All upcoming events are currently postponed Written on 2020-04-06. In line with Cyprus Government guidelines in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, all EMME-CARE upcoming events up to and... Continue reading
CARE-C a key partner in ACTRIS Implementation Project Written on 2020-03-25. CARE-C, the new Center of Excellence for Atmosphere and Climate Research established by EMME-CARE at the Cyprus Institute... Continue reading
ACTRIS Community / IMP Kick-off Meeting Written on 2020-03-04. EMME-CARE was presented and discussed in the context of the kick-off meeting for ACTRIS IMP that took place on week commencing... Continue reading
ACTRIS community visits CAO Agia Marina Xyliatou station Written on 2020-03-04. As part of the ACTRIS Community / IMP Kick-Off Meeting taking place in Larnaca (Mar 2-6 2020), the community of European... Continue reading
CAO’s Pierre-Yves Quehe trained on use of AirCore sampling in France Written on 2020-02-29. Technical research specialist Mr. Pierre-Yves Quehe joined a LSCE AirCore campaign in Orleans, France, to be trained... Continue reading
2nd International Conference “Climate Change in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Challenges and Solutions” Announced – 15 & 16 October 2020, in Nicosia Written on 2020-02-28. Following the success of the 1st International Conference “Climate Change in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Challenges... Continue reading
CAO’s Maria Kezoudi visited ETH in Zurich, Switzerland to be trained on COBALT and gave seminar on ASKOS campaign. Written on 2020-02-28. Research assistant Ms. Maria Kezoudi visited ETH in Zurich, Switzerland, to be trained on the use of the COBALT instrument... Continue reading
CoBi: The new USRL made Composite Bird UAV Written on 2020-02-25. USRL continues the development flights of its new house-made Composite Bird (CoBi) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UAV. This... Continue reading
VeCTOR: Vector Climate Threat Online Resource (2020-2021) Written on 2020-02-01. Services for Copernicus. Development of a C3S demo case of a prognostic climate-driven vector-borne-disease risk assessment... Continue reading
Prof Spyros Pandis presents seminar “Atmospheric Nanoparticles, Air Quality and Climate Change” at the Cyprus Institute Written on 2020-01-30. Renowned co-author of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change (Wiley edition), Prof Spyros... Continue reading