Dr. George Zittis, Associate research scientist of CARE-C at the Cyprus Institute participated at the online panel discussion on “Mediterranean Wildfires in the Age of Climate Change”
The Middle East Institute (MEI) convened on the 31/08/2022 a panel of experts on the field of Climate Change, during which, they shared their perspectives on how Mediterranean countries’ forest management strategies will need to evolve and incorporate climate change into their decision making, from wildlife-urban interfaces to forest and water management.
The Associate research scientist at the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C), Dr. George Zittis, participated at the online panel, along with other experts: İsmail Bekar, PhD student ETH Zurich and Eduard Plana Bach, Forest policy and risk governance coordinator, Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC), and moderator Gökçe Şencan Policy researcher, Public Policy Institute of California, in order to discuss among others, ways, for cooperation of the Mediterranean states in an effort to protect the local communities and the natural environments from the worsening threat of climate change-fueled wildfires.
You can watch the full discussion of the panel at the MEI link:
Mediterranean Wildfires in the Age of Climate Change | Middle East Institute (mei.edu)