EMME-CARE 4th Annual Partner Meeting
On the 12th and 13th of January 2023, EMME-CARE Partners from the Cyprus Institute, the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, the University of Helsinki and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)came together at the latter’s premises in Paris, France, to catch up on the progress of the project and plan next steps for the year ahead.
The meeting included presentations from EMME-CARE Work Package leaders on the milestones, deliverables and relevant activities of the EMME-CARE project, and aligned on next steps to continue the project’s development.
This was the first time Project Partners have managed to come together in person, since the COVID-19 pandemic, and was welcomed as a joyous occasion by all involved. The Consortium is very much looking forward to continuing our excellent collaboration as part of the EMME-CARE and implementing the great activities planned for the year ahead!