CARE-C a key project partner at OptimESM Horizon programme
CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute is participating as a hop-on project partner in the new Optimal High-Resolution Earth Systems Models (ESMs) for exploring future climate change-OptimESM Horizon Europe programme (under grant agreement No 101081193).
Limiting global warming to 1.5°-2°C, as agreed in the Paris Agreement, is becoming increasingly challenging. Policymakers and societies require information about feasible mitigation pathways that realise the Paris Agreement, as well as information on the consequences of temporarily or more permanently exceeding these targets. OptimESM brings together scientists from different disciplines to provide this information by using the most advanced existing Earth System Models (ESMs), further developing and improving them to produce a new generation of ESMs, and applying these to provide new future climate simulations for a range of new emission scenarios produced by the project Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs).
The programme will develop a novel generation of Earth system models (ESMs), combining high-resolution with an unprecedented representation of key physical and biogeochemical processes. These models will be used to deliver cutting-edge and policy-relevant knowledge around the consequences of reaching or exceeding different levels of global warming, including the risk of rapid change in key Earth system phenomena and the regional impacts arising both from the level of global warming and the occurrence of abrupt changes.
OptimESM will realise these goals by bringing together four ESM groups with Integrated Assessment Modelling teams, as well as experts in model evaluation, Earth system processes, machine learning, climate impacts and science communication. This knowledge will provide a solid foundation for actionable science-based policies.
This project, which was launched on 1 January 2023 and it’s expected to end on 31 December 2027, is coordinated by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological institute in Sweden and brings together 15 distinguished partners across Europe from 10 different countries, with the support of a number of associate partners and international collaborations, in order to develop the next generation of ESMs.
Participation on behalf of CARE-C is led by Associate Research Scientist, Dr George Zittis, who acts as the PI of the Cyprus Institute for OptimESM.
You can find more details about the project on the project website here.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No101081193.