EMME-CARE strengthens regional collaboration networks
In line with its ambition to create a knowledge hub for environmental and climate change research and sustainable solutions in the EMME region, EMME-CARE has been focused on strengthening its regional collaboration networks. This was achieved through a number of collaborations, conferences and other events with institutes, universities and researchers in various countries of the EMME region, including Egypt, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.
Indicatively, a field campaign being conducted by EMME-CARE and Egypt’s National Research Centre (NRC) and the University of Cairo in Cairo in early 2020 in the context of the POLCAIR project. POLCAIR focuses on assessing the sources of atmospheric anthropogenic pollution and he impact of air pollution on health with Greater Cairo as a representative megacity of the EMME region.
CARE-C Director, Prof. Jean Sciare was an invited speaker at the “Gulf Environment Conference” hosted in NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) by the NYUAD Division of Science and the Center for Prototype Climate Modeling in January 2020. Prof. Sciare was also an invited speaker at the “1st International Conference On Applications of Air Quality in Science and Engineering ICAAQSE 2020” at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) in February 2020.
Further, the Cyprus Institute has been appointed coordinator of the scientific component of the Cyprus Governments Initiative for Coordinating Climate Action in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (ECCI). In that context EMME-CARE is facilitating collaborations with scientists from across the EMME as part of ECCI.
Update: Whilst several scheduled meetings, conferences and other events have had to be cancelled or postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, EMME-CARE continues to pursue the strengthening and expansion of its networks in the EMME region through digital means.