CARE-C presents at 1st MENA Climate Week
CARE-C further strengthened its commitment and contributions to shaping regional climate action by participating in UNFCCC’s 1st Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Climate Week that was held in Dubai March 28 – 31, 2022. Hosted by the government of the United Arab Emirates, the event was organized in collaboration with UN Climate Change, UN Development Programme, UN Environment Programme and the World Bank Group.
The Center of Excellence’s delegation actively participated in the Conference’s sessions and meetings in Dubai, and presented a side event on the 30th of March, which was attended by participants in-person and online. The side-event titled “Coordinating Climate Action in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East: Initiatives in Research & Innovation and Policy”, presented new initiatives within these remits, which aim to accelerate climate actions in the EMME, for the benefit of the MENA and expected impacts globally.
Initiatives discussed covered the subjects of High-resolution regional climate projections and weather extremes; Innovative technologies for Greenhouse Gas emissions monitoring, verification and reporting; New tools to monitor and better predict severe air pollution events and dust storms: and the scientific findings and political accords of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Climate Change Initiative (EMME-CCI), a regional Initiative launched in 2019 by the council of Ministers of the Republic of Cyprus.
Presentations were made by Prof Jos Lelieveld · Director, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz
Institute Professor, The Cyprus Institute; Prof Philippe Ciais · Research Director, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE) and Institute Professor, The Cyprus Institute; Prof Jean Sciare · Director, Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C), The Cyprus Institute; and Prof Thanasis Hadzilacos · Adjunct Professor, The Cyprus Institute.
Side-event participants were able to find out more about the new ambitious initiatives and solutions developed and discuss opportunities for cooperation to further enhance and accelerate collaboration with regional actors.
The session was co-hosted by CARE-C, The Cyprus Institute, and the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Climate Change Initiative of the Cyprus Government (EMME-CCI), with the contribution of EMME-CARE Advanced Partners Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).

About the MENA Regional Climate Week
MENACW 2022 provides a platform for governments, cities, private sector leaders, financial institutions and civil society to discuss opportunities to build forward from the pandemic by identifying opportunities to enhance climate action. The event will bring together key stakeholders to take the pulse of climate action in the region, explore climate challenges and opportunities and showcase ambitious solutions.
More about MENA Climate Week : https://unfccc.int/MENA-CW2022