1st European Teaming Conference successfully held in Cyprus
The 1st European Teaming Conference was successfully held on the 20th and 21st of October in Limassol, Cyprus. The Conference, which was organized by the Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation & Digital Policy (DMRID), brought together for the first time, in-person, the 24 European Projects funded under the Horizon 2020 “Teaming for Excellence” Programme, alongside the European Commission and the Research Executive Agency, as well as stakeholders from the Cyprus Research & Innovation ecosystem, and created a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience among the participants.
The Conference was addressed by Mr. Kyriakos Kokkinos, Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, and Ms Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, European Commission (Representative), with the participation of representatives of the European Centers of Excellence (CoE), presentations by the European Commission and the Research Executive Agency, including Mr. Stefan Weiers, Head of Sector, Widening Programming, DG R&I, and Mrs. Federica Roffi, Deputy Head of Unit for Widening Participation, and key drivers of the Cyprus Research & Innovation ecosystem, which in addition to Deputy Minister Kokkinos, included Mr Stelios Himonas, Permanent Secretary, Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, and Dr Nicolas Mastroyiannopoulos, Chief Scientist for Research and Innovation, Chairman, Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF), and Ms Anthoula Charalambous Savvides, Director of Recovery and Resilience Directorate, Directorate General Growth, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Cyprus.
The CARE-C Center of Excellence, and the EMME-CARE Teaming Project, team, actively contributed to the Conference, having presented the CoE and its activities during the first day of the Conference, while during the second day, Prof Jean Sciare, CARE-C Director and EMME-CARE Coordinator served as a panelist in Session 3: Collaboration Opportunities panel, moderated by Minna Wilkki, Head of Department, European Research Executive Agency (REA). The panel discussed synergies between the CoEs and with other funding programmes, as well as interlinks and future collaboration opportunities with industry.
More information about the conference: 1st European Teaming Conference with the participation of Centers of Excellence (CoE) – IMH (imhbusiness.com)