Model projected heat extremes and air pollution in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East in the 21st century Written on 2020-07-01. Authors: Lelieveld, J., P. Hadjinicolaou, E. Kostopoulou, C. Giannakopoulos, A. Pozzer, M. Tanarhte and E. TyrlisPublished:... Continue reading
Impact of natural aerosols on atmospheric radiation and consequent feedbacks on the meteorological and photochemical state of atmosphere Written on 2020-07-01. Authors: Kushta, J., G. Kallos, S. Solomos, M. Astitha, C. Spyrou, C. Mitsakou and J. LelieveldPublished: J. Geophys.... Continue reading
Spatial and temporal patterns of recent and future climate extremes in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region Written on 2020-07-01. Authors: Kostopoulou, E., C. Giannakopoulos, M. Hatzaki, A. Karali, P. Hadjinicolaou, J. Lelieveld and M.A. LangePublished:... Continue reading
Sensitivity of aerosol extinction to new mixing rules in the AEROPT submodel of the ECHAM5/MESSy1.9 atmospheric chemistry (EMAC) model Written on 2020-07-01. Authors: Klingmüller, K., B. Steil, C. Brühl, H. Tost and J. LelieveldPublished: Geosci. Model Dev. 7, 2503-2516Link:... Continue reading
On the temporal and spatial variation of ozone in Cyprus Written on 2020-07-01. Authors: Kleanthous, S., Vrekoussis, M., Mihalopoulos, N., Kalabokas, P., Lelieveld, J.Published: Science of the Total... Continue reading
The MESSy aerosol submodel MADE3 (v2.0b): description and a box model test Written on 2020-07-01. Authors: Kaiser J. C., J. Hendricks, M. Righi, N. Riemer, R. A. Zaveri, S. Metzger, and V. AquilaPublished: Geosci. Model... Continue reading
Mortality of the scleractinian coral Cladocora caespitosa during a warming event in the Levantine Sea (Cyprus) Written on 2020-07-01. Authors: Jimenez, C, Hadjioannou, L., Petrou, A., Nikolaidis, A., Evriviadou, M., Lange, M.A.Published: Reg. Environ.... Continue reading
Simulated Air Quality and Pollutant Budgets over Europe in 2008 Written on 2020-07-01. Authors: Im U., Daskalakis N., Markakis K., Vrekoussis M., Hjorth J., Myriokefalitakis S., Gerasopoulos E., Kouvarakis... Continue reading
On transition-zone water clouds Written on 2020-07-01. Authors: Hirsch, E., Koren, I., Levin, Z., Altaratz, O., and Agassi, E.Published: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 9001-9012Link:... Continue reading
Evaluation of MM5, WRF and TRAMPER meteorology over the complex terrain of the Po Valley, Italy Written on 2020-07-01. Authors: Gsella A., A. de Meij, A. Kerschbaumer, E. Reimer, P. Thunis, C. CuvelierPublished: Atmospheric Environment,... Continue reading