CARE-C a key project partner at OptimESM Horizon programme Written on 2023-11-15. CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute is participating as a hop-on project partner in the new Optimal High-Resolution Earth... Continue reading
CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute a key partner of the new PREVENT project Written on 2023-11-15. CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute is participating as a key partner in the new Horizon Europe project PREVENT- Improved... Continue reading
CARE-C’s USRL Supplies Department of Forests with Custom-Built Drones to Combat Wildfires Written on 2023-11-13. In a significant move to combat the escalating threat of wildfires in Cyprus, multi-asset broker Exness has pledged €300,000... Continue reading
Successful completion of the 3rd Annual Online Workshop on Climate and Atmosphere R&I in the Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East Written on 2023-11-09. On Tuesday, 7th of November 2023, the 3rd Annual Online Workshop on Climate and Atmosphere Research and Innovation in... Continue reading
Evangelos Stergiou Written on 2023-11-09. I get the chance to meet people from different countries, places and universities with different research status. Continue reading
Agne Minderyte Written on 2023-11-09. I get the chance to meet people from different countries, places and universities with different research status. Continue reading
Life Sirius project results at the 3rd Annual Scientific Workshop on Climate and Atmosphere Research & Innovation in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region Written on 2023-11-09. The most recent results of the Life Sirius project, which is coordinated by CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute, were presented... Continue reading
Autumn School 2023 ‘Atmospheric Measurements Using Miniaturised Sensors and Drones’ successfully concluded Written on 2023-11-08. The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus30 October – 3 November 2023 Continue reading
2nd partner meeting of the Edu4Climate consortium Written on 2023-11-01. The 2nd partner meeting of the Edu4Climate project, coordinated by CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute, took place on 27 October,... Continue reading
Cyprus expertise drives studies on ESA’s most complex Earth Explorer mission to date Written on 2023-10-26. Specialists teams of the Cyprus Institute’s Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C), coordinated by Prof Franco... Continue reading