CARE-C hosts ACCEPT’s 3rd Annual Consortium Partner Meeting
On Friday 30th of September, CARE-C hosted at The Cyprus Institute premises, the 3rd annual consortium meeting of the ACCEPT project, during which, project partners had the opportunity to present the progress of the project and further discuss the next steps and actions for its implementation.
The main objective of the ACCEPT project is to provide new scientific knowledge on air pollution that is still missing in Cyprus, and contribute towards the implementation of efficient abatement strategies, improving air quality, and reducing human exposure. In addition, it aims to provide a new database for air pollution over Cyprus, expecting that this will contribute towards recording concentration maps, composition, contribution per sector, and local versus regional origin, and aiming to connect it with regional Climate Change.
The project is coordinated by the Department of Environment and its consortium brings together The Cyprus Institute, the Cyprus Department of Meteorology, the Cyprus University of Technology, the Department of Labour inspection and the European University Cyprus in an effort to join forces to explore and improve the air quality in Cyprus.
The project “ACCEPT” (Prot. No: LOCALDEV-0008) is co-financed by the Financial Mechanism of Norway (85%) and the Republic of Cyprus (15%) in the framework of the programming period 2014 – 2021