CARE-C’s scientist receives the MedCLIVAR Young Scientist Award
Last week (4-8 October 2022), the 6th MedCLIVAR conference took place in Marrakesh, Morocco (https://www.medclivarconf.eu). This was the first of this biennial series of meetings that was hosted by a North African country. This successful event had a particular focus on the effects of climate change that are already threatening the societies and ecosystems of the Mediterranean region. CARE-C’s Associate Research Scientist George Zittis co-chaired Session 5, dedicated to “Characterizing and understanding the future climate evolution” of the Mediterranean. He was also awarded one of the two Young Scientist Awards for his contribution to “improving our understating of past climate variability, the connections between the Mediterranean and global climate, the regional responses to greenhouse gases, and the regional impacts of climate change”.