PhD students on Edu4Climate project – Siqing Xu
Student name: Siqing Xu
Short bio: Siqing Xu received her bachelor degree of geoscience in 2019 from Central South University (China), master’s degree of environmental science in 2022 from Fudan University (China), and now is a joint PhD student between the Cyprus Institute and University Paris-Saclay since December 2022.
PhD year of study: 2nd year
PhD supervision: Prof. Jean Sciare (CyI), Prof. Jos Lelieveld (CyI), Dr Yves Balkanski (LSCE, Gif/Yvette, France)
PhD Institution: Cyprus Institute and University Paris-Saclay
Thesis title and description: “Vegetation – Dust Cycle Feedback in IPSL Earth System Models”
In semi-arid regions, grasslands with lower density tend to have more bare soil, which provides the basis for dust emission. Our work focuses on simulating dynamic grass density and coupling vegetation with dust emission in Earth System Model.
Relevance of Edu4Climate to your project: Simulating dust emission is an important part in this PhD work and Edu4Climate supports the subject of dust emission especially in (semi-) arid regions.