CARE-C at the 3rd Teaming Club Conference
The 3rd European Teaming Conference took place on 9 – 11 of October 2024 in NoviSad, Serbia.
The event was hosted by the BioSense Institute, and brought together Centers of Excellence established through the Horizon2020 and Horizon Europe Teaming calls from across Europe, alongside representatives of the European Commission and the Research Executive Agency, and created a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences among the participants.
The event also focused on strengthening synergies in key research & innovation areas such as environment, materials science, digital innovation, biotechnology, and health. It also included sessions on research infrastructure development and sustainability, aimed at enhancing collaboration among Centres on research & innovation towards some of Europe’s most pressing priorities.
The Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) of the Cyprus Institute, and the EMME-CARE Teaming Project team, actively contributed to the Conference, by presenting the CoE and its activities, and discussing potential synergies with fellow Centres, along with interlinks and future collaboration opportunities.
CARE-C’s Managing Coordinator Ms Marina Papageorgiou, also contributed to the panel discussion on Spreading & Sustaining Research & Innovation Excellence, discussing how cross-border R&I collaboration, and planning and communicating impact can be key contributors to sustainability. The panel was introduced by Ms Federica Roffi, Deputy Head of Unit for Widening at the European Research Executive Agency.
In addition to Ms Papageorgiou, CARE-C was also represented at the Conference by Scientific Coordinator, Ms Andri Charalambous.