CARE-C participates in 2nd CSP4Climate Intentional Conference
The CSP4Climate 2020 International Conference was held online, between the 15th and 17th of December 2020. Two years after the successful organization of the 1st CSP4Climate conference, the need to take immediate action to address climate change, the most important global challenge of our times, is more urgent than ever. The adverse effects of climate change are getting more pronounced, especially in the Mediterranean basin.
In that context, CSP4Climate 2020 aimed to argue for global decarbonization by analyzing the knowledge accumulated since the last conference, and discussing progress during the time elapsed.
Due to abundant available solar energy in the Mediterranean and Middle East, Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Technologies could play a very important role in the decarbonization of the Energy Sector. The challenges of CSP and the advancements of renewable energies were discussed in conjunction to mitigation and adaptation measures through renewable energies. Furthermore, challenges and opportunities that emerge from the European environmental and cost-effective policies and measures were presented and debated.
Conference topics covered a number of relevant areas including:
- General overview of the climate change challenges and strategies adapted to address them
- The role of energy transition in mitigating and adapting climate change in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle-East (EMME)
- The Technological Frontier as it applies to the EMME Region
- Hydrocarbons and Renewables: Conflicts and Opportunities
- Regional and International Approaches
CARE-C actively participated and contributed to the Conference, that was organized and hosted by the Cyprus Institute. Indicatively, the Conference’s Opening Session on Climate Change that was Chaired by CARE-C Director, Prof Jean Sciare, and presentations by Prof C N Papanicolas and Dr George Zittis of CARE-C’s Impact & Policy Department and Environmental Predictions Department respectively.
For more information, Conference sessions are accessible on the Cyprus Institute’s YouTube Channel.
The CSP4Climate 2020 International Conference is organized under the framework of the H2020 ERA Chair CySTEM Project.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, within the context of the CySTEM ERA Chair project, under grant agreement No 667942