CARE-C a key partner in new project to tackle air pollution and its interactions with regional Climate Change in Cyprus
CARE-C is participating as a key project partner in the new project ACCEPT – standing for Assessment of Climate Change Effects on Pollution Transport in Cyprus. Launched in July 2020, ACCEPT brings together a consortium of esteemed scientists and experts to investigate the interaction between air pollution and climate change through a comprehensive suite of novel atmospheric measurements combined with the last generation of computer-based model simulations to better assess associated risks on public health and various economic sectors.
ACCEPT is coordinated by the Cyprus Department of Environment, with the consortium also encompassing the contributions of the Cyprus Institute, the Cyprus University of Technology, the Cyprus Department of Meteorology, the Department of Labor Inspection and the European University Cyprus.
The ACCEPT kick-off meeting took place on the 8th of October 2020, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic was conducted virtually with participation from all consortium partners. During the meeting partners discussed the activities for the project and coordinated and planned for the year head.
ACCEPT is funded under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme CY-LOCALDEV-0008 by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants and Norway Grants which represent Norway’s contribution towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. Through the Norway Grants and the EEA Grants, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with beneficiary countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics. Norway cooperates closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA).