Research Scientist of CARE-C delivered a presentation at the 2023 ISARRA Conference entitled: “Profiling Saharan Airborne Dust with UAV-based in-situ Instrumentation during the ASKOS Experiment in Cape Verde”
Dr Maria Kezoudi, an Associate Research Scientist at CARE-C of The Cyprus Institute, participated at the 8th International Society for Atmospheric Research using Remotely piloted Aircraft (ISARRA) conference, hosted by the University of Bergen in Norway, which took place on August 1-4, 2023.
Dr Kezoudi represented CARE-C and EMME-CARE at the conference and delivered two oral presentations on the Centre’s Unmanned Systems Research Laboratory (USRL) infrastructure and facilities, and on the UAV-measurements recorded in Cape Verde in 2022, by USRL researchers, in the context of the ASKOS experimental campaign, entitled: “Profiling Saharan Airborne Dust with UAV-based in-situ Instrumentation during the ASKOS Experiment in Cape Verde”.
The presentation focused on the following points:
- Overview of the USRL facility and capabilities of its drones
- Study of the Saharan Air Layer over Cape Verde, Africa, using dust sensors on-board drones
- Investigating whether large particles are observed closer to the ground at night
- The lowest part of the atmosphere dominated by high relative humidity
- Presence of not only sea salt, but also dust particles close to the ground
- Large particles observed from the ground up to 3,500 m Above Sea Level (ASL)
- Measurements will be used for the validation of the AEOLUS satellite products
The ISARRA Conference was a great opportunity to meet with current collaborators while enhancing the CARE-C network with new connections.