AQ-SERVE successfully concludes its final consortium meeting
The final consortium meeting of the AQ-SERVE project was held on the 26th of May 2022, at the CARE-C premises of The Cyprus Institute, in Nicosia. During the meeting, consortium partners presented the most important final results for each Work Package, and the fulfillment of all activities was assessed (both from scientific and administrative aspect).
Since its launching in December 2018, the AQ-SERVE project provided the first-ever risk assessment and evaluation of the health impact of air pollution in Cyprus. AQ-SERVE aims to utilize best-in-class scientific and technological resources to identify the most efficient pollution abatement measures for improving air quality in Cyprus, and enable tangible benefits for public health, the environment, and the economy of Cyprus through the creation and updating of a National Air Quality Action Plan for Clean Air in Cyprus.
In addition to the CARE-C Center of Excellence, of the Cyprus Institute, who is the coordinator of the project, the AQ-SERVE Consortium, brought together the European Center of Excellence, ERATOSTHENES: Excellence Research Centre for Earth Surveillance and Space-Based Monitoring of the Environment (EXCELSIOR) of CUT, the CERIDES Centre of Excellence in Risk and Decision Sciences of the European University Cyprus, as well as the Cyprus Safety and Health Organization, the SME ADITESS and three Cyprus Government Departments; the Department of Labour Inspection, the Department of Environment, the Department of Meteorology.
More information about AQ-SERVE at https://aqserve-project.com/
AQ-SERVE (Project INTEGRATED/0916/0016) is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation.