The Innovation Workshop is an annual event which brings together atmospheric science communities to discuss the latest innovations in atmospheric measurement techniques. Participants can expect to find out about new technologies, products, services, and instrumentation and access visibility of opportunities for R&D collaborations.
This workshop is aimed at all industry professionals, researchers, and students interested in innovation in atmospheric measurement techniques, including:
The workshop is hosted by three EU RIs working in the Atmospheric Measurements remit, ACTRIS, ICOS and IAGOS, together with the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (EMME-CARE). It is organized by the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) of the Cyprus Institute with the support of the University of Helsinki, the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz (MPIC), the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).
The abstracts of the workshop are based on innovation and address the following topics:
Recent technical developments in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (in-situ/remote sensing) on:
The registration to attend an innovation workshop is free of charge and open to everyone.