Autumn School: Drones & sensors in Atmospheric sciences (11 November – 15 November 2024)

The Center of Excellence for Climate and Atmosphere Research (CARE-C) of the Cyprus Institute is organizing the Autumn School on “Drones & sensors in Atmospheric sciences” on 11 Nov–15 Nov, 2024. The course will be held at the Cyprus Institute campus in Nicosia, Cyprus.

About the course

The school will focus on the operation and scientific exploitation of UAV-sensor systems in atmospheric sciences.

Participants will be offered theoretical training (lectures), site visits (drone workshop, instrumentation lab, drone runway, scientific drone flights), hands-on technical operation of the sensors in the lab, and hands-on computer-based data processing. Short presentations (PowerPoint + oral) will also be made by the participants at the end of the school. Participants will be distributed into small groups of 4-5 trainees; each group being supported by a team of two Faculty/Researchers.

Each group will work on a specific drone-sensor: 1) Greenhouse Gases (CO2/CH4), 2) Aerosols (PM2.5, Black Carbon), 3) Dust / Clouds (Number size distribution), and 4) Reactive Gases (O3, VOCs). The scientific exploitation of the UAV-based sensor data will leverage experimental data acquired during recent international field experiments and related to i) emissions from cattle farms (CO2/CH4), ii) stack emissions (PM2.5, BC), 3) vertical profiling of aerosols/clouds in the boundary layer and low free troposphere, etc. Ancillary data from the campaigns (e.g. GPS, P, T, RH, remote sensing, etc) will be provided to enhance the further scientific interpretation of UAV-based atmospheric data.

For more details you can consult the course schedule (TBC).

Who is it for

This intensive course is suitable for both M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in atmospheric and Earth system sciences.

Course fees

There are no registration fees for participation in this course.  Complimentary lunch will be provided to autumn school students during the course.  However, students are expected to organize and cover their own travel and accommodation, and any other expenses relating to their stay in Nicosia. A shuttle bus transferring students from/to the Cyprus Institute campus from/to the center of Nicosia will be available for free.

Application process

To participate in the Autumn School, potential students are required to submit an application through the Autumn School online form.

All applications will be reviewed by the Autumn School scientific committee, after the application deadline has passed.

Application deadline: 13 September, 2024 (if you are applying for TNA provision, the deadline is 26 July, 2024)

Applicant Information

First Name
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  • Citizen of
  • Afghanistan
  • Albania
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  • Angola
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  • Syrian Arab Republic
  • Tajikistan
  • Thailand
  • Timor-Leste
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  • Trinidad and Tobago
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  • Turkey
  • Turkmenistan
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  • Ukraine
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • United Republic of Tanzania
  • United States of America
  • Uruguay
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vanuatu
  • Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
  • Viet Nam
  • Yemen
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe
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Study Information

University / Institute
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Name of Supervisor
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E-mail of supervisor
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  • Phase of studies
  • Bachelor student
  • Masters student
  • Doctoral student
  • Post-Doctoral researcher
  • Other
Phase of studies
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Phase of studies
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Field is required!
  • Field of studies
  • Atmospheric Sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Meteorology
  • Geophysics
  • Other
Field of studies
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Field of studies
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Which programming language do you mostly use for data analysis and visualization?
  • Python
  • Matlab
  • R
  • Other
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Programming Language
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What is your experience level with the above selected programming language?
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Please upload your CV here...
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Application information

Tell us shortly, what is your motivation to attend the course and what are your expectations:
More details please!
More details please!

Other Information

Do you have your own laptop available for the course?
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Do you have the analysis software installed on your laptop?
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If no, do you have administrative privileges on your laptop to download data analysis software?
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Do you have any allergies or dietary restrictions we should be aware of?
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Do you have any other requests?
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Which work group are you interested in joining?
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If you plan to apply for TNA access please follow this link:

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By clicking this button, you submit your information to the course organizers, who will use it to communicate with you regarding the course and other services. For the purposes of the Autumn School: Atmospheric Measurements Using Miniaturised Sensors and Drones personal data submitted as part of the application process may be shared with the Organizers, in line with the Cyprus Institute’s Privacy Policy:

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This Autumn School is organized within the framework of the H2020 Teaming Project EMME-CARE (, and the Horizon Europe project Edu4Climate ( Course organization is led by CARE-C, The Cyprus Institute, with the contribution of the EMME-CARE Advanced Partners, and the Edu4Climate Consortium partners.


For any queries regarding practical arrangements, please contact Ms Eleni Zenonos at

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through the ATMO-ACCESS Integrating Activity under grant agreement No 101008004.