CARE-C at the Research Infrastructures Conference organized by the Belgian Presidency of the European Council
The “Research Infrastructures in a Changing Global, Environmental and Socio-economical Context” conference organised in the frame of the Belgian Presidency of the European Council, took place on June 4th and June 5th, 2024, in Brussels, at the Royal Library of Belgium.
The conference discussed opportunities and challenges in the road ahead for European research infrastructures, focusing on three main issues:
- Research Infrastructures (RIs) as key players of strategic autonomy in a changing global context;
- the socio-economic and environmental impact of RIs;
- the broad ecosystems of RIs.
CARE-C was represented at the Conference by Ms Marina Papageorgiou, Managing Coordinator at CARE-C and Coordinator of the ENVRINNOV project. ENVRINNOV is a recently funded €2.5 million Horizon Europe project, coordinated by The Cyprus Institute, dedicated to fostering innovation within the environmental research community. ENVRINNOV aims to leverage new technologies and methodologies to address emerging environmental challenges, by strengthening science-industry cooperation, and technology transfer for Research Infrastructures in the environment domain.
More information about ENVRINNOV: https://envri.eu/envrinnov/