CARE-C researchers teaming up and participating with citizens at Akrotiri 2022 BioBlitz for the protection of the wetland (20th – 22nd May 2022)
On the 20-22 May, the CARE-C researchers of The Cyprus Institute, working on detecting invasive alien species in the protected wetland of Akrotiri Cyprus, will be participating along with citizens, at the Cyprus BioBlitz which will be held at Akrotiri Environmental Education Center. The event is taking place simultaneously in 12 other European countries, in the framework of the COST Action Alien-CSI (Increasing understanding of alien species through citizen science) European BioBlitz.
Everyone is invited and welcome to join and work collaboratively with scientists to record the wildlife of Akrotiri. By teaming with experts in invasion ecology, citizens can help locate newly introduced invasive alien species like the common myna, an invasive bird that was recently introduced to Cyprus, record many established invasive alien species, and understand their impacts while discussing possible management actions.
Alien-CSI is a research network funded by COST. The Action addresses multidisciplinary research questions in relation to developing and implementing Citizen Science, advancing scientific understanding of Alien Species dynamics while informing decision-making, specifically the implementation of technical requirements of relevant legislation such as the EU Regulation 1143/2014 on Invasive Alien Species.
More information about Akrotiri 2022 BioBlitz can be found in the schedule and below:
Join and help us to detect as many invasive alien species as possible!
For more information about the even and the activities on the different days contact us by email: Mr Jakovos Demetriou jakovosdemetriou@gmail.com or Dr Maria Christou m.christou@cyi.ac.cy
Dates: 20 to 22 of May 2022 (72 hrs event).
Event website: https://alien-csi.net/cyprus-akrotiri
Action website: https://alien-csi.eu/
Action Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/aliencsi/
Action Twitter: @aliencsi1