CARE-C, involved as a partner at the “System for Integrated EnviRonmental Information in Urban areaS” (SIRIUS) project, for improving governance in urban Air Quality Planning (AQP) and management
The Cyprus Institute, through its CARE-C Center of Excellence, has entered into a new collaboration as one of the partners of the “System for Integrated EnviRonmental Information in Urban areaS” (SIRIUS) project, a LIFE Standard Action funded research scheme, that aims to improve governance in urban Air Quality Planning (AQP) and management, considering a holistic environmental approach through advancing knowledge, skills and competences of the responsible authorities. LIFE SIRIUS project, will provide a tangible pathway in order to scale-up and accelerate solutions in order to tackle air quality issues, giving emphasis on health impacts and compound effects, and a robust framework for increasing awareness of environmental issues associated with poor air quality.
The project brings together 7 partners of excellence (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, AXON Enviro-Group Ltd, Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale del Lazio, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, The Cyprus Institute, Department of Labour Inspection and the Municipality of Thessaloniki) from 3 EU Member States (Greece, Cyprus, Italy) each one representing the geographical coverage of the targeted environmental problem (air quality), cross-cutting complementary competences and excellent track records in European projects. Dr. Jonilda Kushta will lead the modelling efforts of a team of researchers from the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) over Cyprus, as one of the three test areas where the project goals will be pursued.
During the three-year duration of the project, LIFE SIRIUS, will improve the quality of public authorities at the three targeted areas at all levels, in relation to preparatory, mitigation and adaptation actions foreseen in respective AQPs. The project aims to develop an Environmental Management System as a vital decision support tool that will enhance AQPs and accommodate multidimensional elements for the efficient and operational information flow, facilitate management decisions for corrective actions and enhance cooperation between decision-making entities.
The LIFE SIRIUS project is co-funded by the European Union under the framework of the LIFE Programme.