For World Environment Day 2019 EMME – CARE takes action to #BeatAirPollution…!
EMME-CARE celebrates World Environment Day 2019 to #BeatAirPollution, with a citation of Prof. Lelieveld in an important Policy Report by the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC).
EASAC’s Policy Report 38, of June 2019, focuses on “The Imperative of Climate Action to protect Human Health in Europe”.
In this important Policy Report’s discussion on Fossil Fuel Impacts, there is concrete reference and citation of the very recent (Effects of fossil fuel and total anthropogenic emission removal on public health and climate“.
) article of Prof. Lelieveld et. al. on “In this publication, Prof. Lelieveld et.al. assess the effects of air pollution and greenhouse gases on public health, climate, and the hydrologic cycle.