EMME-CARE Launching Event of 30 November 2017
You are kindly Invited to the Public Launching Event of the European Project “EMME-CARE: Eastern Mediterranean Middle East – Climate & Atmosphere Research Centre”, which will take place on 30 November 2017, from 09:00 to 14:00, at the “NTL” Building of The Cyprus Institute (20 Konstantinou Kavafi, 2121-Aglantzia, Nicosia).
“EMME-CARE” is funded from the Strategic Scheme “TEAMING” within the “HORIZON 2020” Programme of the European Union. The objective of “EMME-CARE” is the establishment and competitive function of an international Centre of Excellence for Climate Change and Atmosphere, which having Cyprus as a point of reference will constitute the bridge of scientific excellence between Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. The distinguished Partner of The Cyprus Institute in the Project are world renown in the scientific field and they are: the University of Helsinki in Finland, the “Max Planck” Institute for Chemistry in Germany and the Laboratory for Climate Sciences and Environment of the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission in France.
The Programme of the Event as well as further information for the Project are available at the Project’s Website: www.emme-care.cyi.ac.cy and in the relevant Social Media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, ResearchGate).