EMME-CARE Innovation Workshop

EMME-CARE Innovation Workshop Agenda

Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, 17 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris, France
Contact us: ivonne.albarus@cea.fr or philipp.kozin@lsce.ipsl.fr

Monday, 12 February 2018


What is EMME-CARE?

EMME-CARE is an EU funded project that aims at establishing a new Climate and Atmosphere REsearch Centre of Excellence in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region. With a population of almost 400 million people, this area is facing the intertwined challenges of climate change and increasing air pollution. The EMME-CARE world-class research centre, to be hosted by the Cyprus Institute will focus on environmental challenges and provide services based on latest atmospheric research, related to greenhouse gases, aerosols and climate change.

The workshop will serve as a forum for discussion of innovation potential, business opportunities and specific partnering needs that the new research centre will address. Your participation is important for us and it will be highly beneficial to you, because:

-The new research centre will provide access to its partners with advanced educational market and research facilities. It will facilitate joint ventures, public-private partnerships, exchange of contacts and knowledge.

-The new research centre will be strategically located at the interface of two potentially large markets for atmospheric monitoring and (indoor/outdoor) air quality (i.e. Europe and the Middle East). This will open great opportunities for developing, testing and selling sensors for atmospheric measurements, various platforms for their installations (including drones), as well as for providing numerous services for atmospheric measurements.



10:00-11:00 Meet and greet coffee
11:00-13:00 – Chair: Jos Lelieveld (MPIC)
Jean SCIARE/ George BISKOS (The Cyprus Institute) 30 min
The EMME-CARE innovation strategy

Phil DECOLA (Sigma Space & Univ. of Maryland) 30 min
You can manage what you measure – Progress toward an Integrated
Global Greenhouse Gas Information System

Discussion: mechanisms and principles of collaboration 40 min
Chair: Jean Sciare
Moderator: Pierantonios Papazoglou

13:00-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-15:30 – Chair: Pierantonios Papazoglou (The Cyprus Institute)
Tuukka PETÄJÄ (UHEL) 15 min
On the collaboration between universities and private enterprises: UHEL experiences

Origins: measuring urban CO2 emissions

Fadoua ABOUBI (LEOSPHERE) 10 min
Innovative laser based solution for Climate and Atmosphere Research

Link between research and applications, example of the SME role in emission
inventories, air quality forecast and climate projections

Rafael CUESTA (SEADM) 10 min
High Resolution DMA for Atmospheric Analysis

Frederic WEIS (Palas GmbH) 10 min
Taking ambient air monitoring to the next level – The Fidas(R) technology

New technics and approach for the aerosol measurement in ambient air and
stack emission

15:30 – 16:10 Networking snack/coffee
16:10-16:45 – Chair: Jean Sciare (The Cyprus Institute) 35 min
Discussion: open models for public private partnership
Moderator: Pierantonios Papazoglou

16:45-17:00 Wrap-up discussion / Conclusions

17:00 – 18:00 Closed meeting, EMME-CARE members only


 find Participant’s guide here