CARE-C a key project partner of the CleanCloud project
CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute is actively involved as a key partner, in Clouds and climate transitioning to post-fossil aerosol regime- CleanCloud, a new research project funded by the Horizon Europe programme of the European Union, which aims to explore the impact of aerosol-cloud interactions on climate, weather, extreme events and the Paris Agreement’s success in limiting global warming.
The 4-year long project which was launched on 24 January, 2024 in Denmark, brings together subject matter experts from 20 institutions and 12 European countries, who will work together on CleanCloud in order to advance the knowledge and models which predict climate change by closing the knowledge gaps regarding the interactions between aerosols and clouds. Some of the expected outcomes include: reduced uncertainties in climate models, better long-term predictions at seasonal and decadal time scales and prediction of extreme events.
Key findings of the project are expected to make significant scientific, policy and societal impact, as CleanCloud will work closely with a range of stakeholders such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration- NASA, the European Space Agency- ESA and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change- IPCC, and engage with the broader community in order to maximise its impact.

CleanCloud has received funding from Horizon Europe Programme under Grant Agreement No 101137639.