MISTRALS International Workshop on Climate change impacts in the Mediterranean region
Date: 16-18 October 2017
Place: Montpellier, FRANCE
The thematic focus of the MISTRALS Workshop on Climate change and impacts in the Mediterranean are central to EMME-CARE’s scientific and geographical scope.
Dr Panos Hadjinicolaou gave an oral presentation on the “Temporal and spatial aspects of 20th and 21st century warming in the Mediterranean”, in the context of the regional manifestation of the 1.5oC-2oC global warming, based on results from in-house regional climate change projections performed at the Atmospheric and Climate Division of the Cyprus Institute. The talk was part of the “Climate Change Modelling” session of the MISTRALS Workshop and it can be found here. In the poster part of the same session, the work of Dr George Zittis, on the “Effect of nudging in regional hydro-climatic simulations for the eastern Mediterranean” was also presented.