Abstracts Submission
EMME – CARE looking forward to Abstracts Submission to www.climatechange2018.org
ABSTRACT Submission is OPEN for 3 more Days at: http://www.climatechange2018.org/abstract/
The International Summit-Conference “Climate Change in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Challenges and Solutions”, will take place on the 18th and 19th May 2018, in Nicosia – Cyprus. The Conference will address the scientific basis of Climate Change in the region, its various impacts and challenges (Health, Water, Food, Tourism, Migration…), mitigation/adaptation strategies, policy challenges and governance.
ABSTRACTS are welcome for the “more focused” Scientific Workshops preceding the Conference (16th and 17th of May). The Workshops (http://www.climatechange2018.org/workshops) will examine in detail issues related to Air pollution and Climate Change, and interconnections with Energy and Agriculture in the region in view of the ongoing of climate change.