CARE-C at the 2024 sCYence Fair
Researchers and other staff from CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute took part at the 2024 “sCYence Fair”, organised by the Cyprus Institute, on 17 April, 2024.
Firstly, researchers from the Emissions Reporting team prepared and presented the 3-D Emissions Web booth. Their booth allowed visitors to examine the source and distribution of greenhouse gases and air pollutants originating in Cyprus. Throughout the event, visitors helped build a colourful web by connecting an emissions source category, such as transport, wastewater, or energy industries, to the pollutants it produces. Learning about the pollutants and the processes that produce them, starts the conversation about what actions can be taken to reduce their levels for the improvement of air quality and the environment.
Additionally, a number of CARE-C research scientists were members of the Evaluation committee, which assessed the school team entries. Finally, CARE-C admin staff helped on the day as volunteers, ensuring the event ran smoothly and efficiently.
“sCYence Fair” aims to stimulate scientific interest and to encourage participation by young students and nurture the future generation of Cypriot scientists. The event, which over 60 student teams from more than 50 schools across Cyprus participated in, provided an opportunity for young scientists to increase their awareness of the wonders of science, add to their knowledge and broaden their scientific horizons.
You can read more about the event here.