CARE-C Invites Transnational Access Proposals
Transnational access (TNA) to services offered by CARE-C’s Unmanned Systems Research Laboratory (USRL) are offered within the framework of the first open call of the ATMO-ACCESS project
In the framework of ATMO-ACCESSproject, USRL provides the subsequent services:
- In-house development of rotary or fixed-wing UAS for flying lightweight sensors
- Fabrication of composite UAVs and components
- Design, development and testing of customized sensors in collaboration with the private sector and/or other academic partners
- Prototype UAV platforms’ testing
- High-altitude atmospheric profiling with USRL proprietary UAV-balloon system
- Testing/ validation of lightweight instrumentation in the weather chamber
- Quality training of UAV end-users (safety, good practices, SOPs related to sensor integration)
- International field campaigns deployment
In addition, USRL can provide access to its infrastructure which includes a private airfield, a mobile ground control station, a specialized electromechanical workshop, a composite materials laboratory and an instrumentation lab.
For more information, please visit the USRL website.
Requests for access can be submitted until January 28, 2022, within the first open call of the ATMO-ACCESS project.
In the context of the TNA program offered in the framework of the ACTRIS IMP project, access is also provided to the Cyprus Atmospheric Observatory (CAO).
For more information, please visit the CAO website.
About TNA
CARE-C, is one of the 43 partner facilities access to services from which is offered as part of the transnational access programme organized by ACTRIS, IAGOS and ICOS.
In-person, remote or hybrid access is provided free of charge and includes the logistical, technological, scientific support and the specific training needed to use the facilities’ services. ATMO-ACCESS promotes gender equality in scientific research and specifically encourages applications from women. Further information on the call, services, partner facilities, and innovative forms of access that are encouraged is available on the ATMO-ACCESS website. Practical guides on how to apply, previews of the application form, selection process and criteria, FAQs are available to download on the ATMO-ACCESS TNA page (Access to services – ATMO-ACCESS).