CARE-C participation in 2024 European Researchers Night

Researchers of CARE-C at the Cyprus Institute, alongside other colleagues from the Institute, participated in the 2024 European Researchers’ Night, which took place on 27 September, 2024, at the State Fair in Nicosia (

 European Researchers’ Night is a science outreach event organized on the same date across Europe, creating a space for researchers to share their work with the public. Researchers are encouraged to emphasize interaction in their booth designs, thus engaging the public through presentations, experiments, games and discussions. 

The event, which is organized for the 18th year in Cyprus by the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF), managed to attract the interest of young and old alike. The event was held under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Nicos Christodoulides, and was attended by hundreds of researchers and entrepreneurs from universities, research organisations, centres of excellence and innovative companies from all over the country. It is noteworthy that more than 3000 students visited the event.

Cyprus and the whole Middle East Region will likely be greatly affected by climate change, and emission inventories are a key part of monitoring pollutants and greenhouse gases from local and regional sources.  CARE-C emission specialists Corey McClintock and Marios Christoforides prepared and presented interactive games that focused on greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions from anthropogenic activities and the impact on health and the environment. 

The activities were augmented with visuals demonstrating spatialized applications and relevant research projects.  The activities were designed so that visitors, particularly young ones, could participate hands-on to learn about these inventories in Cyprus, contextualize the emissions, and explore mitigation options.