisation of virtual outcrop models | |
Niki Paisi | Poster presentation: Health implications of model uncertainties related to carbonaceous aerosols (and co-author in other presentations) | Air Pollution Modelling |
Alkistis Papetta | Oral presentation: Remote sensing aerosol observations from AREAD ship campaign in the Mediterranean and Middle East | Remote Sensing of Clouds and Aerosols: Techniques and Applications |
Adj Assoc Prof Andrea Pozzer | Co- chair of the sessions | Atmospheric composition variability and trends |
Air Pollution Modelling | ||
PICO presentation: Inequality in the exposure to air pollution and temperature through the century (and co-author in other presentations) | Climate, Extremes, and Health: Mapping Risks and Quantifying Impacts on Population Health | |
Constantina Rousogenous | PICO presentation: Variability of Total Column CO2, CH4 and CO in the Eastern Mediterranean And Middle East (EMME) Region: Insights from the TCCON Nicosia and AirCore | Atmospheric Composition Variability and Trends |
Christos Xenofontos | Poster presentation: Modelling the Impact of Ammonia Emissions on New Particle Formation in the Asian Monsoon Upper Troposphere | Dynamics and chemistry of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) |
Dr George Zittis | Oral presentation: Climate change and islands’ ecosystem services: a global meta-analysis (and co-author in other presentations) | Interdisciplinary approaches to understanding processes in coastal regions and nature-based solutions |