EMME-CARE is massively hiring…! Science & Research Job Opportunities…!
EMME-CARE hiring…!!! We invite applications: see more under our “Opportunities” section.
We currently welcome Applications for:
- Communication Coordinator – until 30 September 2019
- Project Officer – until 30 September 2019
- IT Technical Research Specialist – until 30 September 2019
- Two (2) Technical Research Specialists for GHG Inventory– until 30 September 2019
- Research and Development Scientist for the Unmanned Systems Research Laboratory- until 15 September 2019
- Nanotechnology Research Laboratory Technician – until 11 September 2019
- Five (5) Research Assistants for the Environmental Prediction Department- until 11 September 2019
- Five (5) Post-doctoral Research Fellows for the Environmental Prediction Department- until 11 September 2019
- Two (2) Computational Support Specialists for the Environmental Prediction Department- until 11 September 2019
These positions are opened within the EU H2020 project “EMME-CARE” (Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Climate and Atmosphere Research Centre; TEAMING Grant no. 856612, establishing a “Centre of Excellence” in Climate and Atmosphere research for the EMME region in cooperation with EU Advanced Partners (Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Germany; University of Helsinki in Finland; and CEA in France).