Mesoscale Resolution Radar Data Assimilation Experiments with the Harmonie Model Written on 2020-05-31. Authors: Ivanov, S., Michaelides, S., Ruban, I.Published: Remote Sens. 10(9), 1453Link: Continue reading
Estimating health and economic benefits of reductions in air pollution from agriculture Written on 2020-05-31. Authors: Giannadaki D., E.Giannakis, A. Pozzer and J. LelieveldPublished: Science of the Total Environment, 622, 1304-1316Link:... Continue reading
A 3-D evaluation of the MACC reanalysis dust product over Europe, Northern Africa and Middle East using CALIOP/CALIPSO dust satellite observations Written on 2020-05-31. Authors: Georgoulias, A., A. Tsikerdekis, V. Amiridis, E. Marinou, A. Benedetti, P. Zanis, G. Alexandri, K. Kourtidis... Continue reading
Air quality modelling in the summer over the Eastern Mediterranean using WRF/Chem: Chemistry and aerosol mechanisms intercomparison Written on 2020-05-31. Authors: Georgiou, G.K., T. Christoudias, Y. Proestos, J Kushta, P. Hadjinicolaou and J. LelieveldPublished: Atmos. Chem.... Continue reading
Towards an advanced atmospheric chemistry-enabled ESM with dynamic land surface processes: Part I – Linking LPJ-GUESS (v4.0) with EMAC modelling system (v2.53) Written on 2020-05-31. Authors: Forrest, M., H. Tost, J. Lelieveld and T. HicklerPublished: Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.Link: https://doi.or... Continue reading
Age-structured discrete-time population dynamics model in C, Python, and R [version 2; referees: 2 approved] Written on 2020-05-31. Authors: Erguler K. sPopPublished: F1000ResearchLink: Continue reading
Driving parameters of biogenic volatile organic compounds and consequences on new particle formation observed at an Eastern Mediterranean background site (Cyprus) Written on 2020-05-31. Authors: Debevec, C., Sauvage, S., Gros, V., Sellegri, K., Sciare, J., Pikridas, M., Stavroulas, I., Leonardis, T., Gaudion,... Continue reading
Identification of tropical-extratropical interactions and extreme precipitation events in the Middle East based on potential vorticity and moisture transport Written on 2020-05-31. Authors: De Vries, A.J., H.G. Ouwersloot, S.B. Feldstein, M. Riemer, A.M. El Kenawy, M.F. McCabe and J. LelieveldPublished:... Continue reading
On the uncertainties introduced by land-cover data in very high-resolution WRF simulations Written on 2020-05-31. Authors: De Meij A., Zittis G., Christoudias T.Published: Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (first online)Link: ht... Continue reading
Aerosol sources in the western Mediterranean during summertime: a model-based approach Written on 2020-05-31. Authors: Chrit, M., Sartelet, K., Sciare, J., Pey, J., Nicolas, J. B., Marchand , N., Freney, E., Sellegri, K., Beekmann,... Continue reading